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Author Topic: List of Slavable NPC's  (Read 10078 times)


  • Arath =Gray Rock Village Leader= -Canadian Drow-
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List of Slavable NPC's
« on: April 26, 2010, 09:04:14 am »

Well, as a Slaver, it would be nice to know which ones are Slaveable, and some of which are NOT in the Wiki saddly, like children and Tribals, Nomads and such, so i would like people to partisipate into bringing in a list of Enslavable NPC's and i'll add them here when i Can, things like weapons that can be used and were to find them helps alot! some use weapons that arent in the wiki aswell, like the Holy Person can also use a spear!, ( i found him with another holy person with a knife) so please, it would be a help to all Us slavers and wouldbe slavers, or just slave buyers to have knowlage of what we're looking for and which to avoid if nesisary  :)

P.S: 14mm pistol uses SMG Sprite so keep that in mind : ;)

Wiki Recorded Slaves
Name                                         Area                                                          Weapons
Average Peasant (Male)       Near Den.                                                    Clubs, grenades and SMG.   
Average Peasant (Female)       Near Den.                                                    Grenades, pistols, rifles.   
Combat Slave (Male)               Merc caves (Maybe)                                            All sorts of weapons.   
Combat Slave (Female)               Rarely caves                                            All sorts of weapons.   
Cute Slave                               Near Den, caves.                                    Knives, grenades, pistols.   
Weak Peasant (Male)               Near Den.                                                    Knives, hammers, grenades and rifles.   
Weak Peasant (Female)       Near Den.                                                    Knives, grenades, pistols.
Holy Person                       Everywhere, particularly at west of Den.         Knives.   
Lone Wanderer                       Everywhere.                                            Knives.   
Bootlegger (Male)               Near Redding, caves.                                    Knives, hammers, grenades and rifles.   
Bootlegger (Female)               Near Redding, caves.                                    Grenades, pistols, rifles.
Homesteader (Male)               Near Redding.                                            Knives, clubs, grenades and pistols.
Homesteader (Female)               Near Redding.                                            Knives, grenades and SMG
Bandit (Male)                       Near Den and Klamath, rarely caves.            Knives, grenades, pistols and SMG.   
Bandit (Female)                       Near Den and Klamath.                            Knives, spears, grenades and SMG.
Ghoul Crazy                               Near Gecko and Necropolis.                            Spears, rifles, Knifes.   
Ghoul Scavenger                       Near Gecko and Necropolis.                            Spears, pistols.   


Reminder: Unarmed includes= Brass Knuckles, Spiked Knuckles, Power Fist, MEGA Power Fist! Imagine a kid with that much power in there punch!
Player Submited Slaves
Name                                         Area                                                          Weapons            Submiter
Boy & Girl Children                        Klamath, farmer encounters                          Unarmed,Granades       GroeneAppel
Female trappers                           Trapper Encounters, near Klamath                 Spears, Knives       GroeneAppel
Female mauraders                        Around the East, around NCR                        Spears, Knives       GroeneAppel
Ghoul Caravan Guards                   Gecko Caravan, Near Gecko, Necropolus       Spears, Rifles, Knifes GroeneAppel
Nomads                                       West of Klamath                                       Spears, Knifes             ArathHunter
Hermit                                       Near Middle north                                       Knifes,Spears                   kttdestroyer
Fisherman                                    Far West, Near Sea                                      Knifes,Spears                LagMaster
wilder                                          Unknown                                      Knifes,Spears                             LagMaster
Stats: if you want to find out the stats on the Slaves, copy and paste there names into the Wiki Search Engine.
Note: typeing in the name of the type of slave goes tward the male slave first, to see the females stats, you need to check the critters page, then look for the types name, it usealy has a number next to it (Eg. Bootlegger (235) - Fonline 2238 Wiki Search - List of Critters

« Last Edit: May 21, 2010, 07:57:00 pm by arathhunter »


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Re: List of Slavable NPC's
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2010, 09:28:36 am »

PS. The .223 pistol, and 14mm pistol use the SMG sprite set as far as i know.
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  • Arath =Gray Rock Village Leader= -Canadian Drow-
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Re: List of Slavable NPC's
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2010, 09:38:48 am »

PS. The .223 pistol, and 14mm pistol use the SMG sprite set as far as i know.
ah thats right, thanks for reminding me to put that there :) , though earlyer today i saw a .223 pistol in a thiefs hands (perk lets me see), it uses a normal Pistols sprite :P


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Re: List of Slavable NPC's
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2010, 09:43:22 am »

hmm, my army roleplayer uses the SMG sprite set while in CA and Naked mode...
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Re: List of Slavable NPC's
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2010, 10:26:17 am »

Okay i'm a slaver so let me update that list for ya:

-Combat slaves are found in merc caves i've heard, if i'm correct they are the bald mercs with leather armor. and have around 60 hp.

-Children can be enslaved, both male and female. You can find em around Klamath (farmer encounters) if you kill them you get the childkiller perk, even if they are a slave.

-Also Female bootleggers can wear rifles as far as i'm aware. They just suck at using them.

-Female trappers (ONLY the ones with metal armor + spear) can be enslaved aswell.

-Female mauraders (ONLY the ones with metal armor + spear) can also be enslaved.

-I've also heard that you can enslave ghouls from ghoul caravans.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 10:30:45 am by GroeneAppel »


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Re: List of Slavable NPC's
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2010, 10:32:07 am »

so, apple, what can the redheads with metal armour use for weapons, huh? Been wanting to get me one of em, but so damn unsure bacause i suspect that they can only use spears, which would be a letdown...
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Re: List of Slavable NPC's
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2010, 10:35:40 am »

so, apple, what can the redheads with metal armour use for weapons, huh? Been wanting to get me one of em, but so damn unsure bacause i suspect that they can only use spears, which would be a letdown...

I haven't tried it allot myself, but probally nades and melee weapons. They are tougher than you think though, they carry metal armor and aim at the eyes. I've seen em crit dam hard.

edit: i'm actually curiously to try and see if I can enslave male mauraders. Those have really good skills.


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Re: List of Slavable NPC's
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2010, 11:16:17 am »

the Ian fanboys, huh, yeah, they're great, had a standing army of em prewipe, got blubber good about 20 times.
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  • Arath =Gray Rock Village Leader= -Canadian Drow-
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Re: List of Slavable NPC's
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2010, 12:19:16 pm »

Updated and improved a lil lolz, Thanks GroeneAppel for the first Submissions!


  • Arath =Gray Rock Village Leader= -Canadian Drow-
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Re: List of Slavable NPC's
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2010, 10:40:58 am »



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Re: List of Slavable NPC's
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2010, 10:42:14 am »

surf, youmind making this a sticky, sounds like it could be important.
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Red Bear

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Re: List of Slavable NPC's
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2010, 04:44:18 am »

-Combat slaves are found in merc caves i've heard, if i'm correct they are the bald mercs with leather armor. and have around 60 hp.

What does it mean "merc caves"? Where are those caves (approximately location) ?


  • Arath =Gray Rock Village Leader= -Canadian Drow-
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Re: List of Slavable NPC's
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2010, 07:28:02 am »

What does it mean "merc caves"? Where are those caves (approximately location) ?
it means random encounter caves, sometimes if your REEEAALY lucky, you run into these caves that have these npcs inside

Red Bear

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Re: List of Slavable NPC's
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2010, 08:37:52 am »

I've spent 6 hours and didn't find any humans in caves. Any advice?
So that is how I look: I go to the mountains on the global map, after I stop and just enter the encounter. If I see a cave then I enter it but usually there is no one.

Maybe I should try to "stuck" on any encounter with a cave first and then enter a cave?


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Re: List of Slavable NPC's
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2010, 09:40:13 am »

nope, there are  "bad" guys inside sometimes, it seems the devs took it down a bit, but the "bad" guys, range from cannibals (knives and spears, all the way up to rippers) and bandits (combat shotguns, 14mm pistold, desert eagles, and 10mm pistols, someimes H&K CAWS), to mercs (smae as bandits, except they also carry, sniper rifles, assault rifles and some more stuff) and deathclaws (no loot, 1k exp per DC killed, that means all you needto do is to kill 210 deathclaws to get to lvl21, or 21 Frank Horrigans...(10k exp each))
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