Other > Junktown

How to PK in NCR with no consequences [GUIDE]

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i hope when will they disable pvp at gunrunners. looted some good stuff already and made some people raging

basically, you can abuse this bug everywhere even in VC killing npcs.

blue meanie:
Band-aid solution for announcing the slave exploit and inviting people to jump on it. I hate ncr. Its the most protected city in game but its the most dangerous.

LMAO what can you expect from people not even adults yet.  People are gonna abuse anything and everything they can.  Now NCR is an annoying thief hole, guess what it always was, It's still not worth bringing items there.  Punk noobs abusing exploits in GR?!  What else is new?  The Dev's probably didn't turn off PvP in NCR as a feature change, simply as a temporary fix, which is done in many games where noobs find some exploit and rather than be mature just repeat it over and over to the detriment of the game.  Oh well NCR is just like it has always been, only a place to go for griefers and noobs.  Back to Mariposa I guess lol.

Only "hilarious" thing i see in here is OP, which pretends that he/she doesn't know how the update cycle works, even if he/she plays for little longer than 2 days according to (probably) his own words.

Let's try a simple way, once more, for a 4294967295 time:

report -> fix -> update
See? It's that simple. Of course, time between report and update maybe different, no matter how game-breaking it may be. Fix can be also applied in few minutes, but time before we reach "update" stage may be even longer if some serious change is implemented. In that case all has to wait until things works as planned, and doesn't break mechanics which everyone expect to works - and it may be everything, from TC mechanics to pressing C to display character screen.

But wait a second; if this thread was supposed to bring the fix faster it failed hard, making it nothing more than "devs didn't fix what I reported, here is MY REVENGE! now they will fix it in a seconds!". And yet it changed almost nothing, becouse of one or two bigger changes for next update which are in progress right now, and can't be simply commented. Almost, as only thing done is spoiling fun for people which didn't know mentioned bug. No idea for what reason, i'll just wait when OP will be on the other side of another exploit.

To end this post, as i feel it won't change anything anyway: every bug report is appreciated, including this one. But making exploits widely know is not a way to go, as they won't help anyone, and usually makes only things worse. Thread could be made hidden, OP could start spread info in other ways with usual devs sux note. Update could be rushed and break worldmap mechanics, devs sux. Hotfix could be... oh wait, hotfix already was done, but devs sux anyway.

So tell me racoon, this thread have any other reason to exists, other than trying to make us ungrateful bastards which ignore the voice of community? If not, sorry that i asked.

tl;dr - Shitpost nobody cares to read.

Meh, just consider the source Wipe.  The dude isn't even old enough to drink in some countries and thinks he's got a handle on the way things should work.  And you're right it was a pretty pathetic cry for attention.  BTW you suck for not fixing my Explorer perk!!! j/k  Don't let the dreg's get to ya. 


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