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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP  (Read 16919 times)

Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #45 on: December 29, 2012, 01:34:07 pm »

The reason why there is so much mercenary and fast relog use is due to the fact that most factions can't accept that they lost and since winner takes all that means if you determined you can just keep going till you turn your loss to a win with sheer numbers and no skills, removing mercs wouldn't do a big change instead of mercs it would be slaves if slaves gone too then just low gear alts.

But what would the removal of these npcs do?
No more reason to have slavers in the game as faction, no more filling your base with npcs to make it look like a real place for the RP fans, no more way to have npc guarded bases, no more mules who would carry stuff instead of you, no more reason to keep party point system since no followers exist which means 3+ch will became a waste just like the well thought out new follower system which was a huge step forward... and I could go on more

PvPers tend to suggest anything but real solutions. Whats the core of the problem here?
Players don't need to use strategy or brain just fill the place with alts or mercenaries due to the fact that in the end winner takes all. That means basically that there is no loss if you have limitless chars and/or mercs since you get back all your items and more. So the core of the problem is the loot, the fact that you can get everything back encourages fast relog and mercenary usage. With current player mentality and full loot its impossible to not experience the current situation.
With the removal of full drop fast relog in combat wouldn't be so good nor the use of mercs. Why?
Think a bit if A and B team fights both has 5 character. Lets say A wins first round would B use a second wave knowing that the items they had are gone if they go in and loose again their loss gets doubled and even if they win with second wave the gain they have is less then what they could lose so the chance for second wave is smaller.

However the removal of full drop will not happen since PvPers care the most about loot so any suggestion toward the limiting of the item gain will encounter whine and hatred from these players and as the saying goes the loudest scream is the one that gets heard which means that there is a chance that another part of the game that brought content faces the threat of being removed.... I'm looking forward to the suggestion of removing npcs from the cities...


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Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #46 on: December 29, 2012, 01:42:54 pm »

mercs ruin tc. now u have to be focus to kill green wall instead of real players. slaves are weak and easy to kill. if we just leave mercs and add more companions it would be nice.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 03:11:52 pm by jacky. »
Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #47 on: December 29, 2012, 02:29:56 pm »

This is a team based game not a 1v1 game.

Sure, but now the team who have the most relogs will win. It's not fair fight.


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Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #48 on: December 29, 2012, 03:14:22 pm »

Yes fr and mercs army are pain in ass in this sesion
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 03:39:20 pm by jacky. »


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Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #49 on: December 29, 2012, 04:27:45 pm »

I have to agree also with lemark.merc spamming in this session for tc purposes is 1 of the worst things especially if u combine it with Fr or dual .this kind of gameplay discourage the biggest part of player pool.and dont ask me whats that part?so if nothing happens to fix this sh it im afraid the pool will become smaller after this season.
Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #50 on: December 29, 2012, 08:15:03 pm »

Free and unregulated areas where hostility is possible seems to be your concern, not Town Control, because it's just a feature with a simple timer, beacon - "hey, were some guys armed to teeth ready to fight, want to challenge us?", currently nothing more. Irrelevant how you will regulate the feature, players don't need the beacon or the feature to ruin the game for you, if that is how you see it.

Same thought, but ...

Players will attack to initiate hostile conditions or force to be attacked in order to trigger hostility. It'd make it more of an effort to use them in large quantities and in other words abuse them like now, but that's just a matter of getting used to and players as always will adapt. Just like players got used to, or basically were forced to use multiple alts in combat and everything related to it.

Hostility doesn't really bother me; it's the fact that I'm always being jumped four-players-on-one. With odds like that, there's no reason for me to engage in a fight--it's just not interesting. 8)
Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #51 on: December 29, 2012, 09:12:05 pm »

Hostility doesn't really bother me; it's the fact that I'm always being jumped four-players-on-one. With odds like that, there's no reason for me to engage in a fight--it's just not interesting. 8)

Hence the problem with the game, only people who play often enough and together are the 2 major factions and they are total douchebags. I mean you'd have to be a total no life to devote this much of your time to a game devoid of anything worth doing. Through their whining they've removed everything of value to individual players and further made the game tailored only to themselves at the expense of the rest of the player base. Personally I've given up on this game, I had some hope for the first 2 year but during the last one it's just been steadily going down hill. 3d will never get done and until then theres no point in making big changes, devs have no vision for the game and seem to just be catering to a few whining tcers. It could have been cool if someone had bothered to actually work out a balanced combat system on paper instead of randomly changing values and hoping for the best. Making a game where the faction with the most players has a huge advantage over everyone else when the server population is so low is ridiculous and you know most of the new players will give up long before ever making it into a faction. Wasteland isn't harsh it's just boring now.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 09:14:00 pm by Roachor »
Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #52 on: December 29, 2012, 09:36:37 pm »

Unfortunately , this session is the worst for history 2238. 2010-2011 year were the best. And it is not surprising that after you update all players go and there are only a couple three cartoons ( double log ) . I am very disappointed with your so-called improvements. In the wasteland that was REALLY EMPTY.


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Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #53 on: December 29, 2012, 09:46:03 pm »

Hence the problem with the game, only people who play often enough and together are the 2 major factions and they are total douchebags. I mean you'd have to be a total no life to devote this much of your time to a game devoid of anything worth doing. Through their whining they've removed everything of value to individual players and further made the game tailored only to themselves at the expense of the rest of the player base. Personally I've given up on this game, I had some hope for the first 2 year but during the last one it's just been steadily going down hill. 3d will never get done and until then theres no point in making big changes, devs have no vision for the game and seem to just be catering to a few whining tcers. It could have been cool if someone had bothered to actually work out a balanced combat system on paper instead of randomly changing values and hoping for the best. Making a game where the faction with the most players has a huge advantage over everyone else when the server population is so low is ridiculous and you know most of the new players will give up long before ever making it into a faction. Wasteland isn't harsh it's just boring now.
hmmmm, sounds similiar to what I've been saying.  The only thing wrong with this game is the shitty players :)  mostly the whiney douchecrews of 12yo ape assholes.  I don't care about PK or APK but when you cater to only people that have interests in preserving there shit builds (unrealistic  2st 1ch, low int retards) of max hp BG SS Rambozos this is exactly what you get.  A retarded game with no variety of basically nothing more mentally challenging than round after round of rock em sock em robots.

Enjoy!  This is what you dickheads have begged for!
It's all really about suppression of dissension, consensus through censorship.  Whether through extermination of those who have different or conflicting viewpoints or subtle spin of available media.  If there is only one opinion left, it must be right, right?
Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #54 on: December 29, 2012, 10:06:07 pm »


It's a suggestion on a forum, you can either agree or disagree with me, I can't force upon you any truth you are not willing to hear, but I am more than capable just like everyone else to express reason, common sense and have an opinion just about anything. I don't see how you are capable of dictating what I should do or not.

So, I am just about anyone capable of talking, to tell you that characters who operate effectively without appropriate amount of requirements or restrictions bring balance issues, because that is something players will take advantage of. I'd rather see well equipped characters most of the time, just because that includes more risk and reward what ultimately achieves more play value.

Different topic for that required, it was discussed previously and there was general consensus achieved about the subject. Go and be hurt about it somewhere else.

Hostility doesn't really bother me; it's the fact that I'm always being jumped four-players-on-one. With odds like that, there's no reason for me to engage in a fight--it's just not interesting. 8)

Time to make some friends, wasteland is harsh and unforgiving. ;)

Hence the problem with the game, only people who play often enough and together are the 2 major factions and they are total douchebags.

There are quite a few players in game and not all of them are faction related and not all of them idle some Shady Sands, players play together even in smaller groups. No idea how you made the connection to only factions, seems like you are very biased.

I mean you'd have to be a total no life to devote this much of your time to a game devoid of anything worth doing.

Players work together and achieve things quite easily, not to mention those who are good with all this faction related stuff.

Through their whining they've removed everything of value to individual players and further made the game tailored only to themselves at the expense of the rest of the player base.


Like what? What has the mean, angry faction players taken away from you?

Personally I've given up on this game, I had some hope for the first 2 year but during the last one it's just been steadily going down hill. 3d will never get done and until then theres no point in making big changes, devs have no vision for the game and seem to just be catering to a few whining tcers

Too bad, kthxbye.

It could have been cool if someone had bothered to actually work out a balanced combat system on paper instead of randomly changing values and hoping for the best.

Most of combat related changes are suggested by players. There are some random features, but for the most of the part they don't even touch combat.

Making a game where the faction with the most players has a huge advantage over everyone else when the server population is so low is ridiculous and you know most of the new players will give up long before ever making it into a faction. Wasteland isn't harsh it's just boring now.

The game was called faction mod from the very beginning, massively multiplayer online role-playing game and in such games ... can you believe it? Players supposed to work together.


Buhahahahahahah. ;D
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 10:13:11 pm by T-888 »

Cyber Jesus

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Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #55 on: December 29, 2012, 11:33:57 pm »

9000+ words
I know why the server keeps lagging, it's because T-888 constantly keeps leaving walls of texts everywhere. Ban T-888!
Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #56 on: December 30, 2012, 10:10:23 am »

I think reintroducing Brotherhood Armor should fix the problem with the slaves, as it has the best resistance against plasma grenades besides Tesla Armor. (Pg are the main weapon of all slaves.)



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Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #57 on: December 30, 2012, 12:07:09 pm »

I think reintroducing Brotherhood Armor should fix the problem with the slaves, as it has the best resistance against plasma grenades besides Tesla Armor. (Pg are the main weapon of all slaves.)

wtf.mb they can implement apa mk2 if thats the case.anyone else  have such nice ideas?
Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #58 on: December 30, 2012, 12:18:25 pm »

wtf.mb they can implement apa mk2 if thats the case.anyone else  have such nice ideas?

I think removing your brain from existence is an EXCELLENT idea.

The mass amount of slaves with plasma grenades would be useless if it were the previous session, so reintroducing BA would be a nice choice.

P.S. I'm only speaking about slaves and mercs with plasma grenades.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 12:20:40 pm by McLooter »


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Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #59 on: December 30, 2012, 02:45:07 pm »

i have a better idea.stop playing this game and mb stop posting.unless u find some clever things to say in the future.
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