Other > Suggestions

Items deteriorating over time.

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Cool. The CA you have crafted few days ago is already at 20%, so you lost 10% DR and 4DT...
And this minigun you just took in your base to come back to a fight. I shot one time and... fuck! Broken! Why? Because it was last in your armory and like you craft/loot them often...
No. Really i dont think it's a good solution. I prefer see base disappear.

This is one of the most dumbass idea i have ever read.

 Most entertaining thing on fonline is PvP. And i hope that this will continue. Maybe you dont realize it, but most of fonline players stay here because of PvP. If you want to join PvP, you need good equipment. The price in caps is cca 50k for one sniper, cca 100k caps for biggunner. All this stuff you can loose in 10 seconds of fight. So you need more stuff if you want to join all day at least one PvP. In one day, there are cca 4-5 big fights so if you want to join them, you need to store your crafted, traded, looted items.

 I cant imagine, how we will repair all of ours 50 combat armors stored in our base. I dont count another guns..

 please, focus your "ideas" on something else, maybe you can find purpose for all of the toilets in the cites. Good luck with this.


--- Quote from: UbiValkin on March 11, 2010, 05:09:41 pm ---Loners usually using thier current weapon/armor. Yes, they have additional weapon and armor at crate in thier tent, but not like 100-200 pieces.

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It is actually not true. I play lonely char and i got massive storage in my tent, simply by lockpicking abandoned car(avan)s across wasteland. In whole life of this char, i gathered resources only 2 or 3 times, everything else was crafted from founded materials or already crafted by some kind person, and put it in caravan later. I don't want to even mention about thieves, which can collect stuff in no time (like this one ;)).

--- Quote from: blahblah on March 11, 2010, 04:33:27 pm ---Items in the game world are in excess quantities, and as such cause the server to behave funny. I believe a lot of items are left lying on the ground in bases of abandoned factions whose teams got bored with the game.
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Items deleting (or changing its attributes) is good for food type items, for example. Fruits should poison you if you leave it for long time (especially on ground :P). But your suggestion hits mostly loners and crafters, and lowers "fun" of playing when/if we end beta stage, and world wipe should not happen so often as now. Not everyone have time to play every day; when i "waste" X hours for crafting hi-tech stuff for smashing Enclave, i want it to be in same condition when i log in after two weeks cos of any reason.


--- Quote from: Lordus on March 11, 2010, 11:34:44 pm --- Most entertaining thing on fonline is PvP. And i hope that this will continue. Maybe you dont realize it, but most of fonline players stay here because of PvP. If you want to join PvP, you need good equipment. The price in caps is cca 50k for one sniper, cca 100k caps for biggunner. All this stuff you can loose in 10 seconds of fight. So you need more stuff if you want to join all day at least one PvP. In one day, there are cca 4-5 big fights so if you want to join them, you need to store your crafted, traded, looted items.

 I cant imagine, how we will repair all of ours 50 combat armors stored in our base. I dont count another guns..

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To join PvP you need a spear. Price of CA is 2 hours and 18 minutes. Price of Sniper Rifle is 58 minutes. Avenger Minigun is 2 hours.
You say there are 4-5 battles a day. Let's say you die once every battle. That means for a 5-person gang you need 20-25 CA and Miniguns a day.

But fine. I see you people will object to losing items even if it would take a whole year to make items go poof.
Deleting unused bases is even simpler for developers, I'm sure.

--- Quote from: Wipe on March 12, 2010, 07:16:16 am ---It is actually not true. I play lonely char and i got massive storage in my tent, simply by lockpicking abandoned car(avan)s across wasteland. In whole life of this char, i gathered resources only 2 or 3 times, everything else was crafted from founded materials or already crafted by some kind person, and put it in caravan later. I don't want to even mention about thieves, which can collect stuff in no time (like this one ;)).
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This is actually not true. I play a loner character and I have just a handful of items in my tent. By simply crafting weapons when needed I avoided the trouble of having tons of crap lying everywhere. In the whole life of my character I have gathered all my resources myself. Thieves are not as useful now with Reputation implemented in game.

--- Quote ---Items deleting (or changing its attributes) is good for food type items, for example. Fruits should poison you if you leave it for long time (especially on ground :P). But your suggestion hits mostly loners and crafters, and lowers "fun" of playing when/if we end beta stage, and world wipe should not happen so often as now. Not everyone have time to play every day; when i "waste" X hours for crafting hi-tech stuff for smashing Enclave, i want it to be in same condition when i log in after two weeks cos of any reason.

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My suggestion hits only people who hoarde items. If it was 1% per 24 hours, then a loner or crafter would need to take a break from playing for 2 weeks in order for his 0% stuff to be 14% deteriorated. Your logic is flawed anyway, because tents disappear after X time (was 7 days, now it's longer I heard). So a person who has spent 5 hours looking for 10 brahmin to kill and get a tent (because he is a new player and doesn't know where to look), spent another 10 hours crafting plenty of guns for later, then takes a break from the game because of something, and his tent is gone!
With my initial 6-hours-per-1% suggestion they would be back to find everything in place, but at 40% deterioration. With 1%-per-day, they would find them at 10%.


This suggestion was to help the server by making people want to use items more often.
If unused items broke, why keep them stored away? (Special found rare items could be excluded)
This would affect the mentality of people not to be afraid of using valuable items, and make less crap stashed inside bases.

I'm also doing my best to keep this civil, so GTFO with small additional personal comments like, "your ideas are stupid," and, "go away to join the other retards somewhere else."

So fast (7 days) tents deleting was temporary solution to problems with memory, and we all know that. And it's not suprise to anyone, that it will be changed in near future.

It doesn't matter if you have 50x CA in base for faction use or 2x .223 in tent for own use - it will make game even longer than it is now. Or you *must* use item before it goes to det. level, when it is not usuable, or you must sell your stuff when it's in good condition (so you can buy new stuff when you stopped playing for some time). More cash in banks -> 0% interest rate will come faster than now.

--- Quote from: blahblah on March 12, 2010, 02:59:49 pm ---This is actually not true. I play a loner character and I have just a handful of items in my tent. By simply crafting weapons when needed I avoided the trouble of having tons of crap lying everywhere.

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Well, everyone play how (s)he like. You preffer to craft weapon for own use, and it's ok. I rarely have time for this, so my char stea--- borrow car full of stuff :)

Anyway, splitting it into two parts have more sense IMHO. First part - check when was last visit of any gang member on faction map. If it's more than X months (6?), your "items destroying" cycle begin (for tents, change time to 1 month and replace visiting map with loging on char). After some time, when all items are gone, location is removed and faction name goes back to available faction names list.

You can add lot of things that will happen meanwhile, like revealing location (with map changed to "ruined base" with random agressive npcs) to everyone 7 days before map deleting, or ability to make it a "backup" base for already existing faction etc. Just a fast ideas.


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