Referring to what is essentially a decrese of crafting xp from 30% to 20% of price as breaking it is .... pretty silly.
Calling bullshit again.
160 base price healing powder
Old exp: 95
New exp: 15
Old exp from an hour crafting cooldown: 1235, caps made 2080
New exp from an hour of crafting cooldown: 195, caps made 2080
Time spent gathering material: 49 minutes, AFTER maxing the cooldown, not factoring in the time it takes to find the materials.
For 49 minutes of work, you get 195 exp, and can't craft anything else for an hour. Before the updated cooldown times on gathering, and the amounts, it was 24 minutes gathering.
Now, if crafting was purely to supplement the fighting (Which for me is the most boring part of the game.) this wouldn't be such a problem, you'd pick up herbs when you could, and make the items when you have the material.
Yes, I am complaining about doctors once again. But think about it, Healing Powder is the only thing a doctor 1 can craft, I wanted to roleplay a doctor, in a role playing game, so I didn't take combat skills. My only source of income was healing powders, so it's what I've been crafting. Things were going well, I leveled up after a while, finally was able to put up a combat skill to slightly fight. Awesome, level 7 and my HP is "Please one hit kill me, raider" level. In fact I was just one hit killed with a critical while trying to leave the combat area.
Yes, I still play the game while crafting, I kill the random scorpions, brahmin, rats, holy people, etc that attack me while I'm on my way to gather materials or trade. So what is this punishment for? Now non-combat characters can't get anywhere, hybrids for crafting and combat both can barely level, and the only people profiting from this are the people who PK anybody they meet in a random encounter, or camp outside of resource areas and collect their material that way.
In this game, collecting materials, making it to a workbench, not getting suicide bombed or pick pocketed, crafting your items, and then MAYBE being able to sell them before you die, that's twice as dangerous as combat is, it shouldn't be punished.