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How should this be implemented, if considered?

Option 1 only
Option 2 only
Both options
None - I don't like it

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Author Topic: Name Colorization - possible solution  (Read 16998 times)

Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2012, 04:54:33 pm »

Add an ingame command for each character.
~addcolor charactername color status

So, you can't copy paste the same namecolorizing for each teammember.

Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2012, 06:06:39 pm »

I'm not sure if sharing colors add any complexity. I think it removes it. Relationships outside of faction
are often reduced to colors, you don't have to think, you give colors. You give a huge list to someone,
and all the person has to do is to pew pew the right colors. It promotes acting on reflex. Others did the
thinking for you, so you don't have to. It takes away depth not adds it IMO.

There is color recognition right now, that is not an argument for a feature that will not change anything to your sense of "depth", there is none in a game with million alts and most of the characters are anonymous. Your color is friendly and everyone else is enemy, old NC just allows more customization of that and makes much easier time of setting up friendlies(friendly player groups, we don't have cosmetic effects on armors or something like that, what's so hard to give a us a color, it's a game for god sake) you know in the list witch i don't see as anything bad, i would understand no NC solution in a game where 1 character is maximum. Furthermore everyone can alter their own lists and make their own decisions, in a TC situation it doesn't matter what colors who has, it's balls easy to recognize an opponent enemy group without or with the complexity of customization.

You can do alliances and complex "roleplay projects" just fine. Previous season proves it. If they
aren't around it's not because of sharing colorization. It's because staying visible in a town
is in most cases worse than staying on world map.

Ofcourse you can, but with old NC it's much easier and it's a game. It's something that brought together this small community in the past.

I see no reason why someone who killed a person should be automatically 100% recognizable as KoS
by his/her 40 fellows all over the wasteland. If I kill your guy on a desert I shouldn't be recognized by
every "anti-pk" in california (or whole PK gang, w/e). You have no individual relations anymore,
only relations with some huge unidentifiable groups of players.

As i said, players make their own choices, large factions will shoot friendlies and enemies at all times without thinking by differing 2 colors(gray/red - enemy, NC color friendly), you won't change that.

I don't see reason to prevent old NC.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 06:20:55 pm by T-888 »


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Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2012, 06:15:20 pm »

Relationships outside of faction are often reduced to colors, you don't have to think, you give colors. You give a huge list to someone, and all the person has to do is to pew pew the right colors.
Right now it's the same - still about shooting colors, shoot red and gray and don't shoot green so I don't really see any improvement lack of colorizing caused.

Quote from: JovankaB
You have no individual relations anymore,
only relations with some huge unidentifiable groups of players.
In third or fourth season I played as a loner and I used TTTLA's name colorizing. And even if player was colored red I never shot him unless I knew him already, I always gave them benefit of a doubt. So I can't agree that namecolorizing dumbs everything down to colors, there's always a choice not to pull a trigger.


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Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2012, 07:13:42 pm »

Add an ingame command for each character.
~addcolor charactername color status

So, you can't copy paste the same namecolorizing for each teammember.

Dark Angel's thread got me thinking:
So with this kind of way we would avoid a copy-pasted list or people punching in thousands of nicks from a list with the command suggested by Dark Angel

Won't work - you can even use a makro-tool which gets it's keyboard input from a txt-file.
Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2012, 08:10:47 pm »

I will ask in 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 time, bring back old namecolorising.


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Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2012, 11:19:48 pm »

Just get it back.
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Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2012, 02:33:28 am »

I see no reason why someone who killed a person should be automatically 100% recognizable as KoS
by his/her 40 fellows all over the wasteland. If I kill your guy on a desert I shouldn't be recognized by
every "anti-pk" in california (or whole PK gang, w/e). You have no individual relations anymore,
only relations with some huge unidentifiable groups of players.
But thats just how it works, when you kill someone, rumours about your deed spread and others take caution when dealing with you as well. Colorizing just makes this process more comfortable (especially when everyone can make dozen of alts and you will eventually lose track). Not to mention, colorizing is every gang´s personal preference and it doesnt mean one should act according to it.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 02:36:52 am by Sarakin »
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing


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Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2012, 09:43:14 am »

But thats just how it works, when you kill someone, rumours about your deed spread and others take caution when dealing with you as well.

Not with lightning speed and it doesn't mean you are 100% guaranteed to be recognized. You can tell
your pals the name of the person who killed you, or post a screenshot, and this better reflects "spread
of rumors", not putting people on color list, which not only always works perfectly, there is no way that
anyone can forget about you (actually they don't even have to ever heard about you), but also it works
for all characters you have, which makes no sense either in some cases.

It would make sense if faction allies (specified in terminal as whole factions) or faction friends (individual
people) were colorized green for all faction members and that's all that is needed IMO. And make sure
followers don't attack them if set up properly (not sure how it works now). So you won't have to make
new factions just to make some alliances.

And I think what would be good would be an option to colorize your killer if your character could see who
killed you and the name isn't colorized yet.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 10:24:57 am by JovankaB »
Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2012, 10:24:22 am »

Not with lightning speed and it doesn't mean you are 100% guaranteed to be recognized. You can tell
your pals the name of the person who killed you, or post a screenshot, and this better reflects "spread
of rumors", not putting people on color list, which not only always works perfectly, there is no way that
anyone can forget about you (actually they don't even have to ever heard about you), but also it works
for all characters you have, which makes no sense either in some cases.

Don't pin in realism, you said it yourself. Color can indicate threat, belonging to a certain player group, i think it's irrelevant how fast the color spread, players still don't know the exact player or what they done if they copy paste a list and it's up to them what they make out of it, if someone see appropriate to pull the trigger instantly it's his choice, someone else might start a conversation and it might just turn out it's a misunderstanding he has been tagged as an outlaw in some list of players.

It's a good thing when the list works for all characters, why? Well there is this thing no matter with how much alts you play, you still are the same person, means that by your logic it wouldn't make sense that you remember someone shooting you while you are on a different character. It's not like you loose your own memory by playing a different character(shouldn't loose the color in that case), it's just keeping track of them by color, you might be a PK with one alt and APK with another, colors are the same, but you can act differently and the same colors might mean something completely different and associate with something else for the player who plays with the same list.

Don't pin realism, game doesn't supposed to make sense entirely.

It would make sense if faction allies (specified in terminal as whole factions) or faction friends (individual
people) were colorized green for all faction members and that's all that is needed IMO. And make sure
followers don't attack them if set up properly (not sure how it works now). So you won't have to make
new factions just to make some alliances.

That is not different from old NC, you set some player group in a terminal and suddenly countless players you don't know, haven't talked with etc. etc. instantly become friendly(in lightning speed by writing one sentence in some terminal) and all your alts are familiar with your friends faction by color?

It's the other side of the same coin.

Don't try to re-invent a wheel.

And I think what would be good would be an option to colorize your killer if your character could see who
killed you and the name isn't colorized yet.

I think it would be a good option to just bring back old NC.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 10:33:57 am by T-888 »


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Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2012, 10:33:00 am »

Color can indicate threat, belonging to a certain player group

But you don't know that the player is in the group. You just copied some file outside of game.
It's not about realism, it's about gameplay - individual relations and using your own brain/memory
instead of some automatic means of recognizing people you never heard about. It artificially
reduces the threat of backstabbing and other dirty tactics which are part of FOnline (of course
you can always kill every unknown person, but that 's your choice that you make in the game,
maybe there is not enough negative consequences for doing it, but that's another thing).

What I mean is that getting to know people, who is who etc should be part of the game and your
own experience and part of the challenge. It's supposed to be MMORPG not just team shooter
where you just jump in, shoot red named people and leave.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 10:57:49 am by JovankaB »


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Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #25 on: September 15, 2012, 10:56:19 am »

But you don't know that the player is in the group. You just copied some file outside of game.
It's not about realism, it's about gameplay - individual relations and using your own brain/memory
instead of some automatic means of recognizing people you never heard about.
This is exactly the same with current inside-faction colorizing, when there's new member in your faction you instantly recognize him by color without ever meeting him, and same goes if you join a faction suddenly you know all other faction members, even if it's npc faction when players practically don't interact with each other.

Quote from: JovankaB
(of course you can always kill every unknown person, but that 's your choice that you make in the game).
You can also chose not to kill colorized person.

Quote from: JovankaB
What I mean is that getting to know people, who is who etc should be part of the game and your own experience and part of the challenge. It's supposed to be MMORPG not just team shooter where you just jump in, shoot red named people and leave.
Absence of name colorizing is not going to enforce non-violent player interaction. Now it's just a team shooter too, jump in shoot non-green named people and leave.
Also the fact that you can color max 199 players with current colorizing just makes it insufficient with current ammounts of alts.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 11:00:13 am by Mayck »
Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2012, 10:58:00 am »

But you don't know that the player is in the group. You just copied some file outside of game.
It's not about realism, it's about gameplay - individual relations and using your own brain/memory
instead of some automatic means of recognizing people you never heard about. It artificially
reduces the threat of backstabbing and other dirty tactics which are part of FOnline (of course
you can always kill every unknown person, but that 's your choice that you make in the game,
maybe there is not enough negative consequences for doing it, but that's another thing).

What I mean is that getting to know people, who is who etc should be part of the game and your
own experience and part of the challenge. It's supposed to be MMORPG not just team shooter
where you just jump in, shoot red named people and leave.

I don't know? Exactly who, my character shouldn't know or me? It's not like someone can memorize all these alts, players stay the same we are not playing a game where 1 character is all who you are(then i would agree for no NC solution at all), but it's just not normal to keep track of them by memory due amount of alts (different alt for the same player might be someone else for you in that list anyway, this relationship factor doesn't go away way, individual recognition, players make their own reputation, then color comes in to keep track of their deeds), it brings some choice and consequence aspect to the game, if you kill bunch of people it's not like someone will forget about that in real life, but in a game it does happen. Dayum, if you pin in realism and sense, i can start talking in that direction also, then you have completely no chance to prove a point.

Haven't you listened to what we have been telling you all this time? Color doesn't make choices, color doesn't make relationship, you do.

When talking about game play, oh yeah this is where it gets fun. Does it make sense that there are 20 players in a map and they are insanely coordinated without actually communicating while in game, does it make sense that someone tells me about a character who did something, outside of game(and then my character magically knows that)?

Don't pin sense and realism, i repeat again it's a game.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 11:03:01 am by T-888 »


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Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #27 on: September 15, 2012, 11:00:30 am »

You try to make it look like my argument is about realism, but it isn't.
I explained it once and it should be sufficient.

You can also chose not to kill colorized person.
It doesn't stop you from being shot by people with artificial knowledge that they
wouldn't have in game if they didn't copy some file prepared by others. If they
just shoot everyone, then it's fine and dandy for me, but not if they know something
from "magical list" without actually meeting me once or even hearing about me.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 11:06:49 am by JovankaB »
Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #28 on: September 15, 2012, 11:05:25 am »

But you are ignoring hard facts of how currently the gameplay is, old NC won't change anything, it's just for the players.

It doesn't stop you from being shot by people with artificial knowledge that they
wouldn't have in game if they didn't copy some file prepared by others. If they
just shoot everyone, then it's fine and dandy for me, but not if they know something
from "magical list" without actually meeting me once or even hearing about me.

It's their choice, you fail to understand that. Someone can prepare list, but it's up to player what he makes out if it, for the goddamn 10 time.

What if they just shoot everyone who is not their color like currently? OLD NC will not change anything in that regard.

I can't believe that you still use that as an argument.

from "magical list" without actually meeting me once or even hearing about me.

You didn't answer my question, who the character or player? Player will remember, list color is just info for character.

There is always the option to not use NC, have you forgot about that?

Those who will want to play pew-pew wasteland will do that, and those who will want to enjoy different aspects of the game will be able to do that just fine and they won't gonna need that NC.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 11:15:17 am by T-888 »


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Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2012, 11:15:27 am »

What if they just shoot everyone who is not their color like currently? OLD NC will not change anything in that regard.

Many players don't shoot every unknown character they meet.
You just have to stick your head out of Town Control PvP for a moment to realize that.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 11:17:51 am by JovankaB »
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