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Author Topic: Items deteriorating over time.  (Read 17844 times)

Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #45 on: March 14, 2010, 08:42:19 pm »

No cooldowns! Whole crafting system is based on cooldowns. You don't need to put a lot of effort in order to get materials its just job for patient people. I've already posted my suggestion about that in other thread .
Imho system of "search -> reward" is better than "click -> wait" and I think with that system it would be easier to limit item numbers.

Search -> reward. Forces the player to search for stuff for 2 hours and as a reward, he gets an item. Click -> get item -> wait. Allows player to 1) Get item, 2) Do other stuff at the same time. So in the end he gets items and can get experience or talk with others in Hub.

Please explain how it is easier to limit item numbers if they were hidden on maps.
Remember that big factions will do everything they can to get an advantage, so they will enter the huge map in 10 people and will find items within a minute or two. Also, such huge maps with creatures mean that TB players are fucked.
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Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #46 on: March 14, 2010, 08:57:05 pm »

I like the idea of hunting/having to kill for items rather than mining them.

That said, don't expect the devs to go for it, either. They seem very, very set on the crafting system as it is.


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Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #47 on: March 14, 2010, 09:53:57 pm »

Search -> reward. Forces the player to search for stuff for 2 hours and as a reward, he gets an item. Click -> get item -> wait. Allows player to 1) Get item, 2) Do other stuff at the same time. So in the end he gets items and can get experience or talk with others in Hub.

Please explain how it is easier to limit item numbers if they were hidden on maps.
Remember that big factions will do everything they can to get an advantage, so they will enter the huge map in 10 people and will find items within a minute or two. Also, such huge maps with creatures mean that TB players are fucked.

Search -> reward pretty much forces players to do other stuff while looking for materials. You see group of rats that decided to build a nest near your precious ores so guess what. You will have to eliminate them. Also big maps = scavenger opportunities and show me player that will resist to search abandoned gas station..
Big factions will do everything they can to get an advantage every time no matter what conditions you set. If its search -> reward they will PLAY together in order to get materials faster. If its cooldown based they will create more crafters and chain-craft stuff anyway. The difference is that with search-reward bots are absolutely useless (cause of limited amount of materials obtained from a source) so people HAVE to search and if they want to get more, they will have to search more or search in parties. Who does farm material in group now?

TB is a problem and maybe there could be technical solution that would limit TB only for field of view of person who triggered it leaving rest of the map intact. Or simply remove TB in huge encounters and divide encounters in 2. Regular small and huge accessible trough word/town button while standing in the dessert.
Re: Items deteriorating over time.
« Reply #48 on: March 15, 2010, 12:04:07 pm »

What about selling items to the NPC traders? maybe they will maintain them? Items could not deteriorate in traders equipment. It would make useful crafting for a stock, but you will have to rebuy items from traders, when you want to use them. It will make stocking possible, but expensive and not so sure, and it will bring life to economy. It will make barter skill more important, and there will be much crafted items in shops. However, gangs will still have adventages, couse they will just need have one barter char in gang.
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I gather darkness to please me, and I command you to kneel
before the
God of Thunder and rock'n'roll"
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