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X-com Terror From the Deep - Is that thing beatable?
So now I have a really big problem...
I'm doing an Alien base and basically I don't know where to "find" the last aliens.
This is the first base ever built in geoscape "Alien Base 01", outside had aquatoids and taloth (aren't these supposed to appear only mid-game?) and inside had those lobsterman and their chrysalid-like brains.
I explored the entire map and killed "all" lobsterman, yet the remaining ones don't show up anymore (turn 130 right now).
They simply pop out of nowhere whenever my characters move to an specific place, they're basically SD sneaking my soldiers and they don't seem to stop coming (killed around 32 so far in both base maps).
And I'm pretty sure they are just randomly spawning in front of my soldiers, some of them just appeared right in front of them right at the direction they were facing in the first place.
Destroy the synomyum device in the command room.
Then make you way back to the exit grid and abort once all xcom operatives on exit squares. The mission will be a success and alien base eliminated.
The only disadvantage with this option is that you only salvage the stuff you are carrying.
I see no device.
I explored the entire map, something tells me these lobsterman appearing out of nowhere are bugged as well and that mission can't be completed.
TftD was full of bugs in fact it was unfinishable at the time of release due to game destroying bugs. But I remember being able to do base missions.
I mainly destroyed synomyum device in the command room; unlike UFO EU, in TftD the alien bases were huge and the base set up was a tactical nightmare. From memory the control room was found in the middle of the base and it also had an upper level; this is where the device is; and the device might take a few hits to destroy. Once you destroy the device you still have to make your way to exit grid, if you abort right away you will loose the mission and your team.
Maybe also try searching for any bug fixing patches before playing, the stand alone game was broken and unfinishable.
edit: found some pics to help out...
look for this (command room), and take elevator (blue circles), to go upper level.
upper level looks like above pic. the Syn device is the circular thing (upper left on screen)... Destroy it.
Hmm I can't download UFO extender... The mod file is just a patch and not the mod itself: http://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Image:UFOLoader.zip
Where can I find the actual mod?
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