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Author Topic: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(  (Read 18732 times)

Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2012, 10:40:14 pm »

yea, i dont really hang around ncr to help noobs , but when i see them in desert trying to fight rats i have never killed even one,
strange enough they sometimes try to shoot on me with their mausers or rush with a spear:)
dlaczego muzyka black metalowa jest szybka?  bo gdy sie czlowiek spieszy to sie diabel cieszy :)


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Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2012, 10:40:34 pm »

I just hate one thing.
Plasma nade killers in protected cities
For example this player "Zen" you do know the quest with super-mutants from Gun Runners right?Well I got the item quest and I happily walk to Gun Runners, thinking I won't be killed there as it is protected town , but guess what this "Zen" guy camps with plasma grenades right inside the building - right behind the door.
I think you got it how I ended.I lost an quest item and all my loot from it.

Oooops! Aren't you being a little hypocrite cunt now? This would've never happened if you hadn't killed that robed guy that joined you to go to the quest area. Regards from Section8.

Btw, it wasn't Zen who killed you. It was me, the robed guy. Thanks for making my day. Cheers!


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Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2012, 10:41:44 pm »

yea, i dont really hang around ncr to help noobs , but when i see them in desert trying to kill rats i have never killed any,
strange enough they sometimes try to shoot on me with their mausers or rush with a spear:)
Same happened to me too :'(
It was shame they attacked to me, because I beaten them to death in second after that :D

protip for newbies: if you see (awareness needed ofc) guy with 200hp without armor or weapon. leave him alone and don't ever ever shoot.. that could be you last thing you do lol of course try you mauser and do like 2-5 dmg.. its just little useless
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 10:44:26 pm by runboy93 »


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Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2012, 07:42:13 pm »

I can understand, if you got killed many times by different players but you need also remember that there is good guys too.

Quote from: FO2238 Wiki
At the beginning, trust nobody. Seriously, newbie-abuse is very popular.

Probably something to do with the Wiki having advice to basically be self reliant. In such a punishing system, prudence is rewarded more often than it's penalized. I'd rather run from another player with a new character than stop to say hi.

Russians. Hrn.
Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #34 on: April 26, 2012, 11:02:21 pm »

Now that I think little more... I think it's better that there will be no new guys.
I can't explain any better...

yes clearly a game with a crude pvp system and awkward controls would benefit from it having a low player base so no one is ever around to join/kill. Personally I find most of the long term players of this game to be insufferable douchebags, pvp players especially. Not because of their ingame behaviour as much as their personalities, fonline seems to attract a lot of ruthless griefers with no social skills and in a few cases legitimate metal health problems. That and every one of them seems to think they are experts on everything.
Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #35 on: April 30, 2012, 09:31:41 am »

I'm a newer player (around 2 weeks) so I'll throw in my two bits.
The game itself is fine. Some of the mechanics are annoying (blueprint hunting, town control),
but these are things understood to be in development and will probably change over time.

As Roachor has pointed out, there is a definite surplus of insufferable douchebags.
This is most noticable to new players who enter guarded towns and quickly discover
that the only people hanging around are generally throwaway alts specifically designed
to harass others.
Shooting a blue-suited pickpocket/grenadier seems pointless since they have no
real investment in the character. Zero risk to the griefer, %100 risk to the honest player.
Since the trash alt objective is to waste your time and/or annoy you,
they're winning in almost all scenarios even if they get nothing.

So really, the only true barriers to new players are the existing players, a common problem in internet gaming with no easy solution.

Please note that none of this has stopped me from playing, nor will it.
I'm simply suggesting that making "safe" towns a little safer would go a long way towards fostering a larger/fresher playerbase.

A few ideas to flame:
Disable pickpocketing in guarded towns.
Committing crimes causes guarded towns to be inaccessible or possibly guards shoot on sight.

Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #36 on: April 30, 2012, 06:43:03 pm »

I think if a character's pick-pocketing attempt fails they should instantly be launched into turn-based combat; giving the guards and or victim an opportunity to exact swift justice. Sort of like how things were in single-player Fallout 2.

There shouldn't be this crap where a guy can steal from you, the guards see it, and then the guards yell at you when you pull your gun out (while the thief runs off).
Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #37 on: April 30, 2012, 07:56:31 pm »

Turn based combat in a town full of npc's is not the answer. Imagine having to wait for every single npc in NCR to take it's turn. A better solution would be to limit alts to three per person and make any crime inside guarded cities result in no protection from the guards for one ingame month.

Ive seen both of these ideas suggested in the past and nothing seems to change so the best advice I can give to anyone new to this server is to stay away from guarded towns unless you have business there.


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Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #38 on: April 30, 2012, 09:52:08 pm »

There are a few veins in this thread, so I'll address them separately.

I agree that the biggest challenge in this game is knowledge, and information.  Whenever I pick up a new player, the first things I teach them are how/where to gather resources, how to craft basic weapons and ammo, where and what to hunt, how to level, and try to help them kill 10 cows for their tent.  I don't like giving tents out, I don't often give out weapons/ammo/armor, but I like making them work for it.  In my mind it fosters a sense of accomplishment, while teaching them the basics they need to survive in the game.  The advanced stuff will come in time, if they stick around long enough to get there.  Sometimes they do, often times they don't.  One thing I've noticed when talking to some of those new players on Skype weeks later, is that they quit simply because they didn't find the game enjoyable.  Not because it was too difficult, or PK's, or lack of content.  Whatever new game was just released catches their attention more, or they have school, etc.  Sure, people ragequit due to harshness, PK's, etc.  But I have a feeling that the large majority of new players who stay a few days/weeks and leave, do so quietly, for no particular reason other than they move on.

New Player Day Care might be of some benefit to new players, but I don't think it'll actually raise the server numbers.  There have been some good, and bad suggestions on this for a while now.  Those threads are still there, if someone wants to find them.  However, the Dev's have stated that it's not gonna happen, so I'll leave it at that.  As far as my thought that it won't affect the sever population, refer to my previous paragraph.  This game simply isn't for everyone, so people often tire of it.  Giving people an easier start won't prevent that.

Lastly, the playerbase themselves.  Yeah, this place is full of insufferable, know it all douchebags.  So are a lot of places I've been in real life - that's how people are.  I feel like the anonymity of the internet just amplifies that, and not just this game.  Other games, forums, you name it... that's how people are.  Nothing can be done to change this. 

Also, when you really think about it... it's possible to have too many players, as well.  Of course I want more people playing, I've enjoyed this game for a few years now.  I hope others enjoy it as well.  I would like new people to play with, and I would like a more populated wasteland.  However that comes with a drawback.  If the server numbers doubled, tripled, or quadrupled - so would the number of douchebags.  It's naive to think that only the people playing now have filled the douchebag limit.  If the playerbase grows, so will all the other good and bad things that comes with it.

A high server population, may actually make griefing, trolling, and PKing worse.


« Last Edit: April 30, 2012, 09:55:16 pm by codave »
Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #39 on: April 30, 2012, 10:01:23 pm »

I tried to picture FOnline with a high player pop...

Then I laughed...

Then I imagined what would happen when factions had most of the gear and bluesuits were dying too fast to actually keep anything...

Then I laughed even harder at the picture in my mind of hundreds of bluesuits punching each other in NCR while the NPCs just randomly burst everything because they cannot aim such calamity properly.

It would be hilarious on the first 2 days then it would ruin the game forever.

I think something really should be done in guarded cities though, It's just too easy to create an NCR troll and steal/burst/explode until you're vilified then repeat the same crap with another character.

Why someone does that is beyond my comprehension, what could you possibly gain by throwing grenades in the bazaar all day?


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Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #40 on: April 30, 2012, 10:12:56 pm »

Why someone does that is beyond my comprehension, what could you possibly gain by throwing grenades in the bazaar all day?

Teh lulz. No more, no less. Personally I don't see the fun in it, and think its a deplorable practise.

I agree with Nightlock that every mmo, indeed every online community, is populated largely by know-it-all douchers, its just possible to do a whole hell of a lot more ingame trolling here.
Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #41 on: May 01, 2012, 12:06:24 am »

Turn based combat in a town full of npc's is not the answer. Imagine having to wait for every single npc in NCR to take it's turn. A better solution would be to limit alts to three per person and make any crime inside guarded cities result in no protection from the guards for one ingame month.

Ive seen both of these ideas suggested in the past and nothing seems to change so the best advice I can give to anyone new to this server is to stay away from guarded towns unless you have business there.

Well, in the old days the whole town didn't take its turn, only the folks onscreen (only the red NPCs, not the yellows; does this game mechanic no longer exist?). And yeah, there are some other issues in FOnline like the turn-base lag that should be addressed (figuring out how to get those three quest radscorpions to charge at me sometime before doomsday might yield some valuable insight).

Plus waiting for everybody to take their turn might not matter much anyhow, all I'd need is the chance to use a burst weapon on a bluesuit once at point blank range.
Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #42 on: May 01, 2012, 12:51:22 am »

Have you ever seen the police from the inner city at NCR all go charging for the bazaar? Imagine having to wait for them to all make a move before you get to shoot your target. If your sequence is higher than them then no big deal but you still have to wait for any players with higher sequence to take their shots. Including the griefer your aiming at.
Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #43 on: May 01, 2012, 06:44:23 am »

Personally I find most of the long term players of this game to be insufferable douchebags, pvp players especially.

 fonline seems to attract a lot of ruthless griefers with no social skills and in a few cases legitimate metal health problems.

This is what makes Fonline great!

A form of New Player Day care would be nice- but must be rigged in a way that prevents exploiting it to make invulnerable scouts/couriers/etc.

There have been many suggestions about how to do these things.

This game seriously needs more victims.
I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.
Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #44 on: May 01, 2012, 06:47:43 am »

That sounds like a problem for the developers to figure out, since they're the ones who decided to join the town screens. I'm saying the turn-based effect should only have a limited radius affecting the parties involved...and to me it seems like a pretty simple concept that players should have the chance to defend themselves, not a bunch of excuses for why it can't be done.
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