Author Topic: FOnline: Ashes of California Co-op Project  (Read 15234 times)

FOnline: Ashes of California Co-op Project
« on: August 31, 2016, 02:48:23 am »
I always had been of the opinion that it wouldn't actually take all that much effort to use the maps and dialogues of good old 2238 and the FOnline engine in order to create a Fallout 2-esque COOP (or singleplayer) game, in a slightly more modern guise. Now it's time to see if I was right or if I'm grossly understating the amount of effort this requires. In any case, here are a couple of bullet points to summarize this project.

- This is designed for singleplayer or co-op play, not as an mmo (though I probably wont go out of my way to prevent it). It will be hosted individually.
- As the name suggests, while it does use 2238 maps and dialogues, it is based on the Ashes of Phoenix sdk and will feature its gameplay.
- As such, this project does not necessarily aim to accurately recreate Fallout 2. However, before any new stuff is added, the goal is to recreate all the quests and interactions from both Fallouts as a baseline. Aside from more weapons added, it will try to stay in canon.
- Due to the changes in character design, combat mechanics and items, it should prove a much more challenging game. No free APA from navarro and no Turnbased (sorry), only real-time.

Within the next weeks, I will go into more detail about the features I plan to integrate, especially for those who are not too familiar with AoP.

I have started a public Trello to communicate the progress on the game and, for the most part, to help myself in organizing the workload.

This is a personal side project of mine and does not include the whole NoNameYet Team, though I will be relying on their help. It also does not mean that AoP is dead. Contrary to popular belief, it is actively being developed and will see game-changing updates soon.

Any help is welcome, especially in the Quest and Dialogue departments. I will try to handle this project in a transparent way but while I'm generally all for community projects and teamwork and such, I am primarily doing this for the fun of developing a creative work and because of my belief that a Co-op, non-pvp fallout game is long overdue. I can see that many will disagree with my choice of not supporting TB and using AoP in the first place, and with those major points already being predetermined, I can hardly declare it a community project.

However, the more contributions this project receives, the more content of the questy type will end up in this project. At this point I can not estimate the amount of effort required until a release candidate has been produced, but hopefully the next days and weeks on trello will tell us.

Having started this project practically today, I will first be merging the 2238 maps and dialogues into AoP and eliminate inconsistencies and incompatibilities, to establish a baseline (there will be no actual AoP maps or factions). As posted on the trello, the following steps will be to gradually bring back Fallout content that was unfit for an MMO and thus cut, followed by an overhaul of the gameplay balance, fixing issues in the base game like way too low HP on enemies in Fallout 1 or the meaninglessness of money once you got past Vault city in Fallout 2.

I will be available almost daily on irc:// and can be reached easily on
« Last Edit: September 01, 2016, 12:58:18 am by John Porno »

Offline S.T.A.L.K.E.R

  • Some random guy
Re: FOnline: Ashes of California Co-op Project
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2016, 05:30:36 am »
Interesting. Can't wait to see the final product, but a remade 2238 with AoP Mechanics/formulas would be amazing. And I can probably help with the dialogue  :-X

Also can my quest ideas be added like I always wanted them to be in AoP, BUT SOMEONE DIDNT WANT TO GIVE ME THE SDK!! Cyka blyat

This is a personal side project of mine and does not include the whole NoNameYet Team, though I will be relying on their help. It also does not mean that AoP is dead. Contrary to popular belief, it is actively being developed and will see game-changing updates soon.

If sneaks are still bullshit then might as well shut down AoP.

Back In-Game :D

Offline Slowhand

  • Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!
Re: FOnline: Ashes of California Co-op Project
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2016, 12:19:46 pm »
no Turnbased (sorry), only real-time.

Single player = Turn based (sorry)

Offline S.T.A.L.K.E.R

  • Some random guy
Re: FOnline: Ashes of California Co-op Project
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2016, 09:44:11 pm »
Single player = Turn based (sorry)

FOnline: Ashes of California Co-op Project
Back In-Game :D

Offline Lexx

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Re: FOnline: Ashes of California Co-op Project
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2016, 03:31:20 pm »
My advice: Make it smaller. Make it really small, then make it even smaller than that. Start as small as possible- if you've finished all the important work, you can still expand it and make the game world bigger.

Re: FOnline: Ashes of California Co-op Project
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2016, 05:16:02 pm »
So far I have put all the Fallout locations back in place and put in the 2238 dialogues, merging the vars but ripping out most of the scripts. That rendered about a third of the dialogues only semi functional but it's a good enough basis for me to now start organizing the Fallout 2 dialogue files for future implementation.

Using the F2 dialogues and the Ultimate Fallout 2 Walkthrough, I will start with a small location like Ghost Farm or Reno Stables and see how well it goes.

I have no reason to question the feasability of this project so far, but after all, rotators aren't particularly known for their optimism ;)

Offline lisac2k

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Re: FOnline: Ashes of California Co-op Project
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2016, 05:51:40 pm »
...but after all, rotators aren't particularly known for their optimism ;)

After everything that we've been through...

But let me wish you all the best and express my firm belief that you'll be able to finish at least Ghost Farm and/or New Reno.


  • Guest
Re: FOnline: Ashes of California Co-op Project
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2016, 06:45:05 pm »
I would do it town by town. Start from Arroyo and fill it with content. Then move to Klamath, then Den.
These three towns + new quest locations around them could be enough to provide initial coop gameplay IMO.
There are some some bad guys, some good guys, some neutral guys, enemy factions (slavers vs tribals) etc.
After this you could smoothly expand the world while having something that is already playable.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 07:07:22 pm by JovankaB »

Re: FOnline: Ashes of California Co-op Project
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2016, 07:21:40 pm »
After everything that we've been through...

But let me wish you all the best and express my firm belief that you'll be able to finish at least Ghost Farm and/or New Reno.

Re: FOnline: Ashes of California Co-op Project
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2016, 05:19:24 pm »
My advice: Make it smaller. Make it really small, then make it even smaller than that. Start as small as possible- if you've finished all the important work, you can still expand it and make the game world bigger.

I would do it town by town. Start from Arroyo and fill it with content. Then move to Klamath, then Den.
These three towns + new quest locations around them could be enough to provide initial coop gameplay IMO.
There are some some bad guys, some good guys, some neutral guys, enemy factions (slavers vs tribals) etc.
After this you could smoothly expand the world while having something that is already playable.

These 2 are key to success. Start small as possible and then expand. Ihmo the most important thing is complete every dialog, every quest by quest. Also making it fully accesible for other developers or fonline community players would be nice. Even simply recreating Fallout's quest dialogs in fonline format would be helpful.

Wow so many projects last time, what was happen? :D

Re: FOnline: Ashes of California Co-op Project
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2016, 05:31:44 pm »
So, is it active?

Re: FOnline: Ashes of California Co-op Project
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2017, 09:01:15 am »

Re: FOnline: Ashes of California Co-op Project
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2017, 07:27:00 am »
Would have been nice to see something like fallout tactics get released. Fonline Reloaded with squad based combat ala AOP would have been something.