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How should this be implemented, if considered?

Option 1 only
Option 2 only
Both options
None - I don't like it

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Author Topic: Name Colorization - possible solution  (Read 16970 times)

Johnny Nuclear

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Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #60 on: September 21, 2012, 12:01:39 pm »

Actually the issue there was probably that some even had him green because Johnny had been allied with them previously.

my normal chars are Johnny N#
this one is J. Nuclear 
Rockwell gold card owner.
Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #61 on: September 21, 2012, 06:03:42 pm »

<[SOT]T-eight> so, jovanka can you do that for the community?
<@JovankaB> no

Johnny, Mayck we have faith in you.


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Re: Name Colorization - possible solution
« Reply #62 on: September 27, 2012, 01:00:43 am »

Quite different remark. I remember that we had a lot of colours, different for each faction. Knowledge of faction of player i met in locations brings in non PvP a more social aspect of a game. It was not only anonymous nick running around, but i knew and feel that char is played by person from faction with its history and unique relation between his and my own faction. NC gives little emotion: friendly, hostile, gratefull, angry. It gave us a chance to chat ingame about latest news, good trades, tricks..... In game, do you understand? Fonline needs a non PvP occasions to interact with players. Stay in city, talk, not only trolling.

It also gave us mumble/TS discussion topic: "why gang XY is at this location?", "did they found bug, new quest,...?". Anonymity of unknown nicks destorys a game experience.

Also uncoloured chars, when most of all were Ncoloured, was also reason and motivation to talk with "new" player/char, until you realized that it is another alt of well known players :)

So NC gives more, but unfortunately, it seems like you did not get that experience Jovanka. Fonline was and i hope it is not only about player vs. player interaction, but also about player vs. faction.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2012, 01:04:41 am by Lordus »
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
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