Jotisz, I would like to try and adjust the UV maps on some of the new bodytypes, to try and make them align with the existing human UV maps as far as possible, so to do the "underclothes" for the armours would be a case of adjusting the texture (like we currently do between male and female models), rather than redrawing the entire clothing for each one.
I've got one model (the hooded ragged coat) to finish adjusting for female first, but would like to try and do this UV adjustment next (during this week, I think). As far as I'm aware, we don't have any finished underclothes for any of these new models yet, so hopefully it wouldn't make any existing work invalid.
I have no guarantee I'll be able to do it, but would like to try, if it was okay with you?
[edit] I have started a
test UV realignment on the dwarf.
I have only done the front of the face and some of the front of the torso so far, but hopefully you can see that it looks like it should work.
So with your permission, I'll finish this one, then try to do the same with the other body types. If it works, it will save hundreds of hours in converting existing models to all body types, and obviously make the process for future models much easier.
[edit2] I was in the frame of mind to sit moving dots around, so did a bit more on it :

It needs tweaking quite a lot still. Quite a bit needs doing on the arms, and a little on the head, but the rest of it's there pretty much. Maybe adjust it further to minimise stretching in places.
Anyway, to me that looks like it's working. It also looks like quite a few of the clothing textures would actually work without even needing tweaking - though some of them definitely would a little - but I think much easier to redraw a belt, rather than redraw the entire texture.
Anyway, if you're happy for me to carry on with this, then do the same to some of the other models, I would happily do so.