So you suggest making build with PA involved... interesting 
Nope, atleast not for me, I don't like focused build on only one task: craft, scout, player-killing. Because I can't get fun when my char can do only one task, I still be play for fighter/crafter/scout, no matter that they will do.
I just wanted to say, that there're alot players, who don't want to waste points in CH, making snipers with 2-3 STR + weapon handling on 15th lvl, because lifegiver on 12th, is it normal for standart playing? Of couse no, this build oriented for 21st level at begin, and his the only task is: kill players, nothing more. So, of couse, they will start to make character builds suitable for PA, may be even with 1 STR (I don't know will they be able to pick up PA..) + Weapon Handling at the same time for BigGunners! But, who knows.