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The current level capacity should be:

left as it is
- 29 (44.6%)
I don't care
- 0 (0%)
- 30 (46.2%)
removed completely
- 6 (9.2%)

Total Members Voted: 65

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Author Topic: Level capacity - why are we so limited? ;-)  (Read 6648 times)


  • Spartan Pigrat
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Re: Level capacity - why are we so limited? ;-)
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2010, 11:28:19 pm »

@Elmhedi ok, but isn't the TOHIT maximum of 95%? then high skill would give nothing

Blubber we miss You!!!
Re: Level capacity - why are we so limited? ;-)
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2010, 12:28:04 am »

@Elmhedi ok, but isn't the TOHIT maximum of 95%? then high skill would give nothing

Here is all the info you need  ;):

It's bad that I noticed this thread only today. So let me write the correct version for "Critical hits explained".

In Fallout 2:

First, the chance for a critical hit. It's percentage value is a sum of Bonus Critical Chance (gained from Luck, Finesse and More Criticals perks and aimed shot) and a base chance, that depends on the main attack roll. It is equal to the difference of your tohit chance, and the actual d100 number rolled when determining whether the attack was a hit or a miss, divided by ten, rounded down.

So, for example, if you're shooting an opponent with 95% hit chance, and you rolled 64 (which means a hit), then your base chance is (95-64)/10 = 3.1 [%], rounded to 3%.

Final critical chance for a character with 6 Luck and no relevant perks and traits aiming for enemy head would be therefore (3 + 6 + 40)%.

That's right - the main attack roll is used not only for determining the hit/miss, but counts for a critical hit (or failure) chance too.

Now assume that the attack was a critical hit. Follow the . Multiplier is applied to the base weapon damage, which is increased by the Bonus Ranged or Bonus Melee damage, but NOT increased by the Living Anatomy. This is also done simultaneously with the ammo damage modifiers.

In Fonline:

There are theree main differences: first is the reworked critical hit table (still WIP).
Second, there is a separate critical hit table for an uncalled shot (they were present in FO2, but unused; uncalled shots were identical to torso shots).
Third, the critical chance bonus from aimed shot is reduced to (50 + Luck*5)% of the original value (Luck 6 and eyes gives (50+6*5)% of 60%, which is equal to 48%).

Also, - explains the FO2 critical chance in a more ordered fashion, as well as the critical failures.


  • Spartan Pigrat
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Re: Level capacity - why are we so limited? ;-)
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2010, 12:48:33 am »

oh damn, my mistake I was just reading too fast, we even didn't need to argue because we thought the same.
whatever. I still think that 3 extra levels to get wouldn't be bad, however Sniper perk shouldn't be allowed (Slayer should be :D maybe someone would go melee then...) and double lifegiver would give only 24 HP more. The fact is that more SP could work in an Anti-Alt way!

Blubber we miss You!!!


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Re: Level capacity - why are we so limited? ;-)
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2010, 12:56:59 am »

oh damn, my mistake I was just reading too fast, we even didn't need to argue because we thought the same.
whatever. I still think that 3 extra levels to get wouldn't be bad, however Sniper perk shouldn't be allowed (Slayer should be :D maybe someone would go melee then...) and double lifegiver would give only 24 HP more. The fact is that more SP could work in an Anti-Alt way!

Just allow to take gifted trait and all characters will be way more universal. These suggestions of level cap increase would change much things and would need much rebalansing, and gifted would need just adding it :>


  • Spartan Pigrat
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Re: Level capacity - why are we so limited? ;-)
« Reply #19 on: April 09, 2010, 12:59:51 am »

it seems to me that gifted trait was not introduced because it was overpowered right? i miss it too :)

Blubber we miss You!!!
Re: Level capacity - why are we so limited? ;-)
« Reply #20 on: April 09, 2010, 02:08:51 am »

Just allow to take gifted trait and all characters will be way more universal. These suggestions of level cap increase would change much things and would need much rebalansing, and gifted would need just adding it :>

Well, I must say that I'm quite glad that a gifted trait is not available - it would be an "option" that just everybody would take. Also removing/extending a level capacity would surely make characters a bit more universal BUT after 2-3 mounths of playing - it would be a kind of a gratification for the involvement in the game (or just amount of time that you spend online  :P). Activating a gifted trait would make everybody jacks of all trades from the very beginning of their adventure, which is bad. Do you catch the difference  ;)?

The way I see it is that there is no way to stop people from alting by force - players will always take the easiest path. The only way to LIMIT its occurence is to make them not need it so much. The reason for no level capacity is not meant to make players immortal 1k hp tanks everyone, but to give us an option to extend a single character capabilities, f.e. as a level 30 sniper you could be able to use both small guns or energy weapons without having to switch alts - and still be able to achieve a full efficiency in PvP with either one of these categories.

Balancing it properly is another issue: In Fallout 3, no matter how much you try, at the end of the game you always become ”jack of all trades” – it is one extreme that I never want to see in any of fallout games. FOnline is right now on another extreme, where you need 2 or 3 alts + main, to attain a full satisfaction from the game. Somewhere between these two extremes lies a balance, that both of these “RPGs” are far away from.

The ONLY reason why a lack of levelcap might make some no-life grinders immortal is a HP gain system, which would obviously need reworking:

- Life giver must give one-time bonus of, lets say, 30 to your maximum hit points,
- Overall HP gain rate per level should be decreased by 1 or 2,
- Sniper and slayer perk should be removed/reworked NOT because they make you overpowered (even though they do), but because they make “more criticals” perk completely obsolete, which makes no sense.

Other than that, there are no more perks/skills/other advancements that would make anybody overpowered. Even If somebody took all available perks, he would still be quite an easy target for 2 – 3 mid-level people, as long as HP amount is maintained on a reasonable level.

If these changes are implemented there is absolutely NO more reason to keep a level capacity at all.


  • General Animosity
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Re: Level capacity - why are we so limited? ;-)
« Reply #21 on: April 09, 2010, 04:13:54 pm »

i'd say that the slayer perk should be retained just because of the severely underpowered, and useless melee skills, and besides, who in their right mind would get the crits perk with a melee build, which btw nobody uses, it would give the martial artists within us a fighting chance.
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1
Re: Level capacity - why are we so limited? ;-)
« Reply #22 on: April 09, 2010, 04:25:42 pm »

i'd say that the slayer perk should be retained just because of the severely underpowered, and useless melee skills, and besides, who in their right mind would get the crits perk with a melee build, which btw nobody uses, it would give the martial artists within us a fighting chance.
And the next time some fools get killed in CA by a couple of random unarmed guys throwing spears the perk will be disabled just as science skill during combat did.
<Izual> Let's crash server
Re: Level capacity - why are we so limited? ;-)
« Reply #23 on: April 09, 2010, 09:00:48 pm »

And the next time some fools get killed in CA by a couple of random unarmed guys throwing spears the perk will be disabled just as science skill during combat did.

Throwing spears wouldn't be affected by slayer, however you can insta kill someone with a rock to the eye with better crits.

Mr Feltzer

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Re: Level capacity - why are we so limited? ;-)
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2010, 03:24:29 am »

Well, They Shoud Be Extended. OR Youre Able to Find books in the wasteland for example "Armour and you!" And that Book Gives You like +20 Repair? Or like "Gunshots In The Belly" +20 First Aid. Ect, Kinda Like Fallout 3 Except The Books are REALLY Hard to Find and they Give Much more Skill.
Founder of Fallout Online Australia
Re: Level capacity - why are we so limited? ;-)
« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2010, 03:35:32 pm »

I think the level cap should be increased :

- if you don't want each player to create 5 characters you have to let them get some level to up ...
- When we get to the 21 level, what we do ? pk / mining, pk / mining, pk /mining ........... ok good but everyone will enjoy that for some days and will create another character soon ...
- With only 21 levels, we have to specialise a lot our character, i mean we don't have enough skill points or perks to make a versatil character .. a fighter is a fighter only a crafter is a crafter only, ...
Some reasons of why to me level cap should be increased guys :)

Thanks a lot for reading
See you and which you a great day !


  • So long and THANKS for all the fish!
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Re: Level capacity - why are we so limited? ;-)
« Reply #26 on: May 14, 2010, 03:57:21 pm »

As i said, LEVEL CUP will create bigger barrier between normal and nolife players.

 I will not have chance in PvP against someone, who has 3x more life than me.

 Also chars will look almost the same. Now it is at least little chemistry to create good PvP char, after this, most of chars will look same.

 This topic is opening every era at least twice and developers always said that they dont want to do that, so i think this topic is useless.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Level capacity - why are we so limited? ;-)
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2010, 04:32:18 pm »

personally, if you want my vote.

i don't think raising the level cap would even help, thats why the devs probally shoot the idea down.

i'd rather people lose XP on dead after they reach level 15 or so.

but also.

if you want to make the game last longer, i'd suggest adding more random effects. like dying in the glow would give you a 5% chance (with luck at 6 or over) of getting some nice trait, and a 20% chance of getting something negative. or just walking around with rads all togather being a risk of going mutie on your gang mates..

i'm out of ideas this morning so don't shoot me..


Re: Level capacity - why are we so limited? ;-)
« Reply #28 on: May 14, 2010, 11:59:25 pm »

As i said, LEVEL CUP will create bigger barrier between normal and nolife players.

 I will not have chance in PvP against someone, who has 3x more life than me.

 Also chars will look almost the same. Now it is at least little chemistry to create good PvP char, after this, most of chars will look same.

 This topic is opening every era at least twice and developers always said that they dont want to do that, so i think this topic is useless.

Is the LEVEL CUP what keeps you safe from groin shots? Because if it is I want one.
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