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Changelog 17/02/13
Rage master:
I don't know is it just me or this cz feature didn't work fine. People can't jump in action as 3rd team because they need to idle on map. This feature need a bit of polishing. I like wm feature. Now some pks can make a trap over nr or ncr
Teams can jump as third team with no problem, it only takes a bit more time to organize and it takes more effort to spontaneously engage in fight where two other teams might be fighting on equal terms. Well to what burden multiple alt requirement were for the common player before, then it is not even close to what has been made for players in order to play "normally", that is a very relative term that varies, what's normal about this game anyway? :)
I agree, the idling system has flaws and it is plausible whether it can be further improved, besides that they have done an excellent job with this system.
Further relating to subject.
--- Quote from: Kilgore on February 17, 2013, 09:26:06 pm ---not to mention very annoying clickfest while waiting over wm (not even spamming preview, just waiting till others get ready). and if I choose to go to base, I render myself useless in pvp for xx seconds.
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The immunity could be made 150 seconds upon entering a base, tent allowing players a window of time for some safe heaven in order to relax this annoyance, because it is one partially, I know. It is bad enough that the player has to idle for the timer and after that risk getting killed on world map if he has to linger around because he doesn't really have any other option other than enter inside base, leave, repeat or go to an empty encounter and then hope something like this doesn't happen in a similar fashion.
Then again I heard someone saying that it is a positive effect that players are encouraged to be inside the city, but it is no different then being susceptible to any of kind of hostility you might encounter on world map, it will simply stay as an annoyance unfortunately. The time window of 150 seconds what I'm considering might be used as an opportunity to bypass the system for own advantage. There simply are players who would go to such extremes, there always is some percent. Or this could be a bit overlooked and it wouldn't be so bad.
I'll give it more thought to it anyway as this is interesting to think about, but like I said I doubt this system could be much improved, simply because I think someone has already put a lot of thought into it just to make it happen. Something like this doesn't go from paper to reality without alternatives at stake.
Just discovered the if you "abandon tent" you not only lose everything that is stored there, but you also lose any vehicles parked there. Just FYI for anyone who wasn't aware, DO NOT PARK IN YOUR TENT IF YOU HAVE TO MOVE IT!
Blake it warns you of those details, (except the car disappearing). If you still have the key to the car, it 'MIGHT' be possible to get it returned if it didn't get completely removed.
As far as the encounter system, there will always be noobs looking for ways to trap people and abuse other players, so no matter what you do to the game that won't change. All in all it's not a bad update, though I have noticed an increase of players entering encounters, that isn't good, because it almost always leads to someone getting jumped and that is just detrimental to game play.
--- Quote from: Trokanis on February 18, 2013, 04:55:32 am ---it warns you of those details, (except the car disappearing)
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Well technically car is an item, so... ;)
Anyway, added note about cars too, as removing them when player abandon the tent is by design.
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