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Author Topic: Fix gathering  (Read 11412 times)


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Re: Fix gathering
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2013, 05:42:24 am »

There is no gathering timer that would make the game funner, but making the resources replenish faster would sure help. Also, go to each mine and fix the rocks that appear to be mine-able but are not working ("that does nothing"). Those seem to just be "turned off" or something, but if those were enabled, there would be more rocks to hammer.

And WD's idea would help a lot too - add mining rocks in the wild, in caves. Also fix Super Sledge to work as a mining hammer. Oh and the dynamite thing. Guess i should stop right there.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: Fix gathering
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2013, 05:51:44 am »

And WD's idea would help a lot too - add mining rocks in the wild, in caves. Also fix Super Sledge to work as a mining hammer. Oh and the dynamite thing. Guess i should stop right there.

Now that I think about it, adding rocks to certain maps that are able to be mined would just promote encounter spamming like we do with fruit or trees.  Drop in, check the map, if what we want isn't there, exit.  Maybe a better way to do it is have rocks spawn when cave mobs do, in random places like footlockers in ruins encounters.  Maybe 2 ore, maybe 20.  Maybe minerals spawn.  Maybe neither. 

Unfortunately this also adds more grinding to the game, but at least we would have to risk something to gain something, unlike we do now with public mines.  Even the unguarded ones aren't much of a risk, except for maybe loss of sledgehammer.  I think this would also reduce miner alting.
Iguana Pete's sister


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Re: Fix gathering
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2013, 06:02:08 am »

, but making the resources replenish faster would sure help.

This may bring back gangs controlling mines for others... Since a faster repleneshing mine will promote factions vying for control so they can mine at their leisure. I'm down with this idea...

Factions guarding mines was a really interesting part of FOnline that I remember when I started playing 3 years ago.
Re: Fix gathering
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2013, 08:08:00 am »

Current system is fine; every time an unnecessary cooldown is introduced it just makes the gameplay jerkier. If I can hit a mine once for 400 iron ore, I won't have to visit it again for a long time which means reduced competition for other players.

400 ore is nothing.

I'd rather go inside a mine full of people killing all dem blewshuttss every 20 minutes than having to compete with obsessed crafters who will just keep carpets of whatever they use the ore for and never actually use the crafted stuff.


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Re: Fix gathering
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2013, 09:58:15 am »

Ok so again, previous system promoted alting (1 alt 20m cd => log in another one, mine for 20m cd => repeat with zillion of miner alts) and meaningless concentration (find 4 spots with all neccessary ores/minerals and never have to go elsewhere again).

Then if we move even further to the past, where you could mine in several random encounters, applies above mentioned nonsense PLUS there is no risk involved, unlike mining in a public place.

Present system aint perfect, but its definitely better than it was seasons before. So either find a new, better mining solution or polish the current one.

My idea how to improve it is to have limited resources in caves, just like Marko proposed (involves risk, no alting, camping...) in addition to current mining. Also another solution could be changing how those ore/mineral veins perform. Every guy could mine out only X % of the vein's current yield with a certain cd. So when another guy comes in, there will always be some amount of ore/minerals, because one guy wouldnt be able to mine out everything by himself.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 10:35:38 am by Sarakin »
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Re: Fix gathering
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2013, 10:17:41 am »

Or simply kick the alts and fr out and there wont be problem with mining.

No more wave of alts and fr !
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg
Re: Fix gathering
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2013, 10:38:13 am »

This may bring back gangs controlling mines for others... Since a faster repleneshing mine will promote factions vying for control so they can mine at their leisure. I'm down with this idea...

I've said it before and I will say it again, factions don't control mines and never did, there has never been anything to control in a sense someone might think.

I'd rather go inside a mine full of people killing all dem blewshuttss every 20 minutes than having to compete with obsessed crafters who will just keep carpets of whatever they use the ore for and never actually use the crafted stuff.

The mines were just as empty previously, players used multiple alts to gain very much resources in a short period of time. Those who didn't know how to take advantage of it, simply were put at a disadvantage. That means unlimited amount of resources on demand and the restriction having whatsoever no reason to exist in first place, especially now that you can use alts easier than ever.

I don't like the global limit for the ore either. It reduces all the interactions in the mines to shooting
everything that moves, because if they will get the ore then you won't. Maybe it was made to promote
competition, I don't know, but from my point of view it just made the game more primitive shooter.
I think players didn't really need any more incentives to kill each other in the mines.

Global limit was meant to solve issue with alts, this system has achieved its goal.

There is no connection to how players will interact based on the way of gaining resources, it is an unguarded location, when a player goes there he expects hostility, there are no restrictions of killing players on sight and it will happen no matter how you obtain ore.

Let us presume that there is no global limit or any kind of it and players don't need to compete at all, that doesn't mean players won't kill for the resource, because it will still be faster than digging it on your own and just because it is an unguarded location.

I personally don't see any problem with current system, each time I go to mine something the mine is full of resources.

You could just increase the speed of regenerating the resources so casuals have an easier time, nothing else should be changed.

Or simply kick the alts and fr out and there wont be problem with mining.

No more wave of alts and fr !

This system solved the problem with alts, you don't have any reason or any way how to do it with multiple alts.

Don't post random stuff.


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Re: Fix gathering
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2013, 11:11:13 am »

Don't post random stuff.

Again, defeted by the master of words:

FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg
Re: Fix gathering
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2013, 11:30:25 am »

I don't get it, what is the deal with picture. ;D


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Re: Fix gathering
« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2013, 05:59:13 pm »

I've said it before and I will say it again, factions don't control mines and never did, there has never been anything to control in a sense someone might think.

Yeah.. they.. have?

I've seen plenty of geared men standing guard at unsafe mines letting in (Depending on what faction was guarding)

the bad fucks or the good fucks. And defending the blue suits...

If this isn't "Controlling" an area, I'm not sure what is. Just because there's no magic chest spewing items for the largest faction in the game, doesn't mean that a large faction with enough dedication and firepower couldn't control a mine and decide who to let in and who to destroy.

I'm not entirely sure why you said this at all...

ANYONE can control ANYTHING... other than guarded towns really... unless you have enough suicide bursters to kill anyone anytime...

Theoretically any faction can control any town or location in this game.
Re: Fix gathering
« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2013, 06:10:34 pm »

Factions don't control mines, never had and never will.


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Re: Fix gathering
« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2013, 06:14:43 pm »

Factions don't control mines, never had and never will.

I think you're allowing definition to blind you of what clearly has happened in the past.

REGARDLESS of any or no rewards being given out for doing it... people have controlled the mines.


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Re: Fix gathering
« Reply #27 on: January 23, 2013, 06:16:56 pm »

I think you're allowing definition to blind you of what clearly has happened in the past.

I think T888 faction wasn't interested in this kind of activity, so maybe he isn't aware some people
were doing it in the past (remember he is also a relatively new player, so he has even more limited
perspective about this subject).

Now it makes no sense at all to let random people mine (which various people were doing on more
or less regular basis), because not only it's dangerous but also you won't get the ores yourself.
This reduced opportunities to interact with other people in other way than shooting them.
Re: Fix gathering
« Reply #28 on: January 23, 2013, 06:21:33 pm »

I think you're allowing definition to blind you of what clearly has happened in the past.

REGARDLESS of any or no rewards being given out for doing it... people have controlled the mines.

Uh, no I am not.

I am just from a faction, large one and there is no point of "controlling" mines, because you really can't achieve anything with that, because there are other mines and it would serve no purpose at all and that being a waste of time.

You mean some guys camping for short while and leaving? They can't prevent you from obtaining resources, you will get them later or you will go to another mine, nobody goes to control mines, maybe kill some noobs like you for fun.

Now it makes no sense at all to let random people mine (which various people were doing on more
or less regular basis), because not only it's dangerous but also you won't get the ores yourself.
This reduced opportunities to interact with other people in other way than shooting them.

The regeneration speed is quite fast, it is just not worth the effort to not let random people mine, you go in and dig resources, what are you going to camp all time all day to not let some noobs dig some resources you most probably don't need anymore?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 06:24:11 pm by T-888 »


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Re: Fix gathering
« Reply #29 on: January 23, 2013, 06:23:54 pm »

I think T888 faction wasn't interested in this kind of activity, so maybe he isn't aware some people
were doing it in the past (remember he is also a relatively new player, so he has even more limited
perspective about this subject).

Wouldn't expect such arrogance in that case.

Now it makes no sense at all to let random people mine (which various people were doing on more
or less regular basis), because not only it's dangerous but also you won't get the ores yourself.

Exactly, large factions standing guard to allow only their men or allies to reap the benefits of hq resources or resources in GENERAL.

Those were fun days... Made for interesting Sneak/miner builds.

This reduced opportunities to interact with other people in other way than shooting them.

Or increases opportunities for alliances, and larger factions.. cuts down on smaller 5 man factions.

Uh, no I am not.

I am just from a faction, large one and there is no point of "controlling" mines

The regeneration speed is quite fast, it is just not worth the effort to not let random people mine, you go in and dig resources

Wow... you are not paying attention to the conversation AT ALL.
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