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Author Topic: Limit maximal skill%  (Read 18235 times)

Re: Limit maximal skill%
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2010, 04:21:55 pm »

Unarmed and melee builds get the buff of their life (my ripper build will be glorious)

Why so? Skill% max limit include unarmed and melee too (60% max?). We can at last  see now fists and knives in use too.

For overpowered bursting - increase AP cost of bursts - 14AP. So to be burster you have to take 10AG, fast shoot, Bonus rate of fire and 2x Action Boys. tadah.
Re: Limit maximal skill%
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2010, 04:24:25 pm »

If you want less eye shots and more live to players, then it's easy to solve: AC.
Than more AC you have, than more chance that aimed shot will hit your torso. So with 40 AC (10 AG+CAmk2+Dodger perk) you'll have 40% to avoid called shot and redirect it to simple torso-shot.
Re: Limit maximal skill%
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2010, 04:26:39 pm »

Why so? Skill% max limit include unarmed and melee too (60% max?). We can at last  see now fists and knives in use too.

For overpowered bursting - increase AP cost of bursts - 14AP. So to be burster you have to take 10AG, fast shoot, Bonus rate of fire and 2x Action Boys. tadah.

So you would nerf BG into oblivion? They would only be able to use Flamers properly, and a flamer is known for being one of the worst weapons ever (improved flamer is nice for pve though)

Also you underestimate Melee builds, A good build with a ripper can easily crit you for 100 points TWICE a turn.

If you want less eye shots and more live to players, then it's easy to solve: AC.
Than more AC you have, than more chance that aimed shot will hit your torso. So with 40 AC (10 AG+CAmk2+Dodger perk) you'll have 40% to avoid called shot and redirect it to simple torso-shot.

Kodus to you my friend, it would finnaly give dodger a good use, AC needs a buff anyway.
Re: Limit maximal skill%
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2010, 04:27:27 pm »

If you want less eye shots

Its not about only eyeshots. Just look how many things those skill% limit fixes.

So you would nerf BG into oblivion? They would only be able to use Flamers properly, and a flamer is known for being one of the worst weapons ever 

Flamer was nerfed by devs. Bursting and rockets still will be powerfull enought with "my nerfing".
« Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 04:30:31 pm by Frosti »
Re: Limit maximal skill%
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2010, 04:30:09 pm »

Its not about only eyeshots. Just look how many things those skill% limit fisex.

Not much in my eyes.
Different problems will arise quickly, snipers will probally still rule. Since they will start aiming for the arms and legs, and two crippled arms is the death scentence to anyone.
Also, limit sneak to 80%? the fov got fixed, sneak is nerfed already. if you limiit sneak to 80% you might aswell remove it. 
Re: Limit maximal skill%
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2010, 04:36:49 pm »

Different problems will arise quickly, snipers will probally still rule. Since they will start aiming for the arms and legs, and two crippled arms is the death scentence to anyone.

Pull out knife and start cuttuing sniper for 3 ap when he aim for 7 ap! You got crippled legs? Well too bad but still use small gun sidearm you will shooting for 2 ap if you are big gunner from Desert eagle or 14mm pistol. And with limited Small Gun maximal % it will be not so easy to hit in legs or arms.

Ps. Big Gunner will be using knife for 1 ap. 12 attacks.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 04:40:54 pm by Frosti »


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Re: Limit maximal skill%
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2010, 04:38:20 pm »

If you want less eye shots and more live to players, then it's easy to solve: AC.
Than more AC you have, than more chance that aimed shot will hit your torso. So with 40 AC (10 AG+CAmk2+Dodger perk) you'll have 40% to avoid called shot and redirect it to simple torso-shot.

But can't you agree that reducing the skill% cap can do that aswell, plus it provided other good side effects? Ac can be added along with the current subject.
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Re: Limit maximal skill%
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2010, 04:46:31 pm »

@up yeah and look at that wearing Combat Armor finnaly pay off! :>

Excuse me ? So with your suggestion, only viable pvp build would be fast shot pistoleer and also with 10 IN, I could max almost every skill in the game ?

You will have enought skill points to have melee skills and small gun skill to use as an sidearm while being an Big Gunner and so on.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 05:14:52 pm by Frosti »


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Re: Limit maximal skill%
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2010, 05:31:50 pm »

then i sugget that all guns come with an infinite number of ammo, since i'm not paying for the ammo i'm gonna waste in a fight, i like to stockpile, not throw away.
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Re: Limit maximal skill%
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2010, 05:35:19 pm »

@up, use knife? hammer? spear? castet? Thinking before wasting ammo is good thing ( and gun detoration). Do some damage to target with pistol and then finish him off with hammer or knife or castet? With limited skill maximal % you have enought skill points to invest in unarmed, melee and throwing.

Ps. you can also use radio to bring your freinds to your encounter.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 05:38:58 pm by Frosti »
Re: Limit maximal skill%
« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2010, 05:54:04 pm »

rofl, sorry to say, but this is not good way to go. Maybe decrease chance for eye shot and opening other weapons for pvp would be nice, but this is not good solution imo.
Rockwell weapons user
Re: Limit maximal skill%
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2010, 05:56:42 pm »

Its a joke ?

Why i must have max 80skill points in Energy ? Beacuse you want every player weak ? Or for balance ? About what balance you talking ?
Yes PvP need some balance but Your way is not right, really !
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Re: Limit maximal skill%
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2010, 05:57:53 pm »

Any more arguments besides "rofl"?

And this suggestion is helping not only in PvP but in other game aspects - players interaction, limiting of alting, powerbuilds, charisma usefulness and many more.


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Re: Limit maximal skill%
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2010, 06:13:56 pm »

And this suggestion is helping not only in PvP but in other game aspects - players interaction, limiting of alting, powerbuilds, charisma usefulness and many more.

You wish it would help but you see it only from your perspective (that is very narrow). Honestly those exact numbers you suggested would result in HtH combat being most effective way how to PvP. It seems to me like you have never hold a gun in your hands since 60-80 skill equals to 4-10 hexes range and my penis can reach further than this... sorry man but this can't be taken seriously.

Most people will agree when I say that combat should take longer and instakill should not exist (not in PvP, maybe in PvE when some badass boss starts shooting lasers from his eyes but never in PvP, maybe not even from explosives). And since PvP balance is pretty much untouched since the day one (except economy related and sneak/fov stuff) then we can expect that hopefully sooner than later devs will show up with some nasty patch that will take a closer look on game mechanics and give us some toys to play with. But honestly what you suggest is the "Fail of the year" winner in my book.  ::)
Re: Limit maximal skill%
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2010, 06:18:16 pm »

ahm... i don't know about you, but i personally think this is one of he worst ideas i've heared lately..

if you make bursting 14 APs, if thats even sane, you'll be taking away any low PE crafter builds chance of defending himself, from the power builders, who will use miniguns still, and waste people who cant take that one burst of damage they get off.

also, if you look at this from a real in character stand point, what is a minigun? well, unlike its name suggests, its a really really really big burst gun, which, is normally mounted on vehicles or planes if anything like it in our real world armies like it is used. thus, it should be powerful. and Balence? you're putting up a minigun vs a knife/pistol/SMG/assault rifle, in pretty much any game that'd be a easy win for the minigunner.

as for some notion of "giiving crafters a fighting chance" meh, the reason crafters often loss is they don't shoot first, and if they wear any type of armor they risk lossing it, or rarely they get wasted by anti PKer groups guarding cities. ask Lacan/lacanette if you see him/her about that time with Ulrek in the broken hills for a example..

and finally, the most i would ever cap the skills at is 200, and even than, with the powerbuild vs crafter thing, they'll still be one wearing metal armor MK2 and one guy wearing a bluesuit or leather jacket in those little battles.

cheers all.

« Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 06:22:16 pm by Ulrek »
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