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Author Topic: Buy skins (LoL much? XD)  (Read 11760 times)

Re: Buy skins (LoL much? XD)
« Reply #45 on: September 16, 2012, 01:04:43 am »

They are trying to make it noob friendly

Maybe they should do a wipe and make it so that the average player doesn't have to deal with all the shit that's broken. Maybe next year.


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Re: Buy skins (LoL much? XD)
« Reply #46 on: September 18, 2012, 07:46:15 am »

Yeah great idea other than selling bethesda property and getting your ass shut down.

I see that 3D models would be implemented into the game. They were created by the team too, so wouldn't the 3D skins work?


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Re: Buy skins (LoL much? XD)
« Reply #47 on: September 19, 2012, 03:43:50 pm »

I see that 3D models would be implemented into the game. They were created by the team too, so wouldn't the 3D skins work?
yes, and once 3d is introduced, the game will lag mercilessly. They tried a few things 3D last session (death claws, rats etc) and some are still 3D (centipedes, desert stalkers, rad toads) when in the encounter, you cant hardly even move. And in real time combat, you were sure to die. So if you have a 3d skin, you will lag very bad, also everyone around you will also lag. 3D is a terrible idea, imho.

Cyber Jesus

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Re: Buy skins (LoL much? XD)
« Reply #48 on: September 19, 2012, 03:53:43 pm »

yes, and once 3d is introduced, the game will lag mercilessly. They tried a few things 3D last session (death claws, rats etc) and some are still 3D (centipedes, desert stalkers, rad toads) when in the encounter, you cant hardly even move. And in real time combat, you were sure to die. So if you have a 3d skin, you will lag very bad, also everyone around you will also lag. 3D is a terrible idea, imho.
maybe you need to buy a new pc?


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Re: Buy skins (LoL much? XD)
« Reply #49 on: September 21, 2012, 10:51:42 pm »

Do you mean fps lag or server lag?
Re: Buy skins (LoL much? XD)
« Reply #50 on: September 21, 2012, 11:10:51 pm »

He means FPS.

3D? Keep dreaming, players were talking about it a year ago like it's something that will happen in near future, my advice is to forget such 3D exists at all, just like server wipe, updates and everything else.


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Re: Buy skins (LoL much? XD)
« Reply #51 on: September 24, 2012, 10:09:27 am »

maybe you need to buy a new pc?

Seems like it, doesn't it.

No 3d models, because it makes my computer lag. I dont think so.

Ranger of the Wastes. The Wastes still needs civilised people.


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Re: Buy skins (LoL much? XD)
« Reply #52 on: September 25, 2012, 05:33:59 pm »

(...) some are still 3D (centipedes, desert stalkers, rad toads) when in the encounter, you cant hardly even move. And in real time combat, you were sure to die. So if you have a 3d skin, you will lag very bad, also everyone around you will also lag. (...)

You're assuming that models from never finished game - heck, it doesn't even reach RC status - which you won't be able to use anyway, will work as these which has been worked on by players here and on Which doesn't have NASA computers at home, i belive, and want to play still without forcing everyone to upgrade PC. Have you ever read 3d board? It's around only since 2 years, easy to miss, i know. As it's all made by players, and progress is available for everyone to check on their own... did you, or you just repeating the loudest? By fact that you post in random threads, i assume first one is true, so Get This Fine Opportunity to  check this thread. Remember that posting retarded "rats lags, 3d sux" is not valid argument, as it's not rats what's main goal. If you actually check current player model and still have problems, contact the author and let's hope he/she can do anything with that before it's ingame. What will happen, eventually, when 3d wizards finish their magick. Posting random letters is easier than helping to make things better, so define yourself.
That's all.
Games are meant to be created, not played...
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