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Author Topic: Change all the weapons stats  (Read 11393 times)


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Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2013, 09:41:38 am »

The rocket launcher in the game does not exist in reality, so anything is possible. And from how it works the rocket is armed at launch.
Fallout RL was based on M136 AT-4 Rocket Launcher


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Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2013, 10:50:57 am »

Same thing with the perk "silent death", we were joking with Trokanis that they should change the description in something more appropriate: "Attack silently someone in the back to anger them a bit: they will loudly blow you away. It's that kind of perk."
I admit that SD sneakers might be a laughable compared to the laser gatling(avenger) sneakers nowadays (but that's more of a problem of laser gatling being easy as hell to get). But i suppose you weren't here when SD was really deadly (the players hated it and it got nerfed).


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Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2013, 11:39:31 am »

I admit that SD sneakers might be a laughable compared to the laser gatling(avenger) sneakers nowadays (but that's more of a problem of laser gatling being easy as hell to get). But i suppose you weren't here when SD was really deadly (the players hated it and it got nerfed).

Yes, jumping into location in full gear and ..... pfffff one burst from someone, from somewhere with gun obtainable from low npc no need of crafting dynamites (hard way to obtain detonator parts, mine in unguarded mines, crafting in unguarded locations and after it risky work with thief).



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Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #33 on: February 08, 2013, 12:22:27 pm »

gatling, avenger sneakers are fine. they need good stuff and drugs to be effective, not like sd with plasma nade or greese gun
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #34 on: February 08, 2013, 04:38:57 pm »

I admit that SD sneakers might be a laughable compared to the laser gatling(avenger) sneakers nowadays (but that's more of a problem of laser gatling being easy as hell to get). But i suppose you weren't here when SD was really deadly (the players hated it and it got nerfed).

Mayck I started playing 16th january 2012 ... the Silent death perk was nerfed a few months after (around march or april ?).
I didn't had a sneaker back at that time and used only my heavy handed troll, who died many times at the hands of sneakers, for me it was normal.

Fallout RL was based on M136 AT-4 Rocket Launcher
I noticed it resembles it, but in anycase the M136 is a disposable weapon, and the RL in fallout doesn't have the name, thats enough for me not to make it a carbon copy of the M136.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 04:52:29 pm by Dumb dumb »
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #35 on: February 08, 2013, 06:44:09 pm »

gatling, avenger sneakers are fine. they need good stuff and drugs to be effective, not like sd with plasma nade or greese gun

sd doesn't work with grease gun, nor is greasegun build viable in pvp even with first strike. You need 2 burst crits and one regular burst to take out a bg tank, you'll never last that long naked.

 As for the ready availability of gatling, wtf are you talking about Mayck? That and gatling is useless against metal which is what most people use. What's else is to easy to get, bozar and PA?


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Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #36 on: February 08, 2013, 09:19:25 pm »

sd doesn't work with grease gun, nor is greasegun build viable in pvp even with first strike. You need 2 burst crits and one regular burst to take out a bg tank, you'll never last that long naked.

 As for the ready availability of gatling, wtf are you talking about Mayck? That and gatling is useless against metal which is what most people use. What's else is to easy to get, bozar and PA?

Oh my young naive padawan...... it is sooooooooo ez.
first you get booomy bp
then you get det parts
then you level thiefy
then you sandboxie multiple multi altys
then you well you see it's just so fucking ez!

all sarcasm aside I guess it is ez for some people that their only goal is to err hem cough *cheat like a mother fucker* cough obtain gear.
Oh and GM's ;)
It's all really about suppression of dissension, consensus through censorship.  Whether through extermination of those who have different or conflicting viewpoints or subtle spin of available media.  If there is only one opinion left, it must be right, right?
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #37 on: February 09, 2013, 02:34:45 am »

To what end? This game doesn't try to be a tactical shooter.

Combat is part of the game, it would be such a waste if that was left unnoticed, because to some degree it has potential to be something better than it currently is. It could be more complex, competitive and fun, despite combat here being quite simple in its own nature.

You are setting artificial boundaries, drawing lines on what the game should be. I see it as a way to justify your own excuses to not having to deal with something your not interested in. I am more than sure that none of you are and because of that sole reason the game will never truly improve because it will always lack in some department which will be forgotten or rationalized out of the necessary by such crude and blunt statements like yours.

Rest of the suggestion here is very, very sad, most of the players here have either lost or never had any viable perspective of how combat goes on 2238 and the suggested changes are non-essential and rather pointless, more of a compilation of some random, far-fetched ideas that serve no greater purpose other than for the game to make more sense in terms of realism to some individuals who like to compete on forum with copied facts from the internet.

Where was I? Oh yeah, realism should never be a goal to achieve, if you want it then just look out of the window and experience it, there will be good graphics with physics and everything you want. :)

This topic is largely absurd.
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #38 on: February 09, 2013, 05:14:37 pm »

You can't add variety to a combat system without changing variables, weapon speed should be one of them and real world information is a good basis for quasi realistic weapons. Things like bullets and grenades hitting at the same speed as knives is something that should be changed not for realism as much as variety. Making all time dependant on ap regen makes it subjective, if you can shoot 60 bullets at the same speed a sniper shoots one the sniper is made redundant, disabling is only useful if the guy is too hard to kill fast. The lack of dodging mechanics is another problem as being a tank in this game isn't very effective nor is the rock em sock em gameplay fun. If burst weapons fired single shots successively over time instead of all at once it would greatly improve combat.
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #39 on: February 11, 2013, 02:05:50 pm »

Your talking about additional variables while the existing aren't worked out in order to make a more balanced combat, because they are enough to try, but the problem is they aren't worked upon. That means overhauls like the ones you are suggesting are very unpractical and not likely to be even considered in reality to be even implemented. No matter how you look at it new variables aren't going be the solution if they won't be applied to some sort of refined, polished structure with the existing mechanics otherwise it will lead to imbalances and more questions marks on top of the solutions that will follow to fix the flaws of your own solutions.

I call it re-inventing a wheel, something works or can work or have something to work with, but players, developers try to present us with similar ideas and features that ultimately have the same goal, but work differently in practice and not intended as always and all that as an excuse for what, variety? But we can create it with what we already have.

This session we had numerous mechanics introduced with low success and that is only because of poor perspective of developing, the existing mechanics aren't used to full potential and thus making it difficult to add new things to a broken system. New stuff is added when the previous existing isn't finished, isn't polished and not even put to use, just toyed around with.

Example of that would be current shotguns, they have been gifted with a known and already existing variable to them - knockdown, but the issue is they fail to balance it properly out to have some sort of positive effect on the current combat system and it just purely rots there without any greater purpose or reason. The same principle can be applied to most weaponry out there and that is one reason why our current combat system lacks variety, the thing is this game already provides enough to work with it and create something interesting, yet you are here and want new mechanics, and what for?

if you can shoot 60 bullets at the same speed a sniper shoots

We don't have weapon speed, because we don't need weapon speed, because these weapons are balanced through other means, you might not dish out so many bullets at the same time, but it is not the reason why it is balanced nor it is the solution for it even if you think it is not, they have different effect on the target, damage etc. etc. have different appliances in practice, currently it is not perfect, but it requires more work with what we have.

So no, your experimental combat system changes are universally flawed and unnecessary, universally because the almighty God called reason say that and no it is not me, I'm just a slave to him.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 02:11:43 pm by T-888 »


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Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #40 on: February 11, 2013, 06:42:36 pm »

I will personaly give 100€ to a guy who literally read all what t-888 wrote in this forum from begin. If you use all his bricks of text you can easly build second great chinesee wall.
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #41 on: February 12, 2013, 02:09:40 pm »

I would rather watch nyan cat for 10 hours instead.
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #42 on: February 12, 2013, 02:11:08 pm »

I will personaly give 100€ to a guy who literally read all what t-888 wrote in this forum from begin. If you use all his bricks of text you can easly build second great chinesee wall.

Ok, pay up. Better yet, donate to the server in my honor.

What's the problem with comprehensive "walls of text" anyway? At least someone is trying to make sense around here...


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Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #43 on: February 12, 2013, 02:30:04 pm »

Trying is very good word.
Re: Change all the weapons stats
« Reply #44 on: February 12, 2013, 05:20:46 pm »

Alright, I'll reason with you, what part did you not understand? That depends of course if you even read it and if not I don't see a reason for you to participate in this topic and just show yet another time how biased you and many others are to me.
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