Heavy handed/bruiser chars are terrible for pve unless you are facing a single enemy, a crit build kills things way faster and jinxed combined with in your face disables whole crowds trying to kill you as they are constantly missing turns and crippling themselves while your high luck minimizes the negative effects of jinxed on yourself.
Basically HH/bruiser sneaker = pvp
Unarmed jinxed crit = pve
Just make sure you take more toughness and in your face, ac boosting is useless since most of the time you get hit while standing still. Sneak is needed for farming dangerous encounters like around sf since you can wait for a vs to end then kill the survivors but once the fight starts you better have on some metal armour.
Thanks mate. I am basically looking for something to farm gear for my pvp sg + ew sniper (ew sniper not leveled yet). I am not in gang so I am after solo pve build.
I hear HtH are effective in this task, tough I am unsure how effective since I've never played one. I basically need it to farm laser rifles (to level a ew sniper), & sniper rifles and respective ammo for my sniper. BASICALLY, what I also want to ask is wether a hth build can achieve such task solo?
I was looking at vandals guide & he too combined "jinxed" with "in your face". The only think I don't understand is why he took dodger? when there are potentially better perks?
Also what unarmed skills% + Perception is recommend for pve hth 'farmer' builds?