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Author Topic: Knock outs  (Read 11269 times)

Re: Knock outs
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2012, 01:19:56 am »

It's amusing to watch T-888 support suicide bomb TC trolling in one thread and being against AC trolling here. Keep it up man. :)

Well, the difference is that i don't see C4 as a way of trolling, but running around naked and annoying players without any cost or consequence i do. Come to think of it ... basic common sense. It's said numerous times that C4 is not cheap and doesn't grow in trees ( limited by detonators ) and by itself it won't do a thing unless you have a whole team to work with the effect the explosive achieves, so comparing that to a loner who runs around and really does troll, quite a big gap don't you think so?

Have nothing good to say or don't know what are you talking about, it is better not to talk about it all.

Ok so I went and tested this and this is my conclusion, luck factors into knock outs because of bypasses

Gr1m, you are no. No, really it is no. Ney.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 01:27:30 am by T-888 »
Re: Knock outs
« Reply #46 on: October 07, 2012, 12:45:06 pm »

It's said numerous times that C4 is not cheap and doesn't grow in trees ( limited by detonators ) and by itself it won't do a thing unless you have a whole team to work with the effect the explosive achieves, so comparing that to a loner who runs around and really does troll, quite a big gap don't you think so?
C4 is the same bullshit as mutants or militia used to be. You can say what you want, you can put as many arguments as you want but you won't change the fact, that lots of people wait every day for pvp and when they get it they are not given a chance to shoot at least once from their weapon. AC trolls cannot kill 5 players in one second. The argumentation about the price of C4 is totally irrelevant, since nobody cares about how much it cost, for everyone it's pretty much like "Hmm, so this is what I've been waiting for the whole day?"

I don't want to blame you or anyone from TNB, it's the broken game mechanics that caused this, but don't be surprised of other people's reaction. I'm not a saint, everyone knows I'm a member of team that uses AC chars, mercs, slaves and other "dirty" pvp solutions that are supposed to flawlessly defeat our enemy. To be honest I'm not a big fan of any of these, yet for me C4 bombing is the worst from the beginning because if you have low PE you cannot avoid it (no, motion sensor is not gonna help since I managed to buy only one during the whole season and I'm not really a pve guy willing to do The Glow every day).

PS: limited by detonators? I don't have a C4 crafter I don't use bombs but somehow I have like 80 detonators stashed in my base. That's a lot of blown up players if I wasn't lazy to buy a C4 blueprint and craft that shit.


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Re: Knock outs
« Reply #47 on: October 07, 2012, 01:15:47 pm »

change max dmg formula from c4 to 1/2 current dmg,
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Fat Man

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Re: Knock outs
« Reply #48 on: October 07, 2012, 01:19:09 pm »

Why must every discussion turn into a c4 discussion I wanted to discuss knock outs...

Gr1m, you are no. No, really it is no. Ney.

I tested this at hinkly during off hours when nobody plays 20-30 people online. That is why they call it stonelol becuase if you get shot by sniper with better criticals that bypass well cause a knock out. What better criticals does, causes criticals to do a deadlier affect nothing has changed with this from fallout1/2. It does a alot more than just +10 on crit roll.

But as I said there is virtually no difference between luck numbers with 10 endurance until that bypass rolls. Less luck more frequent bypasses = more bypass + knock out shots, other than that there is virtually no difference in the number of times a character gets knocked out when comparing characters with 10 endurance but with differnt luck numbers.

And this is where stonelol comes in. With stonewall if you get bypassed, this perk gives you an endurance roll to lower the chance of a knock out when this happends as well. Even so with stonelol, in this game a roll is a roll, its throwing the dice, and when throwing the dice you are not always guarenteed to win, and there for there is still a slim chance with 10 endurance + stonewall + a decent amount of luck to get knocked out on a bypass shot but the chances are slim it does not eliminate the possibilities to 0 knockouts.

Then there is this new feature critical defense, bonehead -10 on a chance to cause a critical on head and eyes, man of steel another -10 on head and eyes. Then there is the helmets which is another -20 with combat helmets. That is -30 chance to cause a critical on head and eyes. A sniper with 10 luck and finesse = 95% chance on eyes, this becomes 65% chance to cause a critical. Agian dice roll there is a 65% probability that a finesse sniper will cause a critical to an eye. Endurance reduces this probablity to be a knock down or knockout, then luck factors into your characters chance of being bypassed by a better critical shot that does a kncokout. Stonewall puts these odds in your characters favor to reduce a knock out even further. This game's math is all about probablility.

You see making tank builds is a tricky thing, to add into more luck you have to sacrifice something you sacrfice strength but have to replace a perk for weapon handling, or you sacrifice your agility and have 1-2 less action points etc.

And I am NOT saying you take 1 endurance and 10 luck and that is going to be more effective vs knock outs, than taking 10 endurance. But if you take 10 endurane with 1 luck it is next to useless because of the frequent bypass+knock outs than opposed to taking 10 endurance and lets just say 5 luck, still get knocked out from bypass shot but won't happen as frequently. And playing as big gunner it is crucial to have these sorts of things to be less frequent than more frequent.

Test it see for your self make a build with 10 endurace 1 luck and a character with 10 endurance 10 luck see which one gets knocked out more and prove me wrong. Because I tested it did you?
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 02:02:46 pm by Fat Man »


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Re: Knock outs
« Reply #49 on: October 07, 2012, 04:40:57 pm »

Test it see for your self make a build with 10 endurace 1 luck and a character with 10 endurance 10 luck see which one gets knocked out more and prove me wrong. Because I tested it did you?
I did.
out of 50 critical hits (both chars had 10EN):
10 luck char recieved 16 knockouts
01 luck char recieved 14 knockouts
Re: Knock outs
« Reply #50 on: October 07, 2012, 05:35:29 pm »


I've said already everything what needed to be said, we have been talking about this enough.

Make a proper suggestion, put some poll on it and look at the results, if developers see fit and the community largely will want this change, then so be it, it's not like someone's game will be ruined if C4 gets in the face, maybe like for one guy from our faction and maybe another one from BBS.

(no, motion sensor is not gonna help since I managed to buy only one during the whole season and I'm not really a pve guy willing to do The Glow every day)

It would help if you just knew how to use it and buying it is not the only option how to obtain it, but if you wanted to buy them i am pretty sure players would sell them in sufficient amount for you since they don't have any other real purpose than to detect sneakers and in this case those would be the ones with the C4.

You don't want to put any effort in that, it is a game, but nothing is going to happen by itself. :)

I did.
out of 50 critical hits (both chars had 10EN):
10 luck char recieved 16 knockouts
01 luck char recieved 14 knockouts

It's the same, the more and it will reach to be equal.

Gr1m, stop posting, you provide so much unnecessary information that leads to nothing or something false and incorrect. You don't seem to understand some basics, luck and endurance are apples and oranges, so as bypasses and knockouts, there is no connection, they have different stat checks and can have different "size" rolls therefore different chance to occur.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 05:42:04 pm by T-888 »

Fat Man

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Re: Knock outs
« Reply #51 on: October 07, 2012, 05:55:22 pm »

Gr1m, stop posting, you provide so much unnecessary information that leads to nothing or something false and incorrect. You don't seem to understand some basics, luck and endurance are apples and oranges, so as bypasses and knockouts, there is no connection, they have different stat checks and can have different "size" rolls therefore different chance to occur.

Ok I'll stop posting when you stop being an ass both won't happen any time soon ;)

But you know this game is random, when I did test it was other way around and maybe it was just randomness of the game. Also I didn't test as long as recording 50 shots was more like 10-15. But you know I can be proven wrong and say well I was wrong ok time to move on now we all know for sure. Bypass or no bypass from luck doesn't factor in.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 06:08:12 pm by Fat Man »
Re: Knock outs
« Reply #52 on: October 07, 2012, 07:04:24 pm »

If the roll from 101-120 is decreased by helmet, bonehead, that particular gap might have the rolls for bypasses dependant on luck, it is possible that luck doesn't factor the chance for bypasses on certain builds, but in general it is not true and doesn't apply to all body parts and situations.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 07:12:34 pm by T-888 »
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