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Changelog 31/12/12

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--- Quote from: jacky. on December 31, 2012, 03:58:56 am ---I saw few knock backs from shotguns and they are a little to strong. Even rocket has weaker effect. I like this feature but it need to polished

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Except rocket has 40 hex range and shotgun knockback is only from 6 or less hexes.
And, uh... RL is actually cheaper and easier to get than pancor.

We will talk about unbalance when you will see in PvP more caws/pancors than RLs.

I am not saying this is bad but kicking out for 10hexes is to much and it is like in 2nd category action movie. 2-3 hexes should be nice instead of 10-12. This will be new troll weapon in ncr and nr.
And thnx for nerfing mercs. It was really good move even if my 39mele muties are harder in use.

Not saying you're wrong or right, but I would wait more than an hour before you decide something is more annoying (than current troll builds/tactics). ;p

Most awesome! I have already cleaned the piles of loot into a series of crates and chests.


--- Quote from: Catoptromancy on December 31, 2012, 04:25:31 am ---Most awesome! I have already cleaned the piles of loot into a series of crates and chests.

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Yes this v useful. I had few lockers from tabaco exploit but those are much better. Can go a little further and think about crafting turrets and sand bags? This would bring more options to pvp. Turrets could use laser and plasma rifles or bg weapons.


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