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Author Topic: Changelog 27/03/2010  (Read 20214 times)

Re: Changelog 27/03/2010
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2010, 11:34:14 am »

You don't get xp for mining, you don't get xp for gunpowder, metal parts, junk, fiber, ....
and you have to have all this to craft
only xp you get are geckos and brahmins. and you have to kill them


Crafting was normal but now someone has changed it does not know why! Maybe we'll even 0 exp for everything and everyone will have at lvl 1?

Fix Crafting EXP.


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Re: Changelog 27/03/2010
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2010, 11:36:04 am »


I see whining people.
Nobody noticed that you can mine faster, if you need smaller amounts of mats for single crafts.
Since everybody is busy complaining, too, i'll just go and find about BG1 prerequisites out for myself.

Feel free to proceed, folks.
Re: Changelog 27/03/2010
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2010, 11:40:04 am »


I see whining people.
Nobody noticed that you can mine faster, if you need smaller amounts of mats for single crafts.
Since everybody is busy complaining, too, i'll just go and find about BG1 prerequisites out for myself.

Feel free to proceed, folks.

lol, for 10mm JHP you need 6xgunpowder, 1x metal parts
b4 wipe i think it was 4x gunpowder and 1xmetal part, 1x junk

and one more thing, no you cannot mine faster.
once you reach 20min CD it's the same

and fiber is a bitch to find
Re: Changelog 27/03/2010
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2010, 11:41:26 am »

lol, for 10mm JHP you need 6xgunpowder, 1x metal parts
b4 wipe i think it was 4x gunpowder and 1xmetal part, 1x junk

and one more thing, no you cannot mine faster.
once you reach 20min CD it's the same

and fiber is a bitch to find

but then you have plenty of needed ore to CRAFT not MINE... so i bet its more useful than in pre-wipe? duh


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Re: Changelog 27/03/2010
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2010, 11:42:38 am »

The 20 minute cooldown options are definitively an improvement
but it is still a big change from 4x gunpowder to make 100 10mm JHP, versus how it is now: 12x gunpowder to make 100 10mm JHP. 3 times as much...
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
Re: Changelog 27/03/2010
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2010, 11:42:44 am »

but then you have plenty of needed ore to CRAFT not MINE... so i bet its more useful than in pre-wipe? duh

omg if you need to craft let's say 1000x5mm, no it's not. it is a lot harder now.
you get 50x bullets, not x100.
Re: Changelog 27/03/2010
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2010, 11:43:24 am »

i agree with change exp for CRAFT.

yesterday was good exp for crafting, now Fighters have 5x more exp then Crafter!

Please change this, because now it is "bugged" for me


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Re: Changelog 27/03/2010
« Reply #37 on: March 27, 2010, 12:03:22 pm »

Whinners please note:

Prices have fallen, amounts of ammo crafted in one go have changed, relative value of ore, minerals and alloys have fallen because we have introduced their advanced versions. So 1 ore before the wipe does not equal 1 ore after it.

Looking at the current rate of xp gain.

Before the wipe:
Level 0 - Crafted @ $3k an hour - xp @ 30% of prices = 900 xp an hour
Level 1 - Crafted at $3.3k an hour - xp @ 30% of prices = 990 xp an hour
Level 2 - Crafted at $3.6k an hour - xp @ 30% of prices = 1080 xp an hour
Level 3 - Crafted at $3.9k an hour - xp @ 30% of prices = 1170 xp an hour

After the wipe
Level 0 - Crafts at $2k an hour - xp @ 20% of prices = 400 xp an hour
Level 1 - Crafts at $3k an hour - xp @ 20% of prices = 600 xp an hour
Level 2 - Crafts at $4k an hour - xp @ 20% of prices = 800 xp an hour
Level 3 - Crafts at $5k an hour - xp @ 20% of prices = 1000 xp an hour

What has actually happened is a change to the rate of crafting to differentiate the higher professions crafting speed a bit more (this helped reduce the massive timeouts for the really expensive stuff), the rate of xp has fallen from 30% to 20% (a change which should've happened months ago but couldn't because of incompaitible versions) and many prices have decreased by a lot (so xp from the same item looks a lot less, but it is infact a lot closer percentage wise over an hour)
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Changelog 27/03/2010
« Reply #38 on: March 27, 2010, 12:14:07 pm »

I repeat, was crafting yesterday was getting to a good normal exp (exp 1500 bazooka, 750 Flamer or something). Now, bazooka gets 500 exp, and in addition you can not find high iron ore, because there is no longer in a mine next to the Gecko, where it was yesterday. Yesterday crafting was good but today is FAIL.  >:( Repair it please...  :( I want normal exp. Killing monsters doesn't good, because after I get 20 exp for one. This is only waste of ammunition.
Re: Changelog 27/03/2010
« Reply #39 on: March 27, 2010, 12:14:19 pm »

Wasteland is harsh and exp for crafting is low. Stop whining about it or go play Hello Kitty Online.


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Re: Changelog 27/03/2010
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2010, 12:16:28 pm »

the only problem is that the change came 2 days past wipe , there are already  crafter alts with 3 lv proffesion ;/
The only problem is, that these alts aren't yours, isn't it? :>

Before the wipe many people whined about those lazy crafters, who only stay at their bases and level up like crazy asses without a single shot. To dig some rocks you needed to stay at one place for a longer while (remember topic "what are you doing while mining?"?) and, I quote by memory, "watch shit on youtube". So was pre-wipe mining realy that good?

Onion - it should be "go play Quake, there is no cooldown after picking a rocket launcher".
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: Changelog 27/03/2010
« Reply #41 on: March 27, 2010, 12:19:23 pm »

Onion - it should be "go play Quake, there is no cooldown after picking a rocket launcher".

In fact you must wait few seconds for weapon to respawn in the same spot :)


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Re: Changelog 27/03/2010
« Reply #42 on: March 27, 2010, 12:20:05 pm »

The advanced materials are in seperate mines of their own. (unguarded)
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.


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Re: Changelog 27/03/2010
« Reply #43 on: March 27, 2010, 12:21:42 pm »

and in addition you can not find high iron ore, because there is no longer in a mine next to the Gecko, where it was yesterday.

I checked it right now and see no empty mining place.
Re: Changelog 27/03/2010
« Reply #44 on: March 27, 2010, 12:33:47 pm »

i think it was better last time :(

it is very hard to exp on crafting...
- only some place to gather resources
- small exp
- many pk near this places
- many crafters so it is hard to get into mining site

so i think more exp will be better in this situation...
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