Other > Closed suggestions
Player Killing
You know what?
So you think there's a plenty of noob bluesuits and they are ideal for XP grindan, LOL.
Okay, you already suggested blocking chainkills.
I'd suggest XP for killing a player of higher level by a noob. Bad idea, huh? ;D
Yeah. You will take two bombs, walk into NCR, aim one to 10 seconds, the second to ~15 and then will get 800XP. That would be fun.
@Colombo, continuing your thought with the idea which I proposed ->after bombing you get flagged as a PK, and as you die so you loose XP on respawn...
--- Quote from: Badger on March 28, 2010, 03:06:23 pm ---I've got a question for the devs - would you guys ever consider having a reputation penalty for killing players with higher reputation?
--- End quote ---
Nooooooooooooooooooo... seems reasonable at first, but imagine a situation:
Imagine that a tent robber has 25 rep. (gained by a few quests) Most players have 0 rep, so he can kill them without penalty and they get penalty for killing him. (as we all know tent robbers are often shot anytime possible). In the end everybody hunting him have -1000rep, while his reputation stays the same.
Problem is we cannot do a player vs player connected rep simply because this is a game, and a game will never had scripts to decide which killings are justified and which are not. If I kill sb in self-defence (he shot me first), is it justified? Yes. But if he have more rep I will loose my karma.
If I just go to a guy on 'off' and fill him with bullets is it OK? No,i isn't. But if I have a better rep the game will think it is OK.
(...) - thousands of other examples
PK flag? seriously? In the world of slaver trading, prostitution and drugs on every corner?
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