Thank you for all your answers, they all helped me, especially the Mad Max wannabe one.

I ended up doing something slightly similar to what people told me:
S.P.E.C.I.A.L: 4 7 10 3 5 10 1
Traits: fast shot
Skills: sg 201%, FA 100%, OTDM 170%.
Perks: weapon handling, strong back, sharpshooter, lifegiver, action boy (2), lifegiver+, bonus rate of fire
Hasn't given me any problems yet, hopefully this'll be enough until I need one of those one-purpose builds.
Also... I know it's Off-Topic but I really don't want to make another thread just for one question:
I keep reading about spears and pelts giving a certain amount of caps and xp, are those caps fixed like shovelling shit is or they just use the spears' value as reference to what they're worth when trading?
A stable amount of real caps would be very useful to me this early in the game... Unless it involves shovelling crap.