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What if ...

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The first Char i registered this season works also that way. I made him to support my faction in the buildup phase.
But then what? You tell me you want to play factionslave the whole season?

So ya. Idea on how this could work.

All Special can be boosted 2 points. A straight 5-5-5-5-5-5-5 build can be made to 7-7-7-7-7-7-7. Each first point requires a quest that takes an actual month to finish. Not in doing the quest, just a wait period. Doing the quest takes 30-60 minutes, wait a month to get Special boosted from the quest. Second point of Special will take 2 months. Only one Special can be boosted at a time. Will take all season to get every possible boost to Special.

Skill points can be indefinitely boosted to 300 through books, advanced books, magazines and "teacher" quests. Enough study and proper skill should allow people to do it all. Skill points will work exactly like they do now, but books obtained will be able to boost skill points. Special and INT determines how many skill points are added depending on book. 7 ST will boost big guns and unarmed/melee points more. 9 CH will boost barter and speech more. INT overall determines how many points are added. Advanced books are needed to boost a skill over 200 points. All books are obtained through footlockers or quests of various difficulty.

Someone can grind quests and sell books to other players.

It is possible to max all skill points and nicely boost Special, but will take a player all season of hard work.

PVP players can still level up a fighter in a day to a fighters level and then take quests on his off-time to gain crafting abilities or CH and INT to start slaving, doing more quests or whatever.

PVE/crafting players can still level up how they wish but can slowly work on their PVP skills until they are up to a fighters level.

A new drug to boost carry weight or: 1 buffout acts normal, 2 buffout doubles carryweight or until 196 max.

The useless booze-like items should boost carry weight a bit.

Slaving tattoos can be removed with laser surgery from a doctor. That VC guy seems to have the equipment.

This will make a PVP dedicated player able to do all other stuff as well as a PVE/Crafter to be able to someday PVP.

What is best about this idea is that a lvl21 player is not just stuck with the same abilities all season, someone can keep playing and keep boosting their skills.

And most important, PVPers will slowly become even tougher or more skilled in more weapons. PVP will be brutal by end of season if players took Special boosting quests and have a source of books to read.

What you describe is what i expected when i first heard about this game.
It could be a way to get much closer to that playing the chosen one feel.
A very drastic cut though.

Gifted would solve a lot of problems, so would changing the values of sp to skill %, it takes all your max possible sp and then some to max out a skill which this game seems to demand.


--- Quote from: Giftless on December 05, 2012, 07:40:03 am ---I know it's possible to get cw, universal crafting, barter, and base logistics into one character. Barter has gotten me caps and drugs at a moderate level of effectiveness, so slavery and thieving are not 100% necessary for enjoying the game.

The problems arise with the prohibitively high lockpick skill needed for BP hunting, and the fact that you need a dedicated combat character to farm CA. I'd say at the bare minimum 2-3 characters are needed to develop & maintain one's infrastructure.

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The problem is that the game is not suitable to limit the player to only one character Just because how the game is made, serious overhauls are required and then the question raises whether it's worth the effort. Technically it's possible, despite the player being restricted to play on his character only on the PC he created it. Best thing a player could hope for and for something witch is reasonable, realistic is for is a limited set of alts just like you say.

--- Quote from: Catoptromancy on December 10, 2012, 07:55:19 pm ---...

--- End quote ---

Random general ideas witch you don't seem to understand how they would shape the game, don't talk about something you don't understand. No offense, it's just the way it is.


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