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Stealing - serious business.
--- Quote from: Solar on April 15, 2010, 01:43:41 pm ---Stealing is low risk, high reward and in guarded cities there is nothing the victim can do but keep moving, which is increadibly inconvienient. The point of guarded cities is not to allow players to strip all items off players.
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If your not in a guarded city how are they supposed to steal? You get shot 23 times first.
Again, a skill is beeing nerfed to the point that its useless, but players that dont read wiki, dont read forums, arent on irc are going to realize that they made a useless character when they allready leveled it up and lost hours/days of gameplay for nothing.
So much effort is beeing put to nerf skills, but it would so much more easyer for devs and players, to just disable the skill alltogether like the sex appeal trait, then this. Like you did with TB FA as a temporary solution untill you find one that good for thiefs and its victims.
In another thread i had an idea, what about this:
How about: Guards will allways see if someone steals, but do nothing unless he succeeds. If they fail, the players can kill them. IF they succeed, he gets a thief "tag", but not the old one. The new thief tag does not let players attack the thief, hower, guards intercept UNARMED(or with http://www.fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/Club XD), and chase the thief out of the city shouting "STOP! THIEF!" He loses karma(but only to a certain minimum,like -1200), and when the thief has negativ karma that would otherwise result in instant death, they would rather chase him unarmed the second he steps in the city. He could sneak however, but high enough sneak+steal? Impossible. If the thief attacks anybody in the city, the thief tag is erased, thus guards kill him instantly.
--- Quote from: Sius on April 15, 2010, 03:16:40 pm ---- stealing should be weight/size based so small items like caps or ammo should be easy to steal
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500.000 caps / steal? :S
How about if stealing would be skill dependant. You have 100 skill, you can steal a rope, because its worth 100 caps. Or you can steal 100 caps / steal. But with every attempt, you have the chance to be unsuccessful and lose karma :O
--- Quote from: iicca on April 15, 2010, 03:51:59 pm ---I can't really agree with you that making fonline a game like counterstrike would be a good thing. Basicly your argument is equal to zero, becouse you are suggesting that game should measure players skill. You want to rehaul the whole combat system? Right now it's all about charcter skill, it doesn't involve any player related skill other than moving around. The shooting itself isn't measured by players skill. Why should steal? And most of all, you need to think about the game engine and whats possible to do with it.
Don't take everything literally and you should try to widen your field of view becouse seems like you are walking eyes closed. This is fallout we are talking about, no counter-strike!
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Basically every succesful mmo game is based on players competing against each other, the game mechanics being their tools to victory. It's not only fps games, but also strategy games like starcraft and mmorpg games like wow. The stealing is currently partially skill based because you have to try get a victim that doesn't move around, trying to guess who's not going to move for a while takes skill but only a little. In pvp you have to understand to position and move your character smartly, even though pvp isn't enough skill related yet, it doesn't mean steal shouldn't be.
Besides, by skill I don't mean reflexes and aim, but understanding of game mechanics and trying to predict enemy's actions. This kind of skill can and should be included in fonline more, because it keeps players playing when they notice that their plans start to work and gaming experience is paying off. Otherwise it's just moving your character around and putting it into differend situations and just watching how it fares.
If 300 steal indeed meant that you could steal any item from anyone without much of a risk, people would flee from big cities and wouldn't come there unless with PE10. If players cannot counter something with skill, they counter it with another character. This kind of evolution is always seen in fonline when some build becomes dominant.
I think that people are looking at this issue from the wrong viewpoint. People are thinking "what will make my gaming life better and easier" rather than "what would actually happen."
Yes, the wasteland is harsh. But guarded cities on the wasteland do not = the wasteland. If you get caught stealing in one of these cities you should be shot and set to a ridiculous reputation (like -4000) or something to them. If the people living in the town were real they wouldn't just forgive you and let you back in after a few days. They don't have the jailing capabilities or ability to "fine" you. You should just die for your crimes. You should also get a lesser reputation hit at all other "guarded" cities (maybe -100 or so), because, after all, caravans/traders/guards should "talk" to one another to share news.
However, if you get a successful steal, nothing bad should happen to you. A successful steal means that you're able to take something from someone else without anyone noticing. If no one notices, no penalty! Like in real life, you should be wary of thieves if you're in a crowded market or on a busy subway. If someone manages to steal your wallet and no one notices, well then tough shit for you.
--- Quote from: Spoonman on April 15, 2010, 07:25:09 pm ---I think that people are looking at this issue from the wrong viewpoint. People are thinking "what will make my gaming life better and easier" rather than "what would actually happen."
Yes, the wasteland is harsh. But guarded cities on the wasteland do not = the wasteland. If you get caught stealing in one of these cities you should be shot and set to a ridiculous reputation (like -4000) or something to them. If the people living in the town were real they wouldn't just forgive you and let you back in after a few days. They don't have the jailing capabilities or ability to "fine" you. You should just die for your crimes. You should also get a lesser reputation hit at all other "guarded" cities (maybe -100 or so), because, after all, caravans/traders/guards should "talk" to one another to share news.
However, if you get a successful steal, nothing bad should happen to you. A successful steal means that you're able to take something from someone else without anyone noticing. If no one notices, no penalty! Like in real life, you should be wary of thieves if you're in a crowded market or on a busy subway. If someone manages to steal your wallet and no one notices, well then tough shit for you.
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This guy has 0% speech, don't listen to him!
Ok now seriously. First of all that "if this was real" is the worst argument ever used to backup your game development suggestions (and I used it too and I feel that eternal pain awaits me for that). Its nice if game copy reality but only there where it serves as a feature that brings fun and opportunities. If it should work as some of you want then we should be making suggestions for "Second Life: The Wasteland" edition and not FOnline. If this was like a real wasteland most people would give a shit about others being robbed even in "guarded" cities. And how the hell they should share such info with other factions? And why on Earth would other factions give a shit about some guy that tried to steal something in city that is half continent away from them? Mainly if this was like a real wasteland you would not respawn and thats it for this "argument".
If game features some skills and abilities then I suppose they are there to be used by players that desire it. And I'm pretty sure that devs are aware of that current stealing is useless. So I think its just a matter of time until we will find some steal boosting changelog.
--- Quote from: Sius on April 15, 2010, 07:49:32 pm ---If it should work as some of you want then we should be making suggestions for "Second Life: The Wasteland" edition and not FOnline
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