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Author Topic: Change all the weapons stats  (Read 11374 times)

Change all the weapons stats
« on: February 06, 2013, 02:31:13 pm »

Well I'm going to post it here since it gets ignored all the time:

Some of us like realism, we are all well aware that this game can not be very realistic, but at least some changes could make things easier for us to look at:

Sniper rifle using .223 is completely silly: make the sniper rifle use the 7.62*51mm.

.22 long rifle is not a high power round, this should be the least powerfull round, ever.

USM3A1 has a shorter barrel than most thompson models, and a slow firerate. Decrease its power below the thompson for both firemodes, magazine capacity to 30 rounds, and rounds per burst to at most the same as the M60 does (USm3a1 fires at 400 rpm, not even close to the m60 600rpm).

Mauser C96: This weapon was known to be very expensive to manufacture, And for its insane firerate of 1000 rpm for a pistol, and for using very powerfull ammunitions, Either 6-10-20 rounds magazine, this pistol should have a burst mode for very short range, emptying the entire magazine in one burst, it should require more AP to reload it due to the way it should be reloaded.
If you want the raiders to have a gun, equip them with .44 revolvers: they are reliable and requires little maintenance.

M60: why can't people run with it ? Also change the description: the M60 was known to be very unreliable until the last versions.

FN Fal: It should be very powerfull due to its ammunition, its damage should match the m60 damage per bullet, remember, the gun doesn't kill, the bullet does.

Minigun: Change the descriptions, the firerates stated are completely ludicrous, or make the miniguns empty the entire mag in one burst ... Also, people shouldn't be able to run with a minigun if they can not with an M60.

ALL MELEE WEAPONS: It is well known that knives are more lethal than guns, statistically: 1 bullet out of 10 will cause a lethal injury, 1 knife-stab out of 3 will cause a lethal injury... knives are 3x more effective than bullets are. Also: all police forces know that if someone is charging you with a knife from less than 12 meters away, you should consider yourself dead, for even if you kill the person charging you, the nervous system will still carry on for a few seconds. Millitary personnel are taught that they should consider themselves dead if someone is charging them from less than 20 meters away. Also: Bullet proof vests are not cut-proof. Penetrate perk should apply to "thrusting" weapons which also have a cutting edge.

If you want ballistic tables, comparison of guns / ammo / barrels or theories, you could simply ask, if that's what holding you back from correcting the silly things in the original fallout games, I am certain there will be many people willing to help with that, offering more opinions on realism or whatnot. I know I'm not alone to think the weapon system should be revamped, and I believe a simulacrum of realism is a good way to get most people happy.


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Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2013, 02:49:05 pm »

To what end? This game doesn't try to be a tactical shooter.

Cyber Jesus

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Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2013, 04:17:22 pm »

I like the ideas, this will make people try different types of builds not just bg tanks.
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2013, 04:36:08 pm »

I am talking about a realistic scaling of the weapons and a realistic description. If I mentionned the need to make weapons overpowered, that strategic missiles should be readily available at Bob's iguanas, and other things that might sounds like that, I apologize and might best stop using google translator.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 05:11:03 pm by Dumb dumb »
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2013, 05:31:07 pm »

To what end? This game doesn't try to be a tactical shooter.
Yes, this game tries to be an extreme autistic simulator centered around the main questions "who onehexes best and has the most avengers? Who can camp around a corner for hours? Who has the most alts? Who injects the most SS?" . If you can answer all this questions with "ME!" you've basicly beaten the game ! Congratulations ! You may consider yourself the biggest autist in the world ! Get your free badge and reception order from your local psychiatrist.

Well if you ask me, atm its a cheap WoW clone in terms of grinding, with worse graphics and more one (BG)sided dakka dakka excuse called "tactics". I bet even WoW requires less grinding and has more tactical deep if you consider fonline as it is now.

Back to topic, why not change at least some weapon stats ? He clearly exaggerates with some points, like the minigun shooting a clip in one burst or the mauser automatic light support weapon, but hey , anything that would be different then now could be considered better, amirite ? You could start with nerfing the DR properties of 5mm AP and improving the lsw to a useful weapon like it used to be.
*geez* ::)
Its supposed to be fun, which includes a friendly and helpful community of players.
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2013, 06:02:51 pm »

Well if you ask me, atm its a cheap WoW clone in terms of grinding

in wow you dont grind anything because you dont lose stuff after death


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Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2013, 06:18:44 pm »

You want to lean toward realism in this REALISM <-> GAMEPLAY <-> CANON triangle and I think its bad approach. I dont mind changing weapon description and ammo, but overhauling whole weapon system would make everything completely unbalanced at least for several years (based on 2238 balancing). You need to provide more than just cold realism facts, do you even see whole picture of your suggestion ?

Last but not least, AFAIK Fallout revolves around different universe and thus, weapons are not the same weapons as we have in RL.
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2013, 06:56:59 pm »

would make everything completely unbalanced
But atm it's balanced ?

....yea, how couldn't it be since it's avengers vs avengers, excuse me that I asked.
*geez* ::)
Its supposed to be fun, which includes a friendly and helpful community of players.
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2013, 08:34:24 pm »

I've been saying this forever, fallout was a great rpg but it had a shit one sided combat system to make you feel like a big man. No amount of tweaking will fix what needs to be rebuilt from scratch. When I was playing the new X com I felt like this was how fonline should have been, quick turn based combat with tactical cover system and cover fire/overwatch functions. Currently the combat is total shit because of how awkward and unwieldy the controls are. Things that were fine when you were only dealing with turn based AI don't really work in real time with human players. Personally I'd like a combat system where every type of weapon offered a different yet viable strategy, you can't have close combat weapons work in a game with no cover. When a firefight breaks out between two groups in cover between the lag and the old "shoot when they walk out of fov and you lose your aps bug" it's not a contest of skill or even interesting. This game doesn't have the server capacity to make for good real time combat, the tb system should be retooled.
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2013, 09:12:36 pm »

if you want to have your own weapon system the only way to get it is to make your own server.
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2013, 09:42:47 pm »

Let's start making FOnline realistic by pluging a wire directly connected in the into CPU and straight into each player's skull, if their chars die in-game then the wire will send magnetic waves through the cable directly into our skulls, that will make our brains enter in combustion and instantly explode.

Is that enough realism inside a 2D isometric shooter from 1990 for you?



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Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2013, 10:16:50 pm »

Is that enough realism inside a 2D isometric shooter from 1990 for you?
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2013, 11:49:38 pm »

(...)Well if you ask me, atm its a cheap WoW clone in terms of grinding, with worse graphics and more one (BG)sided dakka dakka excuse called "tactics".(...)
I don't care much of the rest, but Fonline graphics are perfect, for me.
Don't change a single pixel please.
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2013, 12:38:40 am »

I don't care much of the rest, but Fonline graphics are perfect, for me.
Don't change a single pixel please.

Go play fallout 2 and pretend it's a really low pop server
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2013, 01:29:14 am »

Well i suppose they arn't trying to swing too far from Fallout canon, and maybe 'realism' just doesn't quite belong here.
Everything must change.
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