i meant computer B is on WM, loging in/off every 2 minutes, but it would actualy increase the timer right?
I explained difference like 100 time already.You are in town and you can easily die when caught while offline.
This is hopeless, fine check some PvP fights, I'll show you.Just because something is annoying doesn't mean it prevents cheating, shit that is hard for you to understand.
all I really can't is hearing your cries in teamspeak
I was just waiting for opponents to appear.Even if there is a next time, you can't prevent players from cheating, you can't be here all the time and few banned characters has never stopped anyone.I will be on proxy next time. By the way that what I was doing, was done for some weeks by other players from my faction.
That's lame and it's made difficult by design, so you can't cheat around the fact that someonekilled you by having extra PvP apes left on WM. ... doesn't require much GM attention.
No wonder he had more alt than everyone...
Jovanka please just don't do it....Think about the consequences: Even more crying on forum with even more shitload of text walls