Other > Suggestions

Items deteriorating over time.

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Sius -> That's right. But don't be too pessimistic.

Don't tell me people that a combat armor can deteriorate in 28 days, when according to Fallout Storyline most of them come from the times before the war...

Lil Jesus:
lol imagine loners trying to survive, they leave their new crafted only gun in basket, next day they come and yell "WTF!" ohh the deteoriation is 60%!!!

Newly created item = 0%. Assuming my rates of 1% an hour, for it to reach 60% would need 6*60=360 hours. That is 15 real-life days.

This is not a realistic solution. Just a solution.

And fine. I see people are more happy to see bases disappear after a month or so. I personally like it better too, but I wanted to find a less invasive way.
As a bonus, at least faction names will be freed more often. Taking up 200 new names in a week is WTF? I didn't know we had that many players even.


And yes, I am aware, and even purposefully making this suggestion to prevent some factions from hoarding millions of items that sit there unused until a new member dies.

As for Sius, well..
In order to use the same gun for 4 levels you would need to not get killed during that time. In order not to get killed, you need to play in southern regions and pick your fights carefully.
Then, if weapons would be rare, PKs would have even more fun killing people for no reason just to make the other person's life miserable. Also, crafting would need to be seriously limited.

its not a good idea, gethering and crafting already take ages, this game more and more looks like Ogame

Can you even remember which item of yours could have been crafted that long ago?


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