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Author Topic: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP  (Read 16865 times)

Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #60 on: December 30, 2012, 02:54:31 pm »

...unless u find some clever things to say in the future.

Kind of ironic based on most of the stuff you post.   8)

Mike Crosser

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Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #61 on: December 30, 2012, 03:01:27 pm »

I think removing your brain from existence is an EXCELLENT idea.

The mass amount of slaves with plasma grenades would be useless if it were the previous session, so reintroducing BA would be a nice choice.

P.S. I'm only speaking about slaves and mercs with plasma grenades.
If this happens then I believe i can predict the future:
CAmk2 becomes completely replaced by BA,and loses worth just like CA did before it.
Players find some new weapon to replace the plasma slaves and it becomes a super effective troll tool.
Players demand the implementation the Power Armor to resist this new troll tool.
After that the BA becomes completely replaced with PA and PvP becomes something similar to that of the TLA.Noobs no longer stand a chance,guarded town trolling becomes an epidemic and the population reduces to that of the rollback days.

Adding new armors will not fix anything.Only thing that will stop players from abusing these cheap tactics is the players themselves.Yes ,you,you choose to use slaves and mercs,you choose the dual log,you choose to FR,build endless BG tanks,you choose to play rock em sock em robots.Just because you can doesn't mean you should,but you don't care.The game isn't about fun anymore,now victory>fun.This is bullshit all of you who cheat must feel real proud of cheating in a fan made mod of a 10+ year old game.It's rather pathetic how much you crave for the ability to say "we win you suck".

Now I expect a personal insult and a rather weak explanation why I am wrong.
Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #62 on: December 30, 2012, 04:07:17 pm »

I think reintroducing Brotherhood Armor should fix the problem with the slaves, as it has the best resistance against plasma grenades besides Tesla Armor. (Pg are the main weapon of all slaves.)

Some damage threshold and bit more regular plasma damage resistance won't make such a huge difference. Look, previous session it was only Brotherhood armor, though slaves were still present and very viable with plasma grenades, anyway you know you can always equip them with frag grenades.

If this happens then I believe i can predict the future:
CAmk2 becomes completely replaced by BA,and loses worth just like CA did before it.

Even if that happens, who said that Brotherhood armor has to be ultimately better than CAmk2? I think it only makes sense if both of them are equally balanced.

CAmk2           vs          BA
Normal : 40/6               Normal : 40/8
Laser : 65/9                 Laser : 70/8
Plasma : 50/5               Plasma : 60/7
Explode : 50/9              Explode : 35/8

Dat RL resistance for CAmk2 will make all the difference in today PvP.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 04:14:29 pm by T-888 »


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Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #63 on: December 30, 2012, 07:54:31 pm »

from what i red, i have seen a suggestion or something that slaves/mercs shouldnt protect faction, but the owner and i can say that this would be total bullshit, if a minigunner would accidentally hit other faction members slave, and they would turn hostile against their own faction :)


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Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #64 on: December 30, 2012, 08:18:20 pm »

I think reintroducing Brotherhood Armor should fix the problem with the slaves, as it has the best resistance against plasma grenades besides Tesla Armor. (Pg are the main weapon of all slaves.)

wrong. enclave armor is better


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Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #65 on: December 30, 2012, 10:19:57 pm »

If this happens then I believe i can predict the future:
CAmk2 becomes completely replaced by BA,and loses worth just like CA did before it.
Players find some new weapon to replace the plasma slaves and it becomes a super effective troll tool.
Players demand the implementation the Power Armor to resist this new troll tool.
After that the BA becomes completely replaced with PA and PvP becomes something similar to that of the TLA.Noobs no longer stand a chance,guarded town trolling becomes an epidemic and the population reduces to that of the rollback days.

True.but some people here doesnt have the necessary  brain capacity to understand that.
Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #66 on: December 30, 2012, 10:53:03 pm »

lol slaves with frag grenades, yeah 20 dmg a shot they sure are dangerous ::)
Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #67 on: December 30, 2012, 10:59:24 pm »

Some damage threshold and bit more regular plasma damage resistance won't make such a huge difference. Look, previous session it was only Brotherhood armor, though slaves were still present and very viable with plasma grenades, anyway you know you can always equip them with frag grenades.

thanks for making a polite response to it at least, unlike to this egotistic moron, vinio. I thought BA would be a nice way to deal with the slaves, but based on the disagreements, it won't work, and as I know now, CAmk2 has almost the same plasma resistance.

lol slaves with frag grenades, yeah 20 dmg a shot they sure are dangerous ::)

They are actually, believe it or not, even if they've done 0 damage, the best advantage of frag grenade slaves is knockdown.
Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #68 on: December 31, 2012, 01:17:38 am »

In my experience with using slaves with nades in combat, in  8 v 2 6 slaves die before they even get within range  and then the surviving ones don't have enough ap to maintain chainstun. Also this assumes no one is shooting at them that they aren't attacking and the AI is total crap when it comes to responding to threats.


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Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #69 on: December 31, 2012, 08:45:04 am »

thanks for making a polite response to it at least, unlike to this egotistic moron, vinio. I thought BA would be a nice way to deal with the slaves, but based on the disagreements, it won't work, and as I know now, CAmk2 has almost the same plasma resistance.

thats very polite of u thanks.there 3-4 people here that doesnt agree with u and yet u still continue to post bs.also swearing in forum might get u banned.go read the rules.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 08:47:07 am by vinio »
Re: Discussion: Stop this merc / slave madness in PVP
« Reply #70 on: December 31, 2012, 09:09:48 am »

thats very polite of u thanks.there 3-4 people here that doesnt agree with u and yet u still continue to post bs.also swearing in forum might get u banned.go read the rules.

Oh really? You're the first one starting to be inpolite:

wtf.mb they can implement apa mk2 if thats the case.anyone else  have such nice ideas?
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