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Author Topic: Just Starting? A PvE Build...  (Read 5971 times)


  • ǝdopʎʇndǝp
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Re: Just Starting? A PvE Build...
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2012, 12:14:19 pm »

ok then wtf is the point of the toughness perk if you don't fight? or if you have 146HP?


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Re: Just Starting? A PvE Build...
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2012, 12:16:17 pm »

Dude you can post a build in a new thread. That would help.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.

Killer Rabbit

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Re: Just Starting? A PvE Build...
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2012, 12:18:10 pm »

Glad someone is paying attention. "Tough" as in he gets a Toughness perk. "Able to fight" is vague on purpose. It doesn't mean you can attack them all. You're a crafter so you run, and continue on to the mine lol and leave the Highwaymen behind.

man why not make 2-3alts :
1 crafter/digger (max 5-6lvl) skilled,educated,10int
2 taxi barter - you can lvl up him with traveling over wm (i did it in first week of this sesion)
3 pve farmer - some sg brd burster with max hp ap and at least 6pe


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Re: Just Starting? A PvE Build...
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2012, 12:47:36 pm »

You and i do that, but most newer players prefer to work on one guy until they get more into the game. As the thread is called "Just starting?" If you're not just starting, the thread is really not for you.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.


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Re: Just Starting? A PvE Build...
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2012, 12:49:29 pm »

You and i do that, but most newer players prefer to work on one guy until they get more into the game. As the thread is called "Just starting?" If you're not just starting, the thread is really not for you.

well if they work on 1 guy they might aswell make a kickass PvE build and not waste their time with broken crafting/mining system. don't ya agree?


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Re: Just Starting? A PvE Build...
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2012, 12:52:15 pm »

Yes i agree. Do you go away now or what?
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: Just Starting? A PvE Build...
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2012, 05:38:32 pm »

I think that char is a bit hard to play for a beginner. I think some thing like this would be better for them.

Reason for skills:
Throw is one of the combat skills that are easy to manage. To get weapon player should look for a flint make a tool look for wood cut some then head to a mine and get ore. Soon he will have some throwing knives, also no matter if throw is 100 the player can still get a basic fire arm training from gun runners to get +15% to small guns thus making it 60.
Big guns this skill is quite powerful although he won't be as good as a PVP player if he gets in a troubled enc he could still have some chance with an m60.
Small guns most common weapons 110% skill is enough for burst attacks and non aimed shots.
Fa and Doc these skills are useful for all.
Outdoorsman 120 from that skill will help the new guy avoid quite a lot of encounters this is the primary skill to boost.
Repair 50% should be enough for basic crafting skills yeah no blueprint learning but I think for starting out its better to see the basic and have a character that can do pretty much all thing without extras.
Trait choice: Fast shot and good natured so the player can find a companion and be able to shoot relatively a lot.
From Perks I suggest bonus move for one reason I wish to believe that new players played fallout 1-2 and familiar at least a bit with TB combat. This could give them a lot of help.
Alternatively to help starting it could be ok to rise unarmed to 80 and let fa and doc be 71-71.


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Re: Just Starting? A PvE Build...
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2012, 07:02:21 pm »

Bigguns or EW for your first character?  Do you guys remember what it was like when you started out your first character?  What absolutely horrible starter advice.  Off alone by yourself you will NEVER have any ammo or weapons.  Crafting?  Why the fuck even bother this session, so fuck the whole CW.  Your first Character should be SG,FA,OD fastshot + brof 10ag build, nothing else, it should be the fucking law.  Do you not understand, let me repeat it so you get it.  Tag SG,FA,OD fastshot get brof pick 10ag.  Do I need to repeat it again?  Ok so now go off and make your Hth cw crafter explorer dyer build.
It's all really about suppression of dissension, consensus through censorship.  Whether through extermination of those who have different or conflicting viewpoints or subtle spin of available media.  If there is only one opinion left, it must be right, right?


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Re: Just Starting? A PvE Build...
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2012, 07:59:59 pm »

Bigguns or EW for your first character?  Do you guys remember what it was like when you started out your first character?  What absolutely horrible starter advice.  Off alone by yourself you will NEVER have any ammo or weapons.  Crafting?  Why the fuck even bother this session, so fuck the whole CW.  Your first Character should be SG,FA,OD fastshot + brof 10ag build, nothing else, it should be the fucking law.  Do you not understand, let me repeat it so you get it.  Tag SG,FA,OD fastshot get brof pick 10ag.  Do I need to repeat it again?  Ok so now go off and make your Hth cw crafter explorer dyer build.
No shit, dat era I started with bg crafter build and it was good.
Here it is
Take those perks: pack rat, strong back, even tougher, 2x pyromanic/brd, 2x lifegiver, brof.
Rest are support perks.
Great PVE character with flamer/bazooka with proper perks.
Re: Just Starting? A PvE Build...
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2012, 08:17:05 pm »

Bg was quite easy at the beginning of this session not as easy as unarmed though...
Anyway I think that for a new player the best char is one that has more then one weapon skill. Actually a good one is unarmed since it needs nothing however I prefer throw since its relative easy to get and can be used for many situation.


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Re: Just Starting? A PvE Build...
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2012, 06:50:25 am »

i wish people like you figure out that jack-of-all-trades characters are mostly shit.

Then don't fucking build one.

Why do you give a damn what someone else does?

You know what?  Never mind, scratch that.

I want to see your builds that aren't "shit", so we can see the genius at work.

And believe me, I'm using that word loosely.


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Re: Just Starting? A PvE Build...
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2012, 08:32:42 am »

Here, laser-rifle spammer, TB and PvE oriented:

Sharpshooter and Lifegiver perks are not taken yet. Rich source of MFCs and Laser Rifles required to use it. Real fun starts on 18th level with BRoF perk. Pew pew pew!
Nie biegaj za stadem.


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Re: Just Starting? A PvE Build...
« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2012, 11:32:44 am »

Are HtH sneak builds good for farming? Was thinking of making one but really haven't an idea on how to make them? Any advice would be appreciated.



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Re: Just Starting? A PvE Build...
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2012, 10:52:33 am »

Are HtH sneak builds good for farming? Was thinking of making one but really haven't an idea on how to make them? Any advice would be appreciated.

HtH sneak is just for trolling, if you want easy farming then HtH Critical with finesse.
Re: Just Starting? A PvE Build...
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2012, 10:53:55 am »

HtH sneak is just for trolling, if you want easy farming then HtH Critical with finesse.

Or damage maker, like str 10 + heavy handed + bruiser, u'know..
and lots hp
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