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X-com Terror From the Deep - Is that thing beatable?

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I'm playing on hardest difficulty as usual but there's a problem... The game is impossible compared to UFO defense.

There's millions of alien bases all over the globe and a terror site almost everytime I skip-foward.

If you have the game and beated it on highest difficulty please tell me wtf I have to do to keep all those aliens colonies at an acceptable amount.

I expected the game to be much harder than UFO or enemy unknown but damn...

pew pew pew laser, can you stream it?


--- Quote from: Fettel on October 22, 2012, 03:29:28 am ---pew pew pew laser, can you stream it?

--- End quote ---

Maybe once I stop sucking at it.

It's the exact same game as UFO and at the same time it's not.

Yes done it several times including ironman mode.
It has some issues making it seemingly harder than it is (for example you can just straight ignore gauss weapons as you will salvage at least sonic pistol on first successful mission against gillmen or aquanoids, which do not require gauss things at all. Liner missions can be just aborted at the start, it's not huge penalty to recover from, and the game is far easier if you don't sit down doing nothing) and some research bugs prevents you from completing it.

If you start using grenades and scout/snipers stuff becomes far easier. You cannot deal with things 100% safe, especially tentaculats, but hey you hardly run into a problem that you cannot recover from and if you really have to, reloading is option as well.

I remember some videos on youtube doing fast run on superhuman and also giving out some very nice tips, you can have a look http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qdL0cysiBU&list=PL49B325C3F2B472EA

OT: I really hope the EU reboot is going to be followed with TFTD sequel or DLC/Xpac. There is painful lack of good lovecraftian games, especially those set underwater.

I prefer gauss because it works underwater and on the surface, I don't like keeping huge stacks of items here and there just for different situations.

I keep an underwater tank or two but only because aliens are much more sneaky with all that coral for them to hide into.


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