You wish it would help but you see it only from your perspective (that is very narrow). Honestly those exact numbers you suggested would result in HtH combat being most effective way how to PvP. It seems to me like you have never hold a gun in your hands since 60-80 skill equals to 4-10 hexes range and my penis can reach further than this...
Oh maaan, u made me cry, uuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa for no o/t: you ve got a point, topic maker seems to be unexperienced in fights and yes, you must have long penis
It seems to me like you have never hold a gun in your hands since 60-80 skill equals to 4-10 hexes range and my penis can reach further than this...
So to 4-10 you will have chance to hit near 95% right and after those 4-10 hexes you will have... random hit chance based on target armor class??? like in mmorpg? no wai! But well I forgot that FOnline players used to Quakish FPS hit chance that when you aim you always hit...well excuse me that I wanna FOnline to be like mmorpg...
dude if u trying to find balance, find it somewhere else... 80% skill points cap will ruin this game and balance at all, coz it makes aimed shots totally useless(u will have 20% in eye at pointblank) and bigguners with miniguns/lsw will rule the wasteland(even with 1 pe 80% burst at pointblank will turn u into useless bag of flash and broken bones). just imagin 1pe psyco users in BA who fear nothing(no crits - no dmg) with avengers who bursting each other at point blank. Still want to try your 80% hth/melee build? Good luck.
Every hit / dmg would be influenced just by pure luck, not by player´s skill /
1 - End of insta-gib eye shots, now aiming in eyes is seriuos risk of mising for big reward!2 - more misses, like it suppose to be in mmorpg, pvp - players live much longer3 - players use ammunition and weapon detoration!4 - powerbuilds are no more - they cant rape caravanas or crafter-fighter builds5 - PS - Charisma - now is important couse its better to have more pleyers with you when go hunting with 80% or 50% as max in guns skills!6 - Pps. Fists, knifes, spears, hammers - back in game7 - Ppps. No insta thievery with 250% Lockpick or Pickpocktet - you can park your buggy in NCR now :>8 As an overpowerness of bursters with this idea - Burst now for 14AP, to be burster you need 10AG, fast shot, Bonus Rate of Fire and 2x Action Boy - this will limit Lifegievers perks and in case of some builds Bonus Ranged Damage perks.
1 - Yeah like change of range from mid/long to fuckin close would rule out instakills.2 - Only if you stand away from your enemies. Same as above, only thing that has changed is range so PvP would turn into cat-mouse hide'n'seek.3 - Explain.4 - Again only cause of hide'n'seek. + you suggest that NPC skills do not change? Only players would be limited? (good luck with killing anything without 10 man raid).5 - Only thing that I can agree with you. Since everybody will be as good with weapon as current pope then sure you will have to bring whole gang to kill few molerats.6 - Didn't you just said that mele/unarmed should me reduced also?7 - So to steal one item from your cow one will have to fail 20 times and get killed few times in process too right?8 - So why do we have other perks ingame when we can't choose any of them if we want to roll BG? Dictate how some build should look just to meet some wannabe balance requirements is even worse idea then your original one... + if one need such shitload of perks just to burst how do you want to level up such char? Using other guns until you learn how to handle BG?
This suggestion is so stupid that i hope you are trolling, no one would be able to hit anything with 50% bg.