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Would you like PvP battlegrounds?

- 34 (45.3%)
Provide more info, but it seems cool
- 13 (17.3%)
I'm not sure
- 6 (8%)
- 10 (13.3%)
Town control is just enough
- 12 (16%)

Total Members Voted: 74

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Author Topic: PvP grounds alias arenas  (Read 11984 times)


  • Sheep EX machina!
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PvP grounds alias arenas
« on: March 21, 2010, 06:20:02 pm »

PvP is the only thing that keeps majority of players ingame since its beta and PvE element is missing more or less. But PvP was/is/will be possible almost everywhere anytime (since the day one of OBTs) so why not take a closer look at it.

Now PvP takes place in northern towns as they are only thing worth fighting for vs real players. But these towns were meant to be protected by gangs and not to become their playground for fights. Well thats how it developed during testing and I will not try to suggest any changes to current town control since I believe that developers are not satisfied with northern towns and we can expect many changes in months to come. Anyway my suggestion is to make new places designed for single purpose: PvP battles. Such PvP grounds (lets call them arenas) could be created in various types and when I imagine those endless possibilities and combinations. Well that would be hell of a fun!
But if such thing should be successful and enjoyed it should work similar to the current boxing ring that is at Junktown. Players sign up for arena, their current inventory is "saved" and will restore after arena ending. Inside arenas players will spawn with nothing, they will loot only basic equipment in their spawn room. After 20-30 second countdown spawn room opens and match begins. Players will be able to find and loot different weapons/ammo/armors/stimpacks randomly spawned inside arena but that would depend on arena type. After arena goal is reached (oponent team eliminated etc.) players will get rewarded. Reward could be for everyone that participated and based on dmg/kills that each player did, or only for winning team (again depended on arena type).

Team Deathmatch
Two (or more) teams (2/3/5 players per team) enter arena and their only goal is to slay all of their opponents.

X players starts tournament but only one can win. Battles should happen in smaller arenas and as 1v1. As soon as the 1st round is over winners move on to next round against other winners from previous round. And at the end of this pyramid elimination we would find our winner. Such tournaments should be rather rare than common since the prestige and reward from their winning should be better compared to other arena types.

Capture the Flag
Two teams (raiders/rangers or BoS/Enclave) fight over opponents flag secret intelligence (rangers=plans of NCR city defenses/raiders=map with location of their base or BoS=weapon plans/Enclave Vbird plans). When intelligence (imagine it as suitcase or something) is taken, carrier is marked by it and as he is in adrenaline rush it boosts his strength+HP significantly (+3 ST and 80 HP or something like that).

One team is defending their base. The other team is trying to infiltrate base and finish objectives (bomb something, corrupt terminal etc.).

One team (security) chooses their VIP person (tribe leader/town chief etc.) and they have to escort him to safespot. The other team (raiders) is trying to prevent that and kill the VIP.

Yes I know what most of you is thinking right now. Go play your Quake and let Fallout be Fallout. Yeah but I don't see anything wrong about this suggestion. Even Mad Max had his thunderdome arena thingy, similar with The Running Man etc. So I think that arenas with organized fights to the death pretty much fit post-apocalyptic world that Fallout is. Anyway the hardest part about this suggestion is to incorporate such arenas into the world, so they will feel natural and no just "oh yeah mmo battleground!". But I think that even this can be done somehow but again there is also technical side of the coin and thats something developers have to decide. But I believe that introducing arenas should not be technically that hard since most of the gadgets we need for this are already ingame only used for different purposes.

This is just very basic idea to show you what I have on my mind but I can spend more time on this and write down more detailed stuff and "how it could be done" suggestions. Anyway I would like to know your opinion on Fallout style arenas and battlegrounds.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 06:28:03 pm by Sius »
Re: PvP grounds alias arenas
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2010, 10:04:37 pm »

I really love the idea. In the current situation only big factions got a lot of fun pking in northern towns and others don't. Because they will out number smaller gangs and they have so much items from loot so they care less when they lost.

By play in the arena I guess everybody will have equally fun. Look at some events and today's madness before wipe in NCR you will notice that. People just dont' have it enough in NCR long after GMs were gone. Of course different amount of caps will be charged weather you want to play naked BB gun or APA mrk2/vindicators.


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Re: PvP grounds alias arenas
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2010, 10:38:06 pm »

If this is possible to be done, it sounds great, especially since you don't really lose anything - it is just for the fun of fighting.
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!


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Re: PvP grounds alias arenas
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2010, 11:05:28 am »

love it. Maybe some kind of combat simulator- so the fight/tournament is actually virtual. Bos training camp or something- new location so anyone could use the combat simulator.
"But... Isn't Betty a womans name...?"


  • Sheep EX machina!
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Re: PvP grounds alias arenas
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2010, 03:51:49 pm »

love it. Maybe some kind of combat simulator- so the fight/tournament is actually virtual. Bos training camp or something- new location so anyone could use the combat simulator.

Well my idea is more like real PvP with conditions and rules. Place where people can fight among themselves, compare their skills and finally win something if they are better than others. Of course it should not be for free nor risk free. But people should risk their pre-paid cash (or something) instead of whole inventory. Maybe create something like honor system, that would encourage people to play in these arenas. More honor you get, better equip as reward you can collect (its logical, good gladiator is supported better than unknown one).


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Re: PvP grounds alias arenas
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2010, 04:53:13 pm »

and we should be able to bet on who wins, a bit like gambling, but without the gambling skill
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1
Re: PvP grounds alias arenas
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2010, 05:51:25 pm »

What about virtual reality simulations? I mean you cannot integrade this Deadmatch, VIP, Arena stuff into the real fallout world. But with the help from the VR simulators a lot of possibilities are given. These were really used by the old United States military and in at least one Vault-Tec Vault. So there is plenty of room for possible scenarios.

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Re: PvP grounds alias arenas
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2010, 05:53:05 pm »

who likes organised pvp ? think nobody - i prefere, small and spontaneous pvp - absolutely without any rules


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Re: PvP grounds alias arenas
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2010, 06:40:43 pm »

Okay if you manage to make it credible and fun. However the main fights should be over resources/power/whatever necessary in the game world, once something like that is included.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: PvP grounds alias arenas
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2010, 06:47:14 pm »

Only if it is optional. I'd hate to see the open pvp disapear. It would COMPLETELY ruin the fallout feeling.
Re: PvP grounds alias arenas
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2010, 07:44:26 pm »

It would COMPLETELY ruin the fallout feeling.

I would say what equally ruins the Fallout feeling is people gunning others down in cold blood and not getting a reputation for it.
Re: PvP grounds alias arenas
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2010, 07:49:53 pm »

I voted Yes but I don't like loot lockers findable in arena. What you bring is what you use. And it could be player regulated. Don't want to fight someone overpowered, then just find some lower-level person wanting some fun.

The arenas could be in places like junktown where there already rings, but this would be maybe a room under some buildings for quick 1 on 1, or a special area outside of Klamath for team on team matches.
Then again, if it's player-regulated expect a fuckton of griefers and spoilsports. So maybe some sort of "teleport" for players who go inside a special room and click a button in terminal saying "let's fight in this mode" and gives them an arena just for themselves.

Spectators are a bad idea. Just Fraps it. And rewards would be loot from others and whatever else was promised. For people you trust you can make friendly bets and be sure they'll pay up.

I would say what equally ruins the Fallout feeling is people gunning others down in cold blood and not getting a reputation for it.
Reputation does not matter if you can respawn without any consequences 50 seconds later. That's what ruins fallout and we've no way of avoiding it. Who cares about anything if you can't die?
<Izual> Let's crash server


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Re: PvP grounds alias arenas
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2010, 07:58:13 pm »

who likes organised pvp ? think nobody - i prefere, small and spontaneous pvp - absolutely without any rules
I think lot of people like organised PvP - just look at any event. No matter what goal is, the most people go there only for shoot to someone freely, without loosing their precious "itanz". So I think that making kind of "thunderdome" for brave gladiators could be a good piece of eintertaintment. Especially when no own equipment will be required, and you can get f.e. some nice, badass and "re5p3ct" titles and names in your char's Karma tab, like it was in F2 after boxing in New Reno, or even some unique item (no, not APA MkII, forget it :>).

But still closing PvP in some places only ... Naah, not necessarily.

And "fallout feelings" kinds are as much as people playing it - for someone it will be mindless slaughter with miniguns and rockets, for other "pwnzing n00bz OMG", yet other would love to stick to a bar in abandoned city and chit-chat for an hour or two or "play Wasteland Sims" in such place. Freedom should be always one and only main idea of Fallout, I think.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 08:01:20 pm by Wichura »
Nie biegaj za stadem.


  • Sheep EX machina!
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Re: PvP grounds alias arenas
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2010, 08:07:19 pm »

I mean you cannot integrade this Deadmatch, VIP, Arena stuff into the real fallout world.

Why not? You think that in wasteland there are no rich people that want to see others fight to death? And of course its meant to be as optional PvP feature and it should NEVER replace real world conflicts. Try to think of it like its part of the postapocalyptic world as it could be. But please don't think of it like some wow battleground or something. As I said hardest part (if I ignore technical side of the thing) is how to implement such feature into the world so it will feel natural. For some arena types its obvious.

Tournament + Team Deathmatch
I can already see that some rich bastard like Gizmo or underground scum of New Reno organizes such arenas. At the day they watch box but at night they support this "death madness" and reward only those who stay alive.

Other arena types could be tricky to implement so they would not feel too artificial but even here its just matter of what developers want/don't want to be ingame. If they want FOnline to be realistic and without any of these "artificial" MMO features, then it will be hard to implement such repeatable PvP fights (especially if they should take place in arenas and follow some rules). But I think that if developers want strictly Fallouty stuff ingame without any MMORPG features and components, then we can expect it to be more like simulator of postapocalyptic life rather than the game. But I want to play FOnline because I enjoy it and have fun playing. So for me such feature would definitely hit the black spot and I would simply love having it ingame.


  • Sheep EX machina!
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Re: PvP grounds alias arenas
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2010, 08:22:08 pm »

I voted Yes but I don't like loot lockers findable in arena. What you bring is what you use. And it could be player regulated. Don't want to fight someone overpowered, then just find some lower-level person wanting some fun.

The arenas could be in places like junktown where there already rings, but this would be maybe a room under some buildings for quick 1 on 1, or a special area outside of Klamath for team on team matches.
Then again, if it's player-regulated expect a fuckton of griefers and spoilsports. So maybe some sort of "teleport" for players who go inside a special room and click a button in terminal saying "let's fight in this mode" and gives them an arena just for themselves.

Spectators are a bad idea. Just Fraps it. And rewards would be loot from others and whatever else was promised. For people you trust you can make friendly bets and be sure they'll pay up.
Reputation does not matter if you can respawn without any consequences 50 seconds later. That's what ruins fallout and we've no way of avoiding it. Who cares about anything if you can't die?

Well I like your idea about what you bring is what you use. But remember, that FOnline is pretty flat right now and if such arenas should be rather tactical, then something like looting at least stimpacks or some weaker drugs from already spawned corpses could provide some fun. But this depends on arena type and looting stuff should be reserved for bigger fights (Assault/CTF).
Edit: Fresh idea comes to me while I was typing this. What if looting new stuff is dependent on objectives you have successfully finished in arena. I mean for Assault it could be like one team defends other attacks. So if defending team can hold attackers for 3 minutes without loosing their first line of defense, then defenders will get some weapons/armors spawned at their respawn point. And vice versa.
Anyway in these arenas people should not be punished for dieing. At least not by loosing their items. Maybe some other punishment could be set but I think if there are some conditions to enter arenas then they should be enough. So for example you can take part in Assault only if you have suitable gear = NPC will check your armor/weapon/skills and if you have low gear/skill levels then he will ignore you as you can't be fun to watch in arena since you would die instantly (Edit: I remembered now Assault should be something like story based so it could be done like skirmish between two factions like NCR/raiders so organizer NPC would turn you down as you are not prepared for such battle). These conditions imho should do the trick. So you bring only your weapon/armor/ammo and only drugs and some secondary weaponry (grenades, traps if implemented etc.) should be lootable. And lets say that if you loose in arena you will be punished by item detoriation and ammo that you lost while shooting other people and winner would get his ammo back + some cash maybe or something like that.

Also these arenas should NOT be accessible through regular ways. Only way how to enter them should be chat with NPC responsible for their organization. Once enough of players is signed in for battle they get memo (via radio or something) and they will be somehow transported to battlefield. When the battle is over players spawn at arena guy NPC.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 08:31:36 pm by Sius »
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