Quotation please.
Here's one.
Table with all 3 brd vs CA:
Alternatively, you could just search Solar's post history, it ought to be mentioned in there about 50 times at least.
Also, I'd like to add that an "Afterburn" effect, would be extremely simple to simulate in the FOnline engine. Literally all you'd have to do was copy/paste the Poisoned effect, up the lethality of it and reduce the amount of time it stays, detach it from the "Poison" effect itself so you can't cure it with Antidote but maybe with Bottled Water or some crap. This wouldn't fix the problem with the Improved Flamer being useless in PVP (my other suggestions will) but it would give them a unique niche that no other weapon in the game can currently fill (that is Damage Over Time).
And seriously, what is the reason for Molotovs not doing Fire Damage by now? Is it an issue with them doing +40 damage with Pyromaniac? I think if someone is invested enough to go twice into Pyromaniac they deserve to use God-Molotovs. Pretty sure one of the devs (maybe Lexx? the rational one) agreed with me that they should be doing fire damage to fill the niche that Frags and Plasma nades don't at some point aeons ago. Molotovs don't explode and spray fragments everywhere, they smash and spew fire over the landscape.
So much could be done with Flamers, Molotovs, the Pyromaniac perk or incendiary ammo it's unbelievable. The only weapons in the entire game capable of doing fire damage get completely ignored. There's a whole Damage Threshold and Resistance type to prevent against it, but what's the point if nobody in the game would be caught dead trying to use a Flamer. While the usual Flamer is the entry-level Big Guns weapon for grinding, having the Improved Flamer as a simple grinding tool is just embarrassing, it could be so much more. What the hell do you do with those Pyromaniac perks once you level cap out and there's nothing left to grind on?