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Author Topic: SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]  (Read 3588 times)

SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]
« on: April 20, 2012, 11:55:11 pm »

Burster, sniper, gunslinger... Whatever, anything that uses small guns and that is relatively easy for a newbie to use and get used to.

Preferably something with FA, OTDM and no drugs.

I'm horrible at making characters.
Re: SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2012, 07:10:27 am »

People are going to hate me for saying this; but for my newb build I said forget about first aid and went with the chem resistant trait. Why? Because without being able to "sleep it off," it's very helpful in clearing out the negative effects of healing powders.

Another decent combo is to have Bruiser as a starting trait and then counter-act its downside with Bonus Move as your first perk. I could show you more, but keep in mind I'm a PvE, turn-based builder.
Re: SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2012, 07:21:37 am »

For your tags I'd say small guns, outdoorsman, and repair. Repair is actually pretty important in Fallout Online because it gives you a weapons, ammo, and armor base to work from; so even if you decide to start a new character you'll be able to outfit them quickly no matter what items are scarce in your area. It's also a good idea to keep a spare set of everything in case you get PKed--never wear what you can't replace.


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Re: SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2012, 08:30:45 am »

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Re: SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2012, 08:48:57 am »

there's too much outdoorsman skill 130-150% is enough.
Re: SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2012, 08:56:32 am »

Thank you for all your answers, they all helped me, especially the Mad Max wannabe one.  :P

I ended up doing something slightly similar to what people told me:

S.P.E.C.I.A.L: 4 7 10 3 5 10 1

Traits: fast shot

Skills: sg 201%, FA 100%, OTDM 170%.

Perks: weapon handling, strong back, sharpshooter, lifegiver, action boy (2), lifegiver+, bonus rate of fire

Hasn't given me any problems yet, hopefully this'll be enough until I need one of those one-purpose builds.

Also... I know it's Off-Topic but I really don't want to make another thread just for one question:

I keep reading about spears and pelts giving a certain amount of caps and xp, are those caps fixed like shovelling shit is or they just use the spears' value as reference to what they're worth when trading?

A stable amount of real caps would be very useful to me this early in the game... Unless it involves shovelling crap.


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Re: SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2012, 09:01:32 am »

I think that First aid is more useful than doctor for new
Re: SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2012, 11:59:31 am »

With outdoorman 175% you can get a couple of nice support perks.

Gecko Skinning
Ranks: 1
Generic requirements: Outdoorsman at least 50
You have the knowledge of how to skin geckos properly in order to get their pelts.
Location:Klamath, talk to a trapper

Ranks: 1
Generic requirements: Endurance at least 6, Outdoorsman at least 75
Generic effects: Poison Resistance increased by 30, Radiation Resistance increased by 20
Yum! Tastes like chicken. For each level of this Perk, you gain +25% to your Poison Resistance.
Location:Complete scorpion egg quest for Junktown's doctor

Cautious Nature

Ranks: 1
Generic requirements: Perception at least 6, Outdoorsman at least 100
You are more alert outdoors and enemies are less likely to sneak up on you. With this Perk you get a +3 to your perception in random encounters when determining placement.
Location:Dusty's bar, talk to Tandi's son


Ranks: 1
Generic requirements: Outdoorsman at least 100
Due to the extensive amount of time spent in the wilderness, you have learned to create the right items and tools necessary for survival. When you make a tent, it is automatically upgraded to an Outdoorsman’s Camp.
Location: Tamira in Gordon Gas Station

Ranks: 1
Generic requirements: Outdoorsman at least 150
The mark of the Explorer is to search out new and interesting locations. With this Perk, you ignore speed penalties for terrain on the world map.
Mantis, the ghoul in ncr trainstation. You have to visit all train stations + most big green circles on the worldmap.
There is a set of location requirement. Locations like Navarro and Glow are not in the list, because these are possible places of annoyances (Navarro - Enclave patrols, Glow - radiation), etc.

Also just got explorer perk.
Explored (entered); Klamath, The Den, Redding, New Reno, Modoc, VC, Gecko, NCR, Junktown, The Hub, Gun runners, The Libary, San Fran, All Train Stations.
Ranks: 1
Generic requirements: Outdoorsman at least 150
You have improved your ability to see and recognize distant locations and events, increasing the size of explorations on the World Map by one square in each direction.
Location:Sergeant stark vc corrections.

Ranks: 1
Generic requirements: Outdoorsman at least 175
The Pathfinder is able to find the shortest route available. With this Perk, your travel speed on the World Map is increased by 15%.
Location:Dusty's bar, talk to Tandi's son
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 12:12:42 pm by ThePhoenix77 »

Re: SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2012, 12:09:53 pm »

Double post - sorry - please delete.
Was trying to modify but accidentally quoted myself  :-[
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 12:14:01 pm by ThePhoenix77 »


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Re: SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2012, 09:38:43 pm »

S.P.E.C.I.A.L: 4 7 10 3 5 10 1

Traits: fast shot

Skills: sg 201%, FA 100%, OTDM 170%.

Perks: weapon handling, strong back, sharpshooter, lifegiver, action boy (2), lifegiver+, bonus rate of fire
Fast Shot working only with Single shot, it's not working with Burst. You want smg-single_shot character? Or Fast-shot not_aimed sniper?
4 STR + Weap.Handl=6_STR. For what? Such STR is necessary only for H&Kcaws, but this shit.
For Pistol, except .223 is required no more than 4 STR, for Good rifles, as Sniper, Assault, FN Fal and .223 pistol 5 STR, for all smg 4 str. What you want ?))

And if you want smg char I recommend to pay attention even to two perks Bonus Range Damage

About traits: small frame + chem. reliant(for drugs, nuka and cigs. it's working 1 hour with it, To get not difficultly)\ one hander(for smg-character or .223 pistol) \fast metabolism (for 100% non-drug char)
Re: SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2012, 09:44:50 pm »

Fast Shot working only with Single shot, it's not working with Burst. You want smg-single_shot character? Or Fast-shot not_aimed sniper?
4 STR + Weap.Handl=6_STR. For what? Such STR is necessary only for H&Kcaws, but this shit.
For Pistol, except .223 is required no more than 4 STR, for Good rifles, as Sniper, Assault, FN Fal and .223 pistol 5 STR, for all smg 4 str. What you want ?))

And if you want smg char I recommend to pay attention even to two perks Bonus Range Damage

About traits: small frame + chem. reliant(for drugs, nuka and cigs. it's working 1 hour with it, To get not difficultly)\ one hander(for smg-character or .223 pistol) \fast metabolism (for 100% non-drug char)

4 strg for carry weight.

Wep handling for two handed rifles.


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Re: SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2012, 09:53:15 pm »

4 strg for carry weight.

Wep handling for two handed rifles.
You should be defined. Or smg or rifles. with 1 luck Very silly to create character for rifles, smg more better. For smg 4 str enough, without Weap. handling.
Re: SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2012, 01:28:40 am »

First charecter always has a few problems... but it's a learning process :D


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Re: SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2012, 04:23:00 am »

Here's a solid two shot sniper that you can use for pvp. Made for sniper rifle. USE JET, CIG, NUKA drug combo. The build has base 85% critical chance using aimed shot to hit in eyes @ 50 hexes with a fov of 56 hexes. 14AP together with BRoF perk means it is able to pull of x2 aimed eye shots with sniper rifle. HP=137, but with a sniper you're either dead or alive (no in between).


SG: 249%;
FA: 51%;
Doc: 50 (needed for 'dead man walking' support perk)

Chem reliant;
Small frame.

Weapon handling;
Even more criticals;
Action boy (x2);
Better criticals;
Bonus rate of fire;
More criticals.

Dead man walking.



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Re: SG build easy for beginner? [Build problem]
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2012, 09:15:27 am »

anything that uses small guns and that is relatively easy for a newbie to use and get used to.

Preferably something with FA, OTDM and no drugs.
Here's a solid two shot sniper that you can use for pvp. Made for sniper rifle. USE JET, CIG, NUKA drug combo.
Reading - forgotten ancient art.
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