Other > Closed suggestions
Player Killing
i didn't mean visible PK flag... rather the punishing kind
The most irritating thing about PKs is that you'll propably never come across them while you're geared up for a fight but just try to go get some EPs from Vault15 for example.. >:(
Then again dragging that minigun around with you 24/7 gets old pretty quick and also eats up carry capacity
--- Quote from: West on March 28, 2010, 09:16:48 pm ---PK flag? seriously? In the world of slaver trading, prostitution and drugs on every corner?
--- End quote ---
In a world where killing others all the time is rewarded and death in the process is just a minor inconvenience for a few minutes rather than something you should do your best to avoid.
I feel that it is not merely impossible, but also completely useless to gather anything other than xp and cash (for store in bank ofc.) because as soon as you get anything other than that you will get killed by every other player and his mum several times over.
Maybe there should be som level visibility, that a level X can only see other players within + - 2 of his own, and any other are invisible, with exception for NPC, own faction etc.
Its hard and annoying as hell to actually try to accomplish anything at all if you dont collect cash and xp until you are maybe level 20 and then buy everything you can and kill exactly everyone you meet. Which means beating the shit out of rats, scorps for eternity..
As a fairly new player (been playing maybe a week or so) it is only my love of fallout 1/2 as an multiplayer game that gets me to play. It would be hard for me to call it fun.
And maybe there should be some way, maybe a small monotone quest, to redeem your karma/rep, but no higher than back to zero. (like gather 5 scorptails, 10 xander roots and get 5 rep back per piece. its not supposed to be easy, but tedious hard work =p )
anyone can be pk in FOnline .....
but remember one thing: Wasteland is harsh
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