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Author Topic: Items deteriorating over time.  (Read 17846 times)

Items deteriorating over time.
« on: March 11, 2010, 04:33:27 pm »

The problem:
Items in the game world are in excess quantities, and as such cause the server to behave funny. I believe a lot of items are left lying on the ground in bases of abandoned factions whose teams got bored with the game.

The proposed solution:
One quick way of fixing it would be to make factions disappear just like tents do. Of course the time should be set much longer (a month?) than that of tents. This solution, however, can be problematic for some, and will possibly be worse than what I am about to suggest.
In my view, each item that can deteriorate should lose their % over time. I suggest a value of 1% every 6 real-life hours. After the item breaks, 24 hours are needed for it to become broken beyond repair. Another 48 hours are needed for it to turn into dust completely.

The values listed are only an example that I believe is enough. 672 hours (28 days) for a 0% power armour to be gone, unless repaired, seems enough.
<Izual> Let's crash server
Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2010, 04:40:56 pm »

I bet it's very very very hard to implement. But idea is good against mass weapon/armor storage.
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Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2010, 04:41:40 pm »

unused items do not detoriate, i dont see the point in your solution.
Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2010, 04:45:21 pm »

Invent a vacuum locker - man, you could keep a dead brahmin there for ages, it wouldnt rot.
I give a fuck.
Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2010, 04:47:39 pm »

Invent a vacuum locker - man, you could keep a dead brahmin there for ages, it wouldnt rot.
No, he suggested it not like "In Real Life", he suggested it against item storage. This suggestion is better for loners and not so good for factions/gangs.
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Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2010, 04:58:52 pm »

No, he suggested it not like "In Real Life", he suggested it against item storage. This suggestion is better for loners and not so good for factions/gangs.
I would really like to know how, in any way, this is better for loners and worse for factions. All i can think of goes vice-versa.
I give a fuck.


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Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2010, 05:02:42 pm »

Good suggestion.

But the timespan of duration will be hard to balance.
Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2010, 05:06:43 pm »

Well, actually, only what this would be good for would be deleting unused items in abandoned tents/bases so the server lags less (similiar to nowadays 7-day tent system).
I give a fuck.
Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2010, 05:09:41 pm »

I would really like to know how, in any way, this is better for loners and worse for factions. All i can think of goes vice-versa.
Omg, there're alot players who never played for crafters/crafters-fighters in thier life. You can even meet players 15+ level who will ask you "How do you get resources??!!" or "Why the hell do I need repair and science skills?", because they have friends or just they have a gang/base where they can get weapon/armor they need. Combat/Metal armors laying in this crate forgotten, till someone need to use it. They have storages of tones rifles and armors laying on ground. So, with this suggestion, fresh items will have advantage of old items. Loners usually using thier current weapon/armor. Yes, they have additional weapon and armor at crate in thier tent, but not like 100-200 pieces.
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Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2010, 06:47:11 pm »

I think current deteriorate rate is too high and you want to make items disappear completely? Imho whole item system in FOnline is absolutely not suitable for mmo when its possible to change plasma rifles like socks. For every day one rifle except Friday, that is Gatling Laser day... I would love to see the day when items in FOnline would be truly hard to get and every gun starting with shotgun would be valuable. I would love to see, that one player would keep one gun for 4-6 levels and he would take care of it and keep it in good shape. But that is not possible with current game mechanics.
Problem is that now its never ending cycle where you can get and loose a gun in matter of seconds. Its war between Fallout mechanics and MMO style. Currently its Fallout>MMO but I don't think, that trying to morph singleplayer into mmo without major changes in game mechanics is good way to go.


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Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2010, 07:47:27 pm »

Sius -> That's right. But don't be too pessimistic.

Don't tell me people that a combat armor can deteriorate in 28 days, when according to Fallout Storyline most of them come from the times before the war...
Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2010, 08:46:52 pm »

lol imagine loners trying to survive, they leave their new crafted only gun in basket, next day they come and yell "WTF!" ohh the deteoriation is 60%!!!
Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2010, 08:53:36 pm »

Newly created item = 0%. Assuming my rates of 1% an hour, for it to reach 60% would need 6*60=360 hours. That is 15 real-life days.

This is not a realistic solution. Just a solution.

And fine. I see people are more happy to see bases disappear after a month or so. I personally like it better too, but I wanted to find a less invasive way.
As a bonus, at least faction names will be freed more often. Taking up 200 new names in a week is WTF? I didn't know we had that many players even.


And yes, I am aware, and even purposefully making this suggestion to prevent some factions from hoarding millions of items that sit there unused until a new member dies.

As for Sius, well..
In order to use the same gun for 4 levels you would need to not get killed during that time. In order not to get killed, you need to play in southern regions and pick your fights carefully.
Then, if weapons would be rare, PKs would have even more fun killing people for no reason just to make the other person's life miserable. Also, crafting would need to be seriously limited.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 08:57:34 pm by blahblah »
<Izual> Let's crash server
Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2010, 09:02:22 pm »

its not a good idea, gethering and crafting already take ages, this game more and more looks like Ogame
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 09:51:16 pm by Killy »
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Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2010, 09:10:23 pm »

Can you even remember which item of yours could have been crafted that long ago?
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