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Author Topic: Three things (and counting):  (Read 23566 times)

the underground

  • very grumpy bear
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Three things (and counting):
« on: April 04, 2013, 07:04:20 am »

Hey devs....
I know these are a lot of ideas, and maybe some of them have been suggested before and I just don't know about it. I recogize some things as more important than others, and that other ideas, in other threads, are far more important or less.... I really "get" the concept of priorites, and while I'd like you to revieew these, if/when you can do them great. It's not like I want it "now." On the priority scale I'm sure it's pretty low..... This is more than spitballing, but not much.

Motorcycle: An alchol fueled motorcycle (like the ones in Junktown's city walls), that you could buy at merchants in NCR, Junktown, SF, and Redding (at least). No bonus to ouydoor, but the speed is equal to other vehiclrs, meaning you'de get to point b much faster. Very fuel efficietn- Can get from Arroyo to Glow in a single beer. Also realtively cheap (costs the same as teo brahmin).

Trike: A hybrid of brahmin cart and motorcycle, not as fuel efficitent (takes 3-5 beers to make the same run), but can carry the equiveent of a brahmin cart in terms of cargo (the motorcyale doens't have ANY cargo). Avaiable the same palces as motorcycle, but costs more (3 brahim plus a cart). Can carry a bbrahmin.

Shelves: One thing that drives me crazy is I can't build my own shelves: It's not rocket scinece, I shouldn't even need a workbench to do it!!!
Wood+fiber=green shelf
Wood+junk=broken shelf
Wood+metal parts=shelves

02 new outfits/armors/etc.
  • Mz Kitty-Style Dress/Bob Jr-Style Suit: When worn, all persons treat you as a professional wo/man.
    Effect: Some NPC treat you better, others treat you worse- They may treat you more seriously, or as weaker. Essentially a bonus to ch if a female, but in the case of the Mz Kitty dress an equal and at least inverse negative to ch if worn by a male (no neg to females when wearing the Bob Jr suit, but less of a bonus). Bonuses apply to dialog options ONLY, negatives apply to all aspects of ch (even slaves won't obey you if your a male wearing a Mz Kitty dress, when you started with a ch of 1, since you're now like -2 or more).
  • The Blue Suit: A badgeless version of the NCR Police Uniform.
    Effect: Law enforcement, militry, and political figures treat you a little better; Criminals treat you worse.

And 02 new effective inventory for Fallout.
  • Redding Police Badge:
    Effect: When in active inventory slot, people treat you as a cop. It doesn’t matter where you are. Police everywhere will treat you well IF YOU EARNED IT (by quest); Outside city limits, criminals will simply shoot first and not bother with the chit-chat.
  • NCR Rangers Badge:
    Effect: When in active inventory slot, NCR Ranger Operatives hiding here and there will talk to you (there is at least one in each town). Slavers you meet on the wastes will shoot first and skip the talk.

I want to build my own fortress in-game. Using the Repair Skill, you tear down structures you want to use for your new fortification. You then carry them (possibly in pieces) to where you want the fort, pile them up, and use Repair on them again. They then magically come back to life as whatever structure they originally were in whatever condition they can be in, based on how many you piled up (and what ccondition they were in when you tore them down).

FARMING. Farming, as in, I put seeds on the ground, water them, and in 6-8 days (?) a plant of the appropriate type "mysteriously" appears producing whatever it was that plant is supposed to produce. This would only be for certain, lower-level farming, like fibers, fruit, tobacco, etc. There should be a degree of quest involved here; Like you have to get a plow and a Brahmin to do this, and at least to get the plow you have to do a favor for the guy who will sell it to you (and, of course, PAY HIM for the plow itself), but it would apply at any level of housing, even a tent in the mountians. A few days ago it occured to me that planter boxes would make this easier to implement for the devs;  Put seeds/fruit/etc & brahmin shit in crate, add water every 24 rt hours, and wait. How long it takes to get crops and how often they regen would reflct the crop itself, but this might make coding easier (magor kodification to crates, not to dirt, and thus base code).

Sheild: If you are using a 1-handed weapon you csn use a sheild to fend off attacks; the sheild takes the full brunt of the attack untill its destroyed.

Give the barbershops the ability to give you  green hair. I just like green gair, that's all. Give dyed hair an effect, like +1 ch to someone who would appreciate it (punkers, etc), -1 charma to someone whou wouldn't (like "most" NCR cops, etc).

Give necklaces an compacts an effect; like +3 ch when worn in armor 1 slot on feamles, -3 ch for males for neckalces (homophobia not only will still exist, but in all likelyhood woill be WORSE after teh apocolypse; I didn't say I LIKE that fact, nor that it is a "fact", just more likely). For compacts (if they still exist), +1 ch, no other effect but doesn't last as long (like 5-10 minutes), just "se" on yourself (or whoever); Does not effect followers, only dialog options.

Bayonet: a blade attached at the muzzle end of a long arm (such as a rifle) and used in hand-to-hand combat; in other words, a sharpened spear on a rifle. To afix a bayonet to a long arm (with the assumption that it is a rilfe of some sort, though they can be fixed to shotguns, such as the Winchester Model 1897 Trench Gun, used by US forces in WWI), use the proper collection of resuorses to make it (exactly what that is or will be I leave to the dev's), approach a workbench, and use your standard fixboy. To uninstal the bayonet, use repair ONCE and the bayonet will detatch (with no earned XP for eitehr action).

New one: Extend the train lines to klamath and link both ends together.

Eh... Ball gag isn't available, you can't become a porn star. But you can give one of the Corsican brothers a BJ and receive 5 caps. (Was a popular money exploit in the beginning of the session, people sucked themselves a fortune. It was hilarious.)

Well, this got me to thingking:
  • To even be considered merely to fluff, you have to be a sex addict and completed (to one degree or another, though with violent response is acceptable) the Warehouse Quest.
  • To get the sex addict tag, you have to have visited both (each?) bathouses and partaken of all the offering there AND with Mz Kitty.
  • Then you get to fluff; Maximum of 5 times per 24 real-life hours.
  • You have to fluff at LEAST 100 times to be considered for a real job.
  • You don't get to even audition (yes, another fluff) for another "real" job for another 100 fluffing’s, at a maximum of 5 per day.
  • And all these, combined, would only equal HALF what you spent on getting to fluff the first time (so either raise the prices of bathouse and Mz Kitty's service, or better still lower the pay for fluffing and movies, say to 3 casp to fluff, 100 for a film). After 20 r/l days, you FINALLY break even.
  • Oh, and did I mention that each time you fluff you loose 1/4 of your total (not current) hit points, and each time you make a movie you loose HALF of your current hp, and permanently loose 2 hp?
This would do 2 things; first of all, it would reflect more realisitically the real-life process of become a porn star (I looked into it about 5 years ago, but certain aspects forced me to reconcider and I became a securriy guard instead), and second it would prevent the abuses that were happening in the past fo sucking your way ino a fortune........ As to ballgags, yes, please bring them back; Raise the requirements to win with Lenny even one to really high (say natural st of 8, melee and unarmed of 125%), and raise subsequent victories that much higher; To win 10, you have to have a natural st, luck, and en of 10, enhanced st of 13, melee and unarmed of 300%, AND you WILL loose your 11th match, period (however that has to work). I read somewhere that the ball gag, when used, muffled your voice; I like that, that's a pretty clever idea, if it wasn't done before. And make it show in the skins on the screen, just a pink dot at the mouth and black lines running around the head, that you can't take off for a week after loosing (mark of shame). You can put it on and take it off all you want later on, but for a week it's on and that's it.

Well, maybe make the warehouse quest reatable in so far as you go back to her and say, "uh, any more "work" for me?" and she'll offer you 100 caps FOR REALZ if you go back, but you walk out of there with only 1/4 of your hp......

Allow brahmin carts to be hitched to cars. They msy not go as fast, and deterioration may increase (a "smidge" they already deteriorate at an unrealistic rate), but ya. I hate brahmin, too hard to keep hold of.

RV's: A hybrid of Safe House and Car, the RV is a vehicle that you can actually go into, with a workbench and tool board in place of a "trunk" per se, and with the room ot add more storage items (those craptastic crates or whatever) if you want, AND it can be locked.
To move the rv, "use" the front of the vehicle, to get in, "use" the back door; anyone around your rv when it's parked gets the protection of being inside a camp, but anyone around the vehicle when it moves away looses that protection, and is essentially out on the wastes.
Example: Adam logs in, goes to your RV, but doesn't get in before logging out. Brenda, not realizing or not caring, moves the RV, leaving Adam stranded out on the wastes. Oopsie-daisies. Worse, since Adam wasn't with the rv when it parked again, he won't know where it is until he gets a map. Alternate senario: Adam WAS in the RV when Brenda moved it; Now he's not stranded out on the wastes, AND he already knows where it is without the map.

Expand tattoos to allow more charaters; to allow you to "describe" in basic detail, to control where they go (head, forhead, back and sides of neck, upper/lower arms, left/right breast, upper/lower back, stomach, upper/lower legs, hands, knuckles, amybe more areas), and that if you get one, other players will see it if they curos over you.

Guntruck: A normal vehicle modified with a very heavy gun and rocket launcher in the back. You would drive it as normal, but to use the gun you cursor over the gun itself, "use" it, then the red targetting recitcle comes up. Requires big guns skill to use. Repairring the vehcile reapirs all of it's components (yes, including the guns).

Make anything seen as worn (be it vault suit or tribal wrappin or whatever) available as an armor... Mske the forklift a carry weight only power armor (lift an d carry incredible amounts, but slow as fuck and can only be used outside).

Get better organization of the fixboy!!! I'd preffer grouped by type (small guns, big guns, energy weaps, drugs, components [metal parts, good metal parts, etc], etc) and then in alphabetical order, but at least in alphabetical order overall. (I have been told this is being worked on.)

Autotranslator: I speak english. A lot (most?) other players no not. We each set our system to our primary language and when we talk to each other, the system will translate for us. It will be a rough translation,  but that's how it works in the real world anyways... and it would have avoided a needless misunderstanding between me and Facility yesterday that could have gotten someone pked. (Even a shitty ass google translate beats NOTHING. But a bing translate is actually WORSE than nothing, so don't use that, PLEASE!!!!)

In game rep: A way to give other players rep points, so when you scan over them you can gauge if they're a pker, a decent guy, an fng (though awareness would do that I suppose), or whatever. This also could have helped yesterday (Facility would have scanned me, seen I got a decent rep, and not run away).

Make safe house etc doors lockable (300%).

Put curtains on tents.

Allow players to buy farmhouses as individuals; right now, we have to buy them as factions. But...... I don't WANT to be part of a faction, and the troubles to fake being a faction are too complex (and to be blunt dangerous). Allow us to buy at least a farmhouse (outpost), but without a terminal or still.

A Towing Service: A third party towing service (owns their own tow truck) that offers feild repairs, feild fueeling services, or simple tow, that can be contacted on a specific radio chanel (not secured or encrypted, so yes you could be intercepted). Flat fee for all services: 300 caps, will to anywhere to anywhere. If you tow to their shop, they drive. If you want to go back to your own shack, you drive (so you loners out there, you have to go to their shop). Briinging fuel (200 sme or rotgut) cost extra. their tow yard is secured from PKer's and theives, but not lockpickers, BE WARNED!!!

Money: Make money territory-specific ish.
In the NCR, BOS, Sanf Fran, Junktown, and Hub you use Money (FO2 money). In Boneyard you're supposed to use Money, but there are a few merchants that will accept caps (at a slightly lower-than-par value).
In Redding, Broken Hills, and New Reno they take both.
In Redding, they also accpet Mine Script, but the only otehr place where it has any value at all is in New Reno, at slightly below par.
North of that line they only accept caps (maybe VC accepts money, but below par, or even issue their own coin).

Fishing: If you set up on a waterfront/river front site and have a fishing pole (crafted from 1 sharpened pole, 1 peice of junk, and 1 fibers, does not require a workbench), you can fish, catching fish based on your outdoorsman skill (above 100% you will catch something eventually, but the higher the skill from there the faster it will happen). A fish is worth +40 hit poitns, +1 radiation level after 24 hours. shoudl be fairly herfty as well, if you cook it the radiation wwill go away, but it also looses half it's healing powers. (This idea actually came from Aninal Crossing, which is what my sone was playing when this idea hit me.)

This one is kinda critical; Make slaves nuetral to non-slavers outside the control of slaver/slave owners. A few days ago I got forced into an enco with slaves, and despite my good rep with slaves (and strangely not so bad rep with slvers) I ALMOST had to kill a kid (and thus be forever branded a child killer). I got out of it ok, but this annoys and vexes me. I free slaves, I don't kill them.......

Bounty hunters unio: The reason PK's are so common is becasue there is flatly no way to STOP them; how do you report it? How do you get ANY kind of justice? You can't. OR....... maybe you can? A new NPC, just for a place holder I'm using Chris Avalone in a shack behind the followers of the apolcalypse (as in FO1) who, for a price, can hunt down anyone you want. Simply give him the money, an he'll dispatch someone to kill them for you (in the wastes, of course). To prevent abuses, the price is VERY high, and GM's can step in if a complaint is filed (so you'd better have a screenshot!!!).

Use stoves for crafting food-related items; For example, grilling meat.

Allow the PC''s to join both a public and a private faction (ie, join the BOS or Enclave AND a pc-run faction).

Special Encounter Vehicles: All special encounter vehicles become available, but at a REDICULOUS price (on par with a faction base, and I don't mean a DIY or cave base either) and only if you complete a moderately dangerous quest for T-Ray (if you don't have triple digit hps and double digit aps, don't bother).
Return to the industrial park: you go to the industrial park broad asking for "another "message"". When you get there, you 'could' select "Sumbit and enjoy" in which case they take what they want (and you loose some hit points, cause they're BRUTAL about it), OR "Fight them off" in which case (regardless skill level, etc) you immediately exit dialog and enter combat (with a one-turn advantage). If you submit you get the money (including the 100 you were SUPPOSED to get the first time), if you resist, win loose or draw, you can never go back.
Hybrid Cars: IRL, hybrid cars are electric cars that have a built-in genny to recharge the batteries (and occasionally supply extra power to the electric motors). For a fee, T-Ray or Ratch can add an alcohol-fueled genny to a standard car, allowing you to refuel the vehicle either by alcohol or SEC/MFC.

Clear faction identification: A few days ago I got jumped by Raiders and Raiders (and dogs, IIRC) down in the boneyard. I see a guy in leather jacket, so he must be a Raider- So I shoot him. Except, OOPS, he's a Follower of the Apocylpse. Damnit....... If I'd been told there were FOTA there, I would NOT have shot them. PERIOD. If I could have identified FOTA from Raiders from other leather jacketed fighters, this wouldn't have happened....... There's got to be a way to identify bad guys from good guys, preferably by general faction.........

Rocks on Graves: For partiuculalry honored deceadants, putting a pile of rocks on top of the grave that graverobbers would have to smash through (with a hammer, I suppose) before they could dig up the grave.

Children: Perhaps a way to adopt a child slave (they're now your child, forever, NOT your slave, even though they act like a slave, becasue there's no other real way to handle them)...... This would be AWESOME for anti-slavers like me to free child slaves, without the expecation that they'd die out on the wastes by themselves.......

No out of bounds by npcs; NPC's are restricted to areas the PC can access, meaning at least a half-hex away from the exit grid. It does me no damned good to hunt Golden Geckos, only to have one idiot slave decided to go hide in the exiit grid where I can't reach them, and then kill the GG's. It might actually BE worth it to kill the slave, just to get the GG to turn out from the exit grid......
Except it's not. If NPC's reach the last hexes before they're in (or half-in) the exit grid, they have to turn back.

I have a screenshot (screen_2013.04.22_19-21-20.jpg), but can't upload it here.......

Based on THIS DISCUSSION, place special enco and/or other restricted items in merchsnts. By this I mean the REALLY restricted items; 2mm EC, Power Armor (yes, I went there), etc. Things that are anti-common, can not be crafted, and do exist. It would encourage players to rush the merchants looking for "this week's (or days, or whatever) big effing deal" and can be completely randomized.

Longhouse:  A longhouse is a type of long narrow building built from timber and often animal skins. While primarily intended for human habitation, some where also used for animals. Essentially, a "longhouse" is a very long, permenant TENT with a door.
To build a longhouse, determine what you want the total area to be; While the width is equal to a standard tent, the length is determined by the owners desires, BUT be warned; Once up, it can not come down.

Materials required:
Brahmin Hides: 4x+12
Rope: x+1
Sharpened Poles: 10x+6

Where X equals the number of tents equivalent.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 11:13:30 pm by the underground »
nobody wants him so he just stares at the world
planning the vengeance that he will soon unfurl

Kill A VC For Democracy!!!!

Mike Crosser

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Re: Three things:
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2013, 11:10:37 am »

An alchol fueled motorcycle (like the ones in Junktown's city walls), that you could buy at merchants in NCR, Junktown, SF, and Redding (at least). No bonus to ouydoor, but the speed is equal to other vehiclrs, meaning you'de get to point b much faster. Very fuel efficietn- Can get from Arroyo to Glow in a single beer. Also realtively cheap (costs the same as teo brahmin).

A hybrid of brahmin cart and motorcycle, not as fuel efficitent (takes 3-5 beers to make the same run), but can carry the equiveent of a brahmin cart in terms of cargo (the motorcyale doens't have ANY cargo). Avaiable the same palces as motorcycle, but costs more (3 brahim plus a cart). Can carry a bbrahmin.

Shelves: One thing that drives me crazy is I can't build my own shelves: It's not rocket scinece, I shouldn't even need a workbench to do it!!!

Wood+fiber=green shelf
Wood+junk=broken shelf
Wood+metal parts=shelves

1.Already in game(alcohol can be used as fuel)
2.Trike,suggested before (sprites have been made too),yeah its cool
3.Yes,this would be nice


  • Forget the past, go outside and have a blast
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Re: Three things:
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2013, 04:27:16 pm »

No offense, TU, but you should really read the forum for old ideas. And watch the spelling.

the underground

  • very grumpy bear
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Re: Three things:
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2013, 07:14:45 pm »

1.Already in game(alcohol can be used as fuel)
2.Trike,suggested before (sprites have been made too),yeah its cool
3.Yes,this would be nice

WHERE?! Looked high and low (everywhere except Den since I have evry intention of never going there) and can't find anything but a few in junktown...
No offense, TU, but you should really read the forum for old ideas. And watch the spelling.
I did try, but didn't find it. :/ And ya, mi spillung sucks. I know.
nobody wants him so he just stares at the world
planning the vengeance that he will soon unfurl

Kill A VC For Democracy!!!!

Mike Crosser

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Re: Three things:
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2013, 07:19:40 pm »

Don't expect to find vehicles parked in random towns,no one is stupid enough to do it since they know it's going to get lockpicked,26471.0.html

the underground

  • very grumpy bear
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Re: Three things:
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2013, 07:33:45 pm »

Did anyone read the whole thing, or just skim it?

"Available in NCR, Junktown, and Redding, but not VC cause I f***ing hate VC, I once massacred everyone in that town just for fun. Well, the citizens anyways."

So not just special encounters; light, cheap transport that's commonly available.

F***ing phone.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 10:50:54 pm by the underground »
nobody wants him so he just stares at the world
planning the vengeance that he will soon unfurl

Kill A VC For Democracy!!!!

Mike Crosser

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Re: Three things:
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2013, 08:07:15 pm »


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Re: Three things:
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2013, 09:37:51 pm »

So not judt dpecial encounters; light, cheap. Transport that's commonly available.

If you want light, cheap transport, buy a cockroach or a buggy. Both are easy to fuel (though the buggy does deteriorate fairly quickly), and can already be modified to run on rotgut.

Also, there is this wonderful tool in our modern world, it is called automatic spell checker, and it comes with most browsers. If you are using a phone to post and it does not have this delightful feature, perhaps you should refrain from posting on it, or take a third grade spelling course. 

Oh yeah, if you want shelves... Buy a base.


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Re: Three things:
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2013, 09:44:21 pm »

Oh yeah, if you want shelves... Buy a base.

Or craft lockers.
I also post sometimes with phone. They have a autocompletion feature.

the underground

  • very grumpy bear
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Re: Three things:
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2013, 11:29:00 pm »

I KNOW!!!! Its a cell phone! A real computer doest have thisbproblem. :(
nobody wants him so he just stares at the world
planning the vengeance that he will soon unfurl

Kill A VC For Democracy!!!!

the underground

  • very grumpy bear
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Re: Three things:
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2013, 11:30:49 pm »

Or craft lockers.
I also post sometimes with phone. They have a autocompletion feature.
I don't like lockers. Not efficient.
Phones with swipe don't like spell check. :/ >:(
nobody wants him so he just stares at the world
planning the vengeance that he will soon unfurl

Kill A VC For Democracy!!!!


  • Forget the past, go outside and have a blast
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Re: Three things:
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2013, 11:42:38 pm »

I don't like lockers. Not efficient.

Make crates then. Replace graphics with shelves.


  • ǝdopʎʇndǝp
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Re: Three things:
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2013, 12:02:44 am »

shelves are actually less efficient than those cheap crates made of wood and fiber.

the underground

  • very grumpy bear
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Re: Three things:
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2013, 05:45:07 am »

And stragely, I hate crates....... but anyways:

5 more things.
02 new outfits/armors/etc.
  • Mz Kitty-Style Dress/Bob Jr-Style Suit: When worn, all persons treat you as a professional wo/man.
    Effect: Some NPC treat you better, others treat you worse- They may treat you more seriously, or as weaker. Essentially a bonus to ch if a female, but in the case of the Mz Kitty dress an equal and at least inverse negative to ch if worn by a male (no neg to females when wearing the Bob Jr suit, but less of a bonus). Bonuses apply to dialog options ONLY, negatives apply to all aspects of ch (even slaves won't obey you if your a male wearing a Mz Kitty dress, when you started with a ch of 1, since you're now like -2 or more).
  • The Blue Suit: A badgeless version of the NCR Police Uniform.
    Effect: Law enforcement, militry, and political figures treat you a little better; Criminals treat you worse.

And 02 new effective inventory for Fallout.
  • Redding Police Badge:
    Effect: When in active inventory slot, people treat you as a cop. It doesn’t matter where you are. Police everywhere will treat you well IF YOU EARNED IT (by quest); Outside city limits, criminals will simply shoot first and not bother with the chit-chat.
  • NCR Rangers Badge:
    Effect: When in active inventory slot, NCR Ranger Operatives hiding here and there will talk to you (there is at least one in each town). Slavers you meet on the wastes will shoot first and skip the talk.

And lastly:

I want to build my own fortress in-game. Using the Repair Skill, you tear down structures you want to use for your new fortification. You then carry them (possibly in pieces) to where you want the fort, pile them up, and use Repair on them again. They then magically come back to life as whatever structure they originally were in whatever condition they can be in, based on how many you piled up (and what ccondition they were in when you tore them down).

I added a few details to the Mz Kitty/Bob Jr section.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 10:56:27 pm by the underground »
nobody wants him so he just stares at the world
planning the vengeance that he will soon unfurl

Kill A VC For Democracy!!!!

the underground

  • very grumpy bear
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Re: Three things:
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2013, 04:24:42 pm »

Ok, 1 more:
FARMING. Farming, as in, I put seeds on the ground, water them, and in 6-8 days (?) a plant of the appropriate type "mysteriously" appears producing whatever it was that plant is supposed to produce.

Adding: There should be a degree of quest involved here; Like you have to get a plow and a Brahmin to do this, and at least to get the plow you have to do a favor for the guy who will sell it to you (and, of course, PAY HIM for the plow itself), but it would apply at any level of housing, even a tent in the mountians.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 10:58:51 pm by the underground »
nobody wants him so he just stares at the world
planning the vengeance that he will soon unfurl

Kill A VC For Democracy!!!!
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