Talk to Psycho if you want join MDK reese your not even in it. your just gayballs trying use some old factions name and post to recruit yourself some players.this topic is useless because MDK doesnt exist anymore. so remove this topic pleaseAlso Reese is Ghey Murder him, shoot him Dead, and Killwith best regards old MDK members. Edit. i also banned him from #mdk irc channel so he cannot continue crimes that has been maded against memory of mdk r.i.p.edit2. also reese remove your irc [mdk] tag all you need is [ghey]
Oh really, lets see what psycho and redeye has to say about it, your not the leader, you cant do anything.
Redeye is repo and psycho leaved me as leader before leaved. so i shutted it down and elvis maded hydra.also you dont even got acces to base called Murder Death Kill. :DDso infact im still leader of this group and you just got fired from it