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Changelog 17/02/13

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Nice and fast fixes.

Now go go fix that base problem I mentioned while your fingers are warm.

Funny when people cry about rules which are same for all.


--- Quote from: Trokanis on February 18, 2013, 04:55:32 am ---All in all it's not a bad update, though I have noticed an increase of players entering encounters, that isn't good, because it almost always leads to someone getting jumped and that is just detrimental to game play.

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--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 08:57:39 am ---I think the fact that it's hard to synchronize big teams might be actually good. I think swarms
have way too much advantage anyway and it was too easy for 15+ people to just wait on signal
to attack anytime, not even being in the game but on IRC/mumble. If a horde of players doesn't
play but can easily squash anyone who appears in town if told some people are there I think
it's not really that great.

--- End quote ---

Large battles is like the only thing left for a lot of players to do now. Besides large "swarms" is a part of all politics that happen between factions in or out of the game, alliances even out sooner or later and they go with the flow of the game and anything that restricts the player in that regard is bad. You said it yourself, you want to keep the game's freedom, well guess what this is not exactly the right way.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 08:57:39 am ---Unless it's 2 swarms who wait each other, but really if one swarm dies they could be back in less
than 5 minutes with the same characters if they really wanted. But they don't want to because
loot is looted and enemies healed, which is exactly how it should be IMO. So don't blame idling.

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After a battle, yeah sure, but it shouldn't be a major ass in the pain prior battle to gather players, it is hard enough sometimes to gather them at all. Because hey, players jump in and check if there's action, and if there is, then why the hell do they have to wait for anything?

I don't know any game that restricts my ability to play once I enter it the first time, quite absurd. The same issue we discussed time ago concerning raw skill penalties what was I believe your own suggestion, good one, but yeah, why players should be punished anyhow if they haven't even played the game yet.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 08:57:39 am ---2 spawns were moved away from towns so pvp apes who want to be efficient in returning will have
to make new spawn bases / tents. I suppose in Den it slowed down people a bit.

--- End quote ---

That all so we need to rebuild bases? Those few squares won't make a difference if organized, large parties come back with a car, this only encourages a second window with car waiting for dead alts and those who have a base right near the city to re-gear will directly benefit to those who doesn't have such bases at all, I'm also talking about re-spawn bases.

Factions normally have two if you didn't know, one right next to city to drop loot/re-gear and one for spawn just to pick up dead alts. The time needed re-gear is largely affected by one's ability to go back to his base and re-spawn bases just simply cut corners no matter how far away you will place re-spawns and those who won't have such bases, will be at a disadvantage depending on how far re-spawn is in an ongoing fight. Quite a few battles, the good and tough one's are largely won by who can reinforce faster.

If anything, re-spawn locations should be closer to cities, so players shouldn't have to rely so much on them, also the ability to come back quicker would just encourage longer fights which is a good thing, trust me.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 08:57:39 am ---Maybe it will encourage players to make smaller independent teams that actually play together
inside the game. Of course it doesn't change anything for teams who are in town already, but still.

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I'd wish it was such kind of candy, but it isn't.

I have opened the "tent in the wasteland" quest where i am supposed to eradicate some rats, but every time i try to enter the rat-infested farm i'm told "this area is full. come back later."


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