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Author Topic: Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts  (Read 7574 times)

Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts
« on: March 07, 2010, 07:50:04 pm »

Currently you have 2 options, you can make a crafter alt and level quickly with the option to do some mild pve or you can make a compat char for pve/pvp. Since you can't do both you end up with tons of alts cluttering the game. An easy way to fix this is to lower the prerequises to levels that are achievable with combat characters.

For example to make grenades you need high PE, which is shitty because the lower your pe the closer and more grouped together enemies are and you have to invest points into traps which does absolutely nothing and takes away from vital skills.

For armourer you need repair tagged, a useless skill for combat characters and sacrificing either outdoors or FA is never an option so once again crafter alt.

Same with energy weapon, big guns, small guns, all require tagging useless skills for combat.

If it was possible to reach those percentages without tagging them or having high int (another thing that precludes a good combat char) you could have a big gunner(or whatever) that maintains and creates his own weapons and ammo. Trading isn't a viable solution because crafters are only good for crafting and vice versa, even after selling your stuff you'll relog a different char to be able to play the game. Other problems are the 180-200% minimum to repair to not destroy whatever you're trying to repair. That's a huge skill investment just to get positive results. It should be like FA where you repair a % based on your skill. Imagine if unless you had 200 fa you hurt yourself when you tried to heal, it would be ridiculous.

The dev line about character not being "godlike" is off the mark because of the characters are starved for points with gifted being taken out so you have to min/max just to be effective. Making a balanced character just doesn't work because you'll never be able to compete with pvp builds on any level.
Re: Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2010, 07:04:25 am »

i agrred with rachoar , i tried to build a JOat character wich have 2 LVL armorer  and 1 LVL biggun, it make me mad , waste alot of skillpoint into science to craft alloy only:(. another char, energy eapon use must have  80 % repair to collect  e part >"<. damit, it s so hard for single player ,with out alt or some friend to craft his own weapon and ammo, armor to self defend.please make the crafting less hard for people can do it by themself, i want to roleplay, play in pure wasteland.
Re: Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2010, 09:20:27 am »

I agree that requirements could be lowered slightly, but only for first 2 levels of any profession. 3rd should stay the same. A PvP char capable of standing his own with powerbuilds that at the same time can craft top-level items is silly.
I have a level 8 character built to balance crafting and PvE and am not noticing any problems. With 3 CH and 35 barter I can even get 600 caps from the trader in Raiders' base for a scoped hunting rifle, which is a very good price.

Being as good as characters who devoted every last skillpoint, perk, and SPECIAL point to be a PvP machine is impossible exactly because they requested it. PvP carebears don't want to die from laser pistols so they asked the devs to nerf weapons and now only uber powerbuilds can compete.

Want to play the game? Don't do PvP and it'll be enjoyable even with a crappy build.
<Izual> Let's crash server


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Re: Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2010, 09:27:26 am »

no, requirements are fine. Everyone will have same alts since you can have 3 levels of professions, no matter what requirements will be. And roachor seriously get some balls, all your suggestions are just to make the game be played on easy mode.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 11:53:17 am by vedaras »
Re: Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2010, 10:35:12 am »

I disagree, requirements are fine. The problem is people plays many chars, not that the requirements are too high. When developers will lower professions requirements, for a month someone will say that everyone should have 10 PE, 10 IN and 7 ST, couse he want to have biggunner, sniper and crafter in one char. That is bad argument, I think.
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I gather darkness to please me, and I command you to kneel
before the
God of Thunder and rock'n'roll"
- KiSS "God of Thunder", wastelanders anthem


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Re: Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2010, 11:02:06 am »

yeah. leave things as they are. whatever. Enjoy your fallout where 80% of the server will have their powerbuild + crafting alt to supply it with PK gear. Go on bomb this suggestion- i'm pretty sure that everyone who don't want this change to happen is using alts themselfs.

But actually it's a really good suggestion. Once PvP builds will be able to craft PK suitable equipement without need to drasticly lower their fighting skills, we shall have less alts in use, and maybe more actual roleplaying.
"But... Isn't Betty a womans name...?"
Re: Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2010, 11:10:45 am »

The problem is alts. Because with alst, people don't interact between themselfs. They have their powerbuilds and some alts to support them.

I would bring there classic registration and 1 account per person/1 char on character.
Re: Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2010, 11:14:12 am »

The problem is alts. Because with alst, people don't interact between themselfs. They have their powerbuilds and some alts to support them.

I would bring there classic registration and 1 account per person/1 char on character.
Relog time 1 hour please!!!11


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Re: Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2010, 11:20:33 am »

Relog time 1 hour please!!!11

totally agree(if by relog you mean: logging a diffrent character :P)
"But... Isn't Betty a womans name...?"
Re: Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2010, 11:28:25 am »

if by relog you mean: logging a diffrent character :P
Yeah, what else?

And of couse lower prerequisites for professions then.
Remove 3-leveled limit per character. So you can craft weapon+armor yourself. It'll not affect any balance or something, because everyone can do that anyway, with help alts. Whatever you won't craft EVERYTHING, because you can't get all the skills so high, so... I don't see any reasons to have prof lvl limitation per character. Why I can't craft 3 lvl SG + 2/3 lvl armor? For drugs now using alts, but with 1 hour relog time, you have to buy it from other players, who, for example, are EW 3 lvl + doc 3 lvl or something. So this EW/doc have to buy armor from other players, but he'll sell mentats, psycho, etc. One field for character is too low, one field, because 2/1 or 1/1/1 is almost useless. So you'll always have only 1 prof of 3rd level.

Offtopic: Btw, with 1 hour relog time, you can make the cumulative CD on gathering, so you haven't wait 6 minutes watching youtube, you can get from 5 (if you have low carry weight) to 25 (23'59 minutes'seconds I think is enough) minerals/ore and then go to do something.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 11:33:59 am by RavenousRat »


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Re: Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2010, 11:57:42 am »

But actually it's a really good suggestion. Once PvP builds will be able to craft PK suitable equipement without need to drasticly lower their fighting skills, we shall have less alts in use, and maybe more actual roleplaying.

nah, roll playing is when people dont need to have fuckin pvp character at all, and if everyone will have pvp character cause of this gay suggestion, it will change nothing at all except that everyone will have pvp character.


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Re: Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2010, 11:59:52 am »

and 1 hour relog would change nothing neihter. Cause all gangs who fight pvp are using fast relogs anyway, and most fair players and loners are not interested in powerbuild making.
Re: Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2010, 12:07:33 pm »

using fast relogs anyway
And how is it working? So one of them can gather ore/minerals at ~x10 speed by reloging with each character which standing near rocks? And what's that? I.P. changing? Then they can also dual log easily, and x5 log, and then using around 50 alts one guy can gather resources at x50 speed.

Edit: And if you're about friend(s)'s computer(s), then it's thier problem, it's the same, if you have friend who can craft an armor and a friend who can craft drugs.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 12:09:57 pm by RavenousRat »


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Re: Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2010, 12:28:48 pm »

And how is it working? So one of them can gather ore/minerals at ~x10 speed by reloging with each character which standing near rocks? And what's that? I.P. changing? Then they can also dual log easily, and x5 log, and then using around 50 alts one guy can gather resources at x50 speed.

Edit: And if you're about friend(s)'s computer(s), then it's thier problem, it's the same, if you have friend who can craft an armor and a friend who can craft drugs.

andmins ban for dual log, but looks like they dont give a shit about fast relogin. I never used it, but i heard that any virtual machine can help you,  and i heard that you can just copy  fonline directory into another place, and that will work also.
Re: Lower prerequisites for professions to reduce alts
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2010, 12:29:59 pm »

and i heard that you can just copy  fonline directory into another place, and that will work also.
I'll try this right now. See what happen.


Nope, just tryed:

D:\Fast Relog FOnline\FOnline.exe

It says need to wait 10 minutes, now I'll try to copy on another local disk.


MAN IT WORKING!!!!!!1111

Edit#3: I'll post in Bugs.

Edit#4: No I won't because I think alot people know about that include devs/gms. Anyway I hope they will solve this problem.

Edit#5: Now I'll try to dual log and see how fast GMs will ban me!
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 12:43:12 pm by RavenousRat »
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