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Author Topic: Changelog 14/02/13  (Read 79603 times)


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Changelog 14/02/13
« on: February 14, 2013, 12:00:39 am »

- Fixed graphics of flint item.
- Flamethrower no longer has decreased spread when targeting adjacent critters.
- Tesla Armor now has the same critical modifiers as Metal Armor Mark II.
- Followers attacking a flagged player are no longer limiting the amount of guards responding to hostile actions undertaken by that player.
- Taking a drug (when addicted to it) in a stage between bonus stat drop and addiction penalty no longer causes the addiction penalty to become active a few seconds later.
- Followers waiting inside a tent/base and then told to follow without using a proper dialog option are no longer disappearing.
- Large improvement in stability (as should be seen since the previous update) and some reduction of lags.

- Added Combat Zones and Idlers system (see Combat Zones and Idlers below).
- Tent system rework (see New Tent System below).
- Added predators - wild creatures finding players in real time encounters (see Predators below).
- Added two new special encounters, it should be easier to find them than the old ones.
- New quest: A Tent in the Wasteland. You need to be at least at level 2 to receive it.

- Idling on the World Map is not safe anymore (see Unsafe World Map below).
- Real time encounters aren't closed after 10 minutes anymore. For already existing encounters, you have time to move your cars to safe places until next update.
- To make crafting more flexible, now different items can be used as the same ingredient in crafting machines. For example, both water bags and bottles of water can be used to craft beer. In the future ingredients going to be a part of the Fix-boy recipes.
- Modoc and Klamath/Den replication points moved away a bit from these towns.
- Using science skill on ten brahmin hides doesn't create a tent anymore.
- Significant buff of item spawning in Glow.
- Reduced reputation penalty for grave digging.
- Added/changed a few formations in which encounter NPCs spawn.

- Move parked cars out of real-time encounters.

- Run the updater to obtain the new files.

- Clear cache before updating and running the game. To clear the cache, delete everything in data\cache folder and run Updater. Remember that it will also clear the last used login/password.

Combat Zones and Idlers


Combat Zones and Idlers is a feature implemented to mitigate the problem of fast relogging in PvP. Combat Zones are locations where a player just died and locations with started Town Control Timer. You will be able to enter a Combat Zone without any PvP penalties only if you don't have the Idling Timer. You get 150 seconds of Idling Timer when you login. To prevent avoiding it by keeping multiple characters in game, Idling Timer also increases in places where you can idle safely.

Combat Zones
  • Any public location becomes a Combat Zone for 2 minutes when a player inside dies.
  • Any public location with ongoing Town Control Timer is a Combat Zone (Combat Zone status stays for 2 minutes after the TC Timer ends).

  • Anyone who enters a Combat Zone while having Idling Timer, becomes an Idler.
  • Anyone who logs in inside a Combat Zone (if the character wasn't in game already), becomes an Idler.
  • Idlers have 5% chance to hit other critters, can't sneak, steal and have 0 Armor Class. The same penalties apply to NPC followers.
  • You stop being an Idler when your Idling Timer runs out or you leave the location.

Idling Timer
  • Characters get 150 seconds of Idling Timer after logging in (if the character wasn't in game already or its IP changed).
  • Idling Timer decreases on the World Map and in unguarded locations.
  • Idling Timer is paused inside real time encounters and inside turn based encounters with opened combat.
  • Idling Timer increases up to 150 seconds inside tents, bases, quest locations, guarded towns and turn based encounters with closed combat.
  • Idling Timer also increases up to 150 seconds when character is offline (but still in game).
  • If you don't spend any Action Points during your turn in turn based combat, Idling Timer increases by the amount of seconds of your turn.
  • After entering tent or base you get 20 seconds of immunity from Idling Timer increase.
  • After death you get 5 minute of immunity from Idling Timer increase.

Idler Warning

If you have the Idling Timer and you are within a distance of 2 squares from a Combat Zone location, this location will be displayed as a crossed orange circle. Anyone else (people who wouldn't become Idlers when entering this location) will see normal green circles. There is no warning before logging in inside Combat Zone.

Idlers have a visible tab informing them about their status.

Remember, having the Idling Timer doesn't mean you have any penalties, unless you willingly enter a Combat Zone (or login inside it, but you can be aware of this risk and not log off in dangerous places). If a location became a Combat Zone while you were inside already, it has no effect on you, even if you have the Idling Timer.

New Tent System

A Folded Tent item has been introduced, as a replacement for tent creation with 10 brahmin hides. Folded Tents can be crafted with Fix-boy. Tents and safe houses are created by using the Folded Tent inside an encounter. Requirements to create a tent/safe house:
  • Your character must be inside an encounter location (list of allowed encounters hasn't changed).
  • No other alive critters can be in the map (excluding own followers).
  • Battle timeout can't be active.
  • Turn based combat can't be active.
Each character can create up to ten tent locations. After reaching the limit, you'll be asked which of currently existing tents you want to abandon. Each tent can be shown to as many characters as you wish by giving them tent maps created by tent owner. Just like before, if your character has the Ranger perk then instead of a tent you will create a safe house.

Tent locations are no longer removed after 4 weeks of inactivity of its owner. Please note that it may be enabled again in the future.

Campfire / Tent Management

Campfire no longer works as a workbench. Instead, it's used for tent management. You still have to use firewood to create a campfire in a new tent. Once created, click the campfire to open a dialog window where you can do following tasks:
  • Change the name of the tent
    Allows you to name the tent. The name will be used on new maps to the tent (see below). Keep in mind that changing the tent name won't change the description in already existing maps.
  • Upgrades
    Displays a list of available upgrades - features which can be added to the tent or safe house - and allows you to do the upgrades if you have necessary materials.
  • Create a map to this location
    Creates a map item which, when used by any player, will show the tent to the player. It's impossible to make someone "forget" the location as long as the tent/safe house exists, so watch out when sharing or storing maps!
  • Abandon tent
    Destroys location with all items inside and moves every alive critter to the world map. Tent owner will receive Folded Tent which can be used again to set up a camp in another place. Some of the items left on the ground when tent is removed might reappear in the game later in various places - similar system is used for items lost in encounters (see previous changelog).

Obsolete Tents

Tent locations created before the update do not contain the campfires anymore. Character owning the obsolete tents may remove the location using Special Tent Item, which works like the Abandon Tent option described above. You will find the Special Tent Item in front of the tent. It's up to player to decide if and when the map should be removed. If it's his/her will to keep the map for sentimental reasons, it won't affect the other tents in any other way.

Unsafe World Map

World Map is not a perfectly safe place anymore. While standing on it players can get enforced into encounters (even over towns). Characters who are offline don't get enforced into encounters (if they are in a group with other players, the group splits and offline characters remain on the World Map). If you are going AFK, stay in safe locations or log off.


Remaining inside a real time encounter will attract various hungry predators from the wasteland. The longer you will stay in a location, the more nasty critters may come. In case of car encounters, the mobs will leave after a while if no players are there. Characters with at least 100% Outdoorsman skill are warned about the incoming mobs shortly before they appear. Turn based encounters don't have predators.


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2013, 12:06:49 am »

[ 01:01:19 ]   [ +avv ] - Idling on the World Map is not safe anymore (see Unsafe World Map below).
[ 01:01:21 ]   [ +avv ] wtf GAME RUINED
[ 01:01:24 ]   [ +avv ] WHAT IS THIS
“And we passed through the cavern of rats.

And we passed through the path of streaming flamethrowers.

And we passed through the faction of the blind.

And we passed through the slough of swarm.

And we passed through the vale of tears.

And we came, finally, to the ice caverns.
Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2013, 12:08:47 am »

Awesome! Thats the real update. Keep on it.


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2013, 12:10:32 am »

hmm, did i miss something ?

game features
« Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 10:39:35 am by DocAN. »
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg
Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2013, 12:15:59 am »

Rest in peace tent made of 10 brahmin hides  :'(
(This Legend lives forever in our hearts and memories)

However. Great job. (I didn't think I will ever say it).


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2013, 12:16:17 am »

as good as digging the graves


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2013, 12:16:33 am »

waw. Really really really awesome update. I've been waiting for something like this, thank you, pretty good damn work!

EDIT: well maybe would be good to see the idler-spot in a smaller spot, like 6 or 12, 24 is way too big!
« Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 12:18:45 am by Jackson »
Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2013, 12:19:48 am »

Unsafe World Map ripped from requiem


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2013, 12:19:56 am »

Just...WOW :D

Hasteland is warch


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2013, 12:21:30 am »

DAT Update
The sanctity of this forum has been fouled

[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing
Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2013, 12:22:21 am »

After update my game don't wants run :/
Smb know what's happened ?


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2013, 12:22:58 am »

Nice update.


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2013, 12:27:46 am »

After update my game don't wants run :/
Smb know what's happened ?

Delete everything from data\cache
Delete FOnline.exe and FOnlineGL.exe
Run Updater
Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2013, 12:29:29 am »

Very nice update, thanks.
Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2013, 12:31:23 am »

Thx JovankaB - its working :D
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