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X-com Terror From the Deep - Is that thing beatable?

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--- Quote from: Johnnybravo on October 31, 2012, 10:07:11 pm ---http://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=TFTDextender this is for TFTD

Edit: And beware there is huge creepy cthulu picture on that page :d.
Specifically you need both loader and patcher:

--- End quote ---

Nah I meant extender for UFO defense, TFTD maps are way too huge, it would take forever to finish that game.

It's pretty cool now, the heavy laser is still a bit useless because the shots suck up energy but at least it's useable now.

I think the landscape is better in defense. In TFTD all you get is corals (which makes for a very boring landscape IMO + most of the maps from memory looked identical).

Also I suggest when you do your map sweep don't sweep buildings room by room, instead use your heavy gunners (rocket launchers to flatten any buildings); much safer method.

Use 3 man teams (i.e x2 scouts working together covered by x1 sniper). I prefer 14 men crew (6 scouts, 3 snipers, x2 heavy weapons, x1 grenadier, x1 ammo mule, x1 officer)

Each 3 man team uses x2 scouts to leap frog each other with one being resting scout while both are covered by the third man- a sniper.  Basically when sweeping the map you want to move(the resting scout), only 1-2 squares (you'll be able to do more as TU's improve), forward then kneel (this will leave most of time units free for reaction fire); the 2nd scout might move 8 squares forward (if an alien is not discovered), then move 8 squares back and kneel (so he ends up next to resting scout). This way any alien not discovered will in most cases need to move at least 8 squares to get line of sight on the scouts which means the resting scout will usually react fire( particularly as TU's approach 80 and reaction stats approach 60+; you will always react fire). This system dramatically reduces casualties. I am currently at month of April and most of my scouts have reaction stat over 70 now (i think my weakest scout has about 62), and the aliens pretty much cannot get near us due to reaction fire.

If you apply the mod in the .ini -Heavy explosives can also now breach ufo walls so take advantage of this. They are also good to clear buildings. They can be thrown like grenades but are much better. So make use of your Grenadier. HEs are much heavier than grenades so make sure your grenadier has a good starting strength (+40) stat- so he can actually throw the damn thing. as his strength improves he will become very valuable.

*NOTE: if you want you can improve  damage of heavy laser by typing following command into extender .ini under OBDATA (I set my value to 120 but you can use lower value because  I am finding 120 is a bit OP)

Heavy Laser Damage=120

Remember that with heavy laser you can target up to x3 aliens at once if you use burst mode; so make use of this method. It will take up most of your TU's but since snipers spend most of time stationary in kneeling once a good position (whereby the sniper can cover his scouts as they sweep the map), is found it doesn't matter much.

1. Use smoke grenade and deploy it on ground in front of Skyranger latch door. You actually move out of Skyranger on turn 2 under smoke protection; this method prevents aliens from throwing grenades as your first guy leaves the Skyranger or gets shot right in the head by an unseen alien just outside Skyranger. Albeit keep it mind any aliens detected/seen while you're still in the Skyranger (before having a chance to deploy),should be shot immediately.   

2. The two guys at the back of the Skyranger can actually look through pilots cockpit windows if you turn them around; this way you can see whats behind the skyranger prior to deploying your guys.

Xcomutil sets Heavy Laser to 120, gives it Heavy Plasma accuracy and makes aimed mode somewhat more reasonable fast.
Machinegun thing is a mod you can toggle off, and I've found it best for environment destruction.

To be honest I'm not sure what mod is better. One makes it unique thing, but not really comfortable to use and perhaps too random compared to explosives. Other one makes it great weapon for experienced soldiers.

Oh and those corals are relevant only to recovery missions, artifact sites, bases or terror missions have none of them. I think that port terror mission is the best map in both games.

--- Quote ---If you apply the mod in the .ini -Heavy explosives can also now breach ufo walls so take advantage of this.
--- End quote ---
I wouldn't do this. Unlike Heavy Laser, those explosives are already very useful. No need to make them THAT powerful.

I just find it adds more options/tactics being able to breach ufo walls with heavy explosives. This means you can storm the UFOs from multiple sides at once- often surprising the aliens since they like to camp the doors :P


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