Other > Junktown

How to PK in NCR with no consequences [GUIDE]

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If you PM exploit and devs don't respond, simply file a ticket on Trac. Nobody will blame you for this.
Instead you decided to have 5 minutes of trolololo in game and "fame" on forum, congratulations.


--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 13, 2013, 03:04:47 pm ---If you PM exploit and devs don't respond, simply file a ticket on Trac. Nobody will blame you for this.
Instead you decided to have 5 minutes of trolololo in game and "fame" on forum, congratulations.

--- End quote ---

"5 minutes of trolololo in game and "fame" on forum" - in practice raging people.

after my character and collection got destroyed, i choose 1st one.

Ah just as I presumed. The "game" is still falling apart, more and more each day. Can't the wipe just please hurry and come? I'd love to seriously start playing again, and with all this nonsense, its near impossible to enjoy yourself.

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: Gimper on February 13, 2013, 04:02:07 pm ---Ah just as I presumed. The "game" is still falling apart, more and more each day. Can't the wipe just please hurry and come? I'd love to seriously start playing again, and with all this nonsense, its near impossible to enjoy yourself.

--- End quote ---
Whats the point to a rushed wipe if there are no new features/fixes.


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