Look you cannot convince the developers to change anything they well just change what they want without really giving a shit about what players think. They well just continue to say stop complaining deal with it, and they have the mindset that this game isn't about making carpets of gear with an unlimited crafting timer and easy trading. They want to make your gaming experience a living hell.
But anyways you don't need to barter or have a higher level cap to have the uber l337 character now you can just run around blue suit and not die, gear is not needed for the ulitimate can't die build.
For now i just try to convince them to change blueprints sytem because now it creates serious disadvantages and real mess As i said - both systems - cash or luck (via quests or random lockers) will be great. And fun too. You know - they give me really easy crafting system (100% skill - 3th lvl to achieve such greatness) so now i want actually craft all this stuff.
Like other players.
And without making lockipckers alts.
Especially when you are some poor loner. Because it's really stupid
And i hate undeveloped characters.
And there is that little thing about repair - i can and i know how to fix stuff to 100% agian if i know how to biuld this one particular item.. Make sense, right?
But without requirements for every single item - science, reapir - that means welll... nothing.
But, i think they know what i mean ; )Know how to reapir really broken stuff.... And mechanics...
My God it's so simple...
Ok. Basically - now we need really high repair skill to fix something (and not to 100%), and really low skill to create/build
So at 100 % skill you can build for example - Combat Armor (from srcatch, and because you know how - from schematic) but to fix some CA's (even if you actually learn how to build Cobat Armor) you need really good repair.
(Hub patrol carpet)
So where is the catch? Knowledge