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Changelog 17/02/13
--- Quote from: Sarakin on February 17, 2013, 03:17:36 pm ---Im really not going to find post of Solar, but he commented on LA that perk is more about healing and dmg part is just bonus.
--- End quote ---
Shooo Sarakin shoo... do you see Solar around here stop ruining my dreams ;D
Compliment, you radishes have added encounters to city squares.
No more safe junk gathering grounds for newbs.
Has anything been changed in encounters with footlockers? I am searching about an hour and found about 40 encounters and not even one footlocker.
I have no problem finding lockers around LA, Reno and San Fran. Though I didn't check 19:0 after the update.
It became more challenging however since odds of other players entering the same encounter seem to be much higher.
--- Quote from: Alvarez on February 17, 2013, 07:19:10 pm ---
No more safe junk gathering grounds for newbs.
--- End quote ---
As if junk gathering should be nerfed... :(
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