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Author Topic: Your event ideas!  (Read 162320 times)

Re: Your event ideas !
« Reply #45 on: May 31, 2010, 06:42:50 pm »

A zombie-like survival scenario
Of couse that's good, but I think "zombies" must be players from begin, not only after death.
But better use Vault 13 map or something, take there like 30-40 players, then GM saying to one random player that he is a maniac and must kill all, then to other one and, may be, 3rd guy. Then asking what weapon they want (SG/BG/EW/Melee/Unarmed/Throwing) and of couse let every maniac think that he is the only one maniac there and everyone else just vault dweller with mausers, rocks, may be something better, but not serious weapon. It'll be scary for both: victims and maniacs, because when maniacs will see someone dying not by them (especially if body melted or bursted or other gore death), they will start to panic too ^_^
Of couse for survivors' interest reward in the end must be dependant on quantity of survivors, so if almost everyone is dead they will get almost no reward, opposite all maniacs will get some. It'll force vault dwellers to not kill everyone on sight, but only suspicious persons ^_^
After killing a maniac, GM will say "Oh noes! but there's another one maniac!", after finding and killing 2nd, "Oh, there's other one too!".
One of maniacs can even get in trust with victims, he can even be thier leader, and then by killing all suspicious victims kill others when he won't get much resistance.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 07:03:14 pm by RavenousRat »
Re: Your event ideas !
« Reply #46 on: June 01, 2010, 11:34:39 am »

Of couse that's good, but I think "zombies" must be players from begin, not only after death.
But better use Vault 13 map or something, take there like 30-40 players, then GM saying to one random player that he is a maniac and must kill all, then to other one and, may be, 3rd guy. Then asking what weapon they want (SG/BG/EW/Melee/Unarmed/Throwing) and of couse let every maniac think that he is the only one maniac there and everyone else just vault dweller with mausers, rocks, may be something better, but not serious weapon. It'll be scary for both: victims and maniacs, because when maniacs will see someone dying not by them (especially if body melted or bursted or other gore death), they will start to panic too ^_^
Of couse for survivors' interest reward in the end must be dependant on quantity of survivors, so if almost everyone is dead they will get almost no reward, opposite all maniacs will get some. It'll force vault dwellers to not kill everyone on sight, but only suspicious persons ^_^
After killing a maniac, GM will say "Oh noes! but there's another one maniac!", after finding and killing 2nd, "Oh, there's other one too!".
One of maniacs can even get in trust with victims, he can even be thier leader, and then by killing all suspicious victims kill others when he won't get much resistance.

Ah, yes fine sir, I see where you are getting at:

Some sort of traitor-esque scenario.

One player would be the traitor (or saboteur) and try to bring down the vault from the inside? Such a scenario would require at least some roleplay, which is very delightful. There would have to be rules to take it from being a deathmatch between players, have investigation, etc.

Rules would be applied such as:

- If a wrongly accused player is killed the killer is classified as a murderer and therefore another traitor that must be eliminated
- killing traitors would give you better weaponry or armor
- there can be more than one traitor but they may not know each other is a traitor
Re: Your event ideas !
« Reply #47 on: June 01, 2010, 09:03:58 pm »

Rat's idea gave me another idea.
Murder in the castle!
Group of people. First, everyone is standing in one place. The GM chooses the murderer. Now everyone spreads and tries to hide. A vault map would be good. The murderer gets some super sneak ability, so - you can't be seen even if you are closer than 3 hex, you don't get out of this invisiblity when shooting. He can turn on and off invisiblity when he wants. It looks like dying.
Murderer: as everyone, he runs into some place to hide. Then, after noone sees him, turns on invisiblity. He kills players. From time to time he gets out of invisiblity and joins other players so they won't think he's the murderer. Getting into invisiblity looks like dying, remember :D So he can turn invisible even when standing with players - they could suspect that he is the murderer OR he just got murdered.
Another tactic is to just turn on invisiblity and murder everyone :D That's somehow not going to be easy though, because players will have much hp or the murderer won't do much DMG.
Victims: running, investigating who's the murderer.
After some time, players get grouped again and vote who is the murderer. If he managed to kill everyone previously, he wins without voting. If not, then who votes for the right player stays alive, wrong - dies. After vote finishes, those who voted right are chasing the murderer around the vault. He tries to run to the exit - which means winning.
event: turret defense
« Reply #48 on: June 02, 2010, 01:54:45 am »

not sure if it was already suggested (well, searching returns not valid results)

idea for the event should be quite self explanatory to any players that played starctraft/warcraft mods where you got a map with given path , the monsters are sent over the path, and player must destroy all the enemies before they reach certain point in the path (usually exit point) - example

- instead of turrents we would experience players ;D but would need heavy tweaking
- in game i would see it as a path created from some elements not passable by monsters
- monsters would not shoot
- each wave of monsters would be harder/got more hp
- each wave could have specific resistance for attacks, like agains mg, rockets, energy and so on

just a thought (going to sleep)


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Re: event: turret defense
« Reply #49 on: June 02, 2010, 02:01:40 am »

You mean some sort of "Tower defense"?
It's already planned for sometime. ;)
Re: event: turret defense
« Reply #50 on: June 02, 2010, 02:07:31 am »

yes, tower defense = turret defense


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Re: event: turret defense
« Reply #51 on: June 02, 2010, 11:09:49 am »

i got some "monster ideeas"

stage 1:losers(slow,low HP)
stage 2:normal gnouls(slow,but more HP)
stage 3:brahmins
stage 4:rats(high speed,small target)
stage 5:gnoul scaves(faster ,but HP like stage 2)
stage 6:bodlegers
stage 7:eye bots(v high speed;medium HP)
stage 8:sentry bots(hig HP;High dmg)
stage 9:BoS/Enclave patrools
and so do on
bosses:super mutants(high HP,low speed);centaur(high HP,medium speed);Frank Harigan.....

and it shoud be like this:
at ech side will be houses whit a window and a terminal,trough the window we shoot,and though the terminal we lvl up like this:
there shoud be  basic clases:(i will show the lvl up mode)
1.Gunslinger-Mouser-10mm pistol-desert egle-14mm pistol(single shot)
                            -10mm SMG-greese gun-P90(burst)
2.Rifleman-BBgun-pipe rifle-hunting rifle-sniper rifle(Single shot)
                        -shotgun-combat shotgun-Pancar(burst)
3.Biggunner-Flamer-Ipr.Flamer-Rochet Launcer-Bozar(high range)
                          -Minigun-M60-LSW(high DMG)
4.Energy expert-laser pistol-MLPistol-Plasma Pistol-Pulse Pistol(rapid fire)
                                     -Laser Rifle-Plasma Rifle Pulse Rifle(high dmg)
5.Bomer rocks-Moldovs-Grenades-Plasma grenades
                   -gold nuggets-trowing knifes-sharpened spears
and the goal of the creatures is to kill a caracter,like,The Master

is just my ideea


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Re: Your event ideas !
« Reply #52 on: June 02, 2010, 11:33:27 am »

I merged topics.

As Surf Solar said, it's already planned.
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: Your event ideas !
« Reply #53 on: June 02, 2010, 01:57:00 pm »

2) Hold-up/hijack: that should be an easy one to make at least.. players get an alert, something like 'you have learned that a strongly guarded caravan transporting a large amount of cash is headed from NCR to San Francisco', then a GM leading an actual caravan with this brahmin carriage and some guards goes in the announced direction, stopping for a few minutes in every square. So there's the yellow circle on the map and any player can enter the location and try to rob the caravan.. The caravan starts with e.g. 10k caps and carries on whichever loot they get from unlucky attackers. So if the caravan is finally killed, the successful attacker gets the initial reward plus additional spoils.. and/or the keys from the brahmin carriage. If the caravan reaches its destination, well good luck next time:)

That sounds EXTREMELY fun
Re: Your event ideas !
« Reply #54 on: June 04, 2010, 09:47:25 pm »

Ghouls/Mutant vs. Humans

You might remember something like this from modded CS (Zombie Mod) and so forth. Basically you have group of humans and then one of them turns into a Ghoul or Mutant due to let say FEV and if that transformed human kills another human that human turns into Ghoul or Mutant. Humans win if time limit ran out and there is still human remaining. Ghouls/mutants win if there are no more humans left before time is up. Everyone can use any weapons, but what makes this a challenge is that ghouls and mutants don't have run animation.
Re: Your event ideas !
« Reply #55 on: June 10, 2010, 03:36:02 pm »

I got idea for some fist fighting tournament,each contestant pays 5000caps entry fee to GM,all money are going to fund the prize ,location could be a junktown or New Reno,no dugs(jets,buffouts psycho,mentats cigarettes,nuca cola,stimpaks,iguana on sticks,fruits) u can be a junkie but with negative effects of drug. And no ball kicks:). If we manage to gather 20 peoples this think could work
The Tournement Of Iron Fist Westlander


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Re: Your event ideas !
« Reply #56 on: June 10, 2010, 03:38:22 pm »

I got idea for some fist fighting tournament,each contestant pays 5000caps entry fee to GM,all money are going to fund the prize ,location could be a junktown or New Reno,no dugs(jets,buffouts psycho,mentats cigarettes,nuca cola,stimpaks,iguana on sticks,fruits) u can be a junkie but with negative effects of drug. And no ball kicks:). If we manage to gather 20 peoples this think could work
The Tournement Of Iron Fist Westlander
go in hub,there is a PvP unarmed arena:2vs 2 there
Re: Your event ideas !
« Reply #57 on: June 17, 2010, 07:29:39 am »

Find a treasure event.
Idea: numerous of bot (invisible characters) spawns all over world map in wasteland and there is coordinates of square with another bot made from rocks or other items lying on earth. so one who found that encounter first could give followers to false lead, but it would take time. Maybe should use radio/frequency find-seek somehow. Create many cross referring encounters and several many steps coordinates to treasure place, closer to treasure harder to get on encounter. It could be not even in encounter but hidden at some permanent location.


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Re: Your event ideas !
« Reply #58 on: June 18, 2010, 05:20:41 pm »

A random/special encounter mapping contest event.

There will be a thread with posted tutorial and a month of time to submit the maps.
The best one will be included in the game.


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Re: Your event ideas !
« Reply #59 on: June 19, 2010, 09:38:40 am »

Gathering Event:

1. A GM spawns very much broc flowers and xander roots in Mariposa military base or whatever the place is.
2. All people who want to contribute come to the place.
3. Wins the one who gathers the most points. Broc Flower - 1 point each , Xander Roots - 2 points each
4. To prevent interfering and PKing, you must come with no weapons, and as the event starts, GM makes barrels around the event field.

Hide and Seek event:

1. A GM hides in a seperate city and says it loudly all over the server, in which city he is.
2. All players who want to find him search and if he finds the GM, he asks the GM to trade.
3. GM gives the first 3 winners a reward.
4. The player who found the GM first can choose the next position of the GM. (players who have already won a reward, may not participate)
5. And so on about 3 rounds.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2010, 09:42:06 am by Haraldx »
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
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