Other > Closed suggestions
Player Killing
--- Quote from: Izual on March 28, 2010, 02:37:33 pm ---No need to make player killing more attractive.
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--- Quote from: West on March 28, 2010, 09:16:48 pm ---PK flag? seriously? In the world of slaver trading, prostitution and drugs on every corner?
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Everybody knows that the Wasteland is WEB 2.0.
Some kind of rep/xp whatever system would be OK, but it should be based on the kind of scuttlebutt that would actually exist in the Wastes, not arbitrary magic tagging.
(Yes I know we get ressurrected; some concessions to realism should be made.)
Oho, how about, if you have killed X number of people, bounty hunters start to come after you until your activity dies down.
and if you kill children the will never give up... like in fo2 :)
Pk are already there and i don t think giving xp will increase it ! For abuse degressive xp can be good !
I agree this point and furthermore we wan t group XP rewards !
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